How is your Midyear Laghem experience so far?

  • Tan9oSuccka
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    It’s actually been pretty good. A few lag spikes/loading screens but not bad at all.
    Of course I like steak. I'm a Nord, aren't I?
    -Berj Stoneheart
  • ItsNebula
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    Amazing, never have I loved 2vXing PvE zerglings so much and melting a Zerg so fast they whisper me “enjoy your ban”
    Edited by ItsNebula on July 28, 2018 4:27PM
  • ItsNebula
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    Saffara wrote: »
    90-minute queue to get in Vivec

    Spontaneous loading screens that briefly open up for 1.5 secs to see my toon being knocked into the middle of next week before endless loading and back to Craglorn and another 90-minute queue

    A waste of my valuable time but a good opportunity to take a pvp holiday until those pve wonks go back to chasing goblins

    Ever heard of “try a different campaign”? Pretty neat feature if I must say so myself
  • ItsNebula
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Urvoth wrote: »
    If you’re having performance issues, try playing in a different campaign. The two new ones have a lower pop and probably less issues.

    Yeah, no. My PVP guild is based in Vivec, and AD is five days away from winning the campaign. I’m not going to move over to a new campaign until the current campaign is over. I really wish that campaigns could be locked in some way during the event (e.g., if you have not logged into Vivec at all during the current campaign, you can’t log into Vivec until the campaign is over). Why should I have my usual PVP experience ruined because people who have never PVPed before decided to hop onto the most populated campaign to buy “PVP carries”?

    Yes, there are actually people in /zone looking for “PVP carries.”

    That sounds like a personal problem then..
  • Pandorii
    I am aiming for the laurel adornment, but I don't really PvP. I don't really want to invest much time into changing my build, since I can only play weekends (and the event only runs for two weekends). I got into a good coordinated group this morning, but it seems like I won't be able to kill 50 players by the end of the event. I have about 11 registered kills now. :(
  • BigBragg
    Obligatory "other" option
    Sometimes I can roll around like my potato self just fine for hours. Other times it becomes a lag fest, or a disconnect every 5 minutes. All on the same server with comparable populations at or close to lock.
  • myskyrim26
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    No lags.
    Not so great experience because of Battlegrounds. I tried it first time today, and what I get is 2 groups acting consistently, and my group - 2 die instantly, one gets lost somewhere and me trying to fight alone...My group is random, and the others seem to be static groups
    Edited by myskyrim26 on July 28, 2018 5:50PM
  • gamergirldk
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    Good been in Sotha sil gaming houres no lag or dc. Desent fps on 25 so all good.
  • kyle.wilson
    getting disconnected once every 10 minutes as soon as i go near a large fight
    Good been in Sotha sil gaming houres no lag or dc. Desent fps on 25 so all good.

    25fps is not decent by any stretch of the imagination.

    Vivec on PC is becoming a DC nightmare.
  • LordLomax
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    I’m on ps4 eu been playing last couple days been working great much better than last week I’m really impressed :) Iv now managed to go from tyro to Sergant and I’m quite enjoying it for someone who didn’t like pvp I’m nearly at 10 on assault and support to :D
    Edited by LordLomax on July 28, 2018 6:14PM
  • GoonyGoat
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    I honest have a way worse experience with disconnects and crappy ping in dungeons and trials than in cyro ... Which is kinda sad
  • Kharret
    Obligatory "other" option
    My Midyear Laghem experience is excellent so far. Due to infinite queue of noobs to main pvp campaign I'm happy to play other games instead of tESO
  • Aurielle
    All of the above. why do you think Im in forums instead of playing right now?
    ItsNebula wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Urvoth wrote: »
    If you’re having performance issues, try playing in a different campaign. The two new ones have a lower pop and probably less issues.

    Yeah, no. My PVP guild is based in Vivec, and AD is five days away from winning the campaign. I’m not going to move over to a new campaign until the current campaign is over. I really wish that campaigns could be locked in some way during the event (e.g., if you have not logged into Vivec at all during the current campaign, you can’t log into Vivec until the campaign is over). Why should I have my usual PVP experience ruined because people who have never PVPed before decided to hop onto the most populated campaign to buy “PVP carries”?

    Yes, there are actually people in /zone looking for “PVP carries.”

    That sounds like a personal problem then..

    How is it a “personal problem”? I’m not the only Vivec regular who’s annoyed to be dealing with 600+ queues that are filled with PVE noobs just before our campaign is finished.
  • Ashdroid
    10 FPS master race.
    Waiting in a queue of 450 to finally get in and having randoms jump on my siege and use it to shoot at nothing* and seeing many, many people standing on keep walls just looking towards the enemy controlled resources. Very few people are bothering to defend or respond to the 911s in zone chat; the mindless zerg has become even more mindless.

    I made the mistake of having this be the month that I finally to put in enough time on a single character to get to a good spot on the leaderboard, so going into a lower-population campaign would feel like a waste. (And it's not like I need the AP at this point, and the only holiday achievements I have left are for Battlegrounds (not going to waste time on that when I need to be sitting in the Cyrodiil queue), so if I wasn't for my leaderboard vanity I'd be ignoring this event entirely after the first day.)

    I really don't understand why all the PvE players feel the need to be in Vivec instead of one of the other campaigns.

    Oh, and regarding the lag. It's been a total crapshoot as to whether my skills will fire, my bar will swap, my potion will be consumed. Even my light attacks stopped doing damage for a bit. That was interesting...

    * ZOS, it would be really nice if we could pack up our siege even when another player is using it. Please, please, please.
    Edited by Ashdroid on July 28, 2018 10:03PM
    Pocketable Goods Reallocation Specialist
    PS4 NA
  • JumpmanLane
    All of the above. why do you think Im in forums instead of playing right now?
    Killed 50 people and everything else except win one BG then I’m a Star-made Knight then I’m staying out of Cyrodiil. Hearing all the folks LFG and fighting a Sloady mob that takes off running for their lives like their in a 12 man trial gets old quick.

    Seeing Brigadiers standing on keep walls bow spamming like level 10 bowtards is disheartening. Crashing and crashing and crashing oh well...

    If ZOS won’t or can’t fix the performance issues why not not have this next year. What little enjoyment I get from this Game is PvP. They’re wrecking it.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Obligatory "other" option
    Lag spikes whenever I get near enemy players. Half of my abilities arent popping when Im not CCed or out of juice. There is occasional freezing that undoes itself, thankfully it hasnt happened during direct combat. And about once an hour the game either crashes completely or it freezes and I can explore the battle while every is frozen in place.

    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • SilverWF
    Obligatory "other" option
    What is so special about Midyear?
    ZOS created extremely crappy net engine and, like it wasn't enough, added it with extremely crazy "PVP fixes".

    I have no lag spikes, or whatever, just experiencing extremely bad net code.

    You are invisible on your screen? Hell no! In the second later you'll die!
    • PC EU. Ebonheart Pact. CP 1k+
    • YouTube: All ESO disguises (2014)
    • EU players are humans too! We want our maintenances in the least pop time (at deep night) and not lasted for several hours!
    • Animation canceR - is true PvP cancer! When you can't see which actions your opponent do - you can't react properly on them!
  • Orjix
    Obligatory "other" option
    a few disconnects but nothing on the scale of what you are describing, your options are 1. THIS IS AWFUL!!!!!1!! or 2. EVERYTHING IS PERFECT!!!!!1!!!!! there's a middle ground, my experience is more on the good side of things, but its not all butterflies and roses
  • Carbonised
    getting disconnected once every 10 minutes as soon as i go near a large fight
    Pity that an otherwise fun event is ruined by atrocious gameplay, disconnects, lagfests and 4 minute loading screens when porting.

    I've had ton of fun leading PUG groups and getting even more alliance ranks, but it's all marred by the constant frustration of disconnects and just atrocious performance.

    And I play with addons turned off, everything visual set to the bare minimum (so it looks very potato), and even on the less popular campaign of Shor.

    And congratulations ZOS on adding new campaigns, yet I can only go into 2 campaigns anyway, home and gues, and it costs me 150k AP to change home campaign.

    Couldn't you at least have given people a free campaign switch with the event? Or timed it with campaign endings? I'm not gonna waste 150k AP just to get rid of Vivec as home campaign.
  • SydneyGrey
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    There was no option for "MOSTLY no lag issues." I've had a tiny amount of lag in large battles, and crashed twice, but that's been the extent of my issues over the past three days of doing nothing but PvP for hours and hours. Mostly it's played fine for me.

    Event has overall been great. I got Warhorn on two characters, and Vigor/Caltrops/Warhorn on two others. Feeling great right now.
  • Aurielle
    All of the above. why do you think Im in forums instead of playing right now?
    Ashdroid wrote: »
    Waiting in a queue of 450 to finally get in and having randoms jump on my siege and use it to shoot at nothing* and seeing many, many people standing on keep walls just looking towards the enemy controlled resources. Very few people are bothering to defend or respond to the 911s in zone chat; the mindless zerg has become even more mindless.

    I made the mistake of having this be the month that I finally to put in enough time on a single character to get to a good spot on the leaderboard, so going into a lower-population campaign would feel like a waste. (And it's not like I need the AP at this point, and the only holiday achievements I have left are for Battlegrounds (not going to waste time on that when I need to be sitting in the Cyrodiil queue), so if I wasn't for my leaderboard vanity I'd be ignoring this event entirely after the first day.)

    I really don't understand why all the PvE players feel the need to be in Vivec instead of one of the other campaigns.

    Oh, and regarding the lag. It's been a total crapshoot as to whether my skills will fire, my bar will swap, my potion will be consumed. Even my light attacks stopped doing damage for a bit. That was interesting...

    * ZOS, it would be really nice if we could pack up our siege even when another player is using it. Please, please, please.

    Careful! The self-entitled PVE brigade won’t take kindly to the suggestion that they should leave established, currently in-progress PVP campaigns to established PVPers. And how DARE you bring up their freeloading ways? They should be able to use any siege they damn well please! There’s a title and cosmetic item to be earned, after all. And the potential for unlocking Vigor in less than an hour! I mean, who cares about the actual campaign objectives? [/sarcasm]

  • ArchMikem
    10 FPS master race.
    Five hours straight in Cyrodiil tonight with my PvP Guild. Few of our guys disconnected, but not myself. My only issue was bad lag and some random loading screens, but actually I'm having a pretty decent time. In on my MagSorc I've already cleared the down 50 players achievement and then I got the 100 enemy players during event rare Xbox Live achievement the same night. Ended the run with taking one of DC's Scrolls and banked 320,000 Alliance Points.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • firedrgn
    Rough .. i am going to give it another try tho. I want to spend some quality time in ic. Not sure i care about double ap. Double telvar sounds kewl tho
  • kadar
    Obligatory "other" option
    SO FUN. The amount of action on the map is amazing. I've only been in vivec.

    SO FRUSTRATING. Being kicked from the server for approaching a keep under siege is infuriating. I hope ZOS decides to spend some money on their servers-- they need it and the player base deserves it.
  • The_Protagonist
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    Good to see that most if us do not have lag issues, word of advice, in my experience lag is due to not only server problems, but ISP is also responsible.
  • Path
    Obligatory "other" option
    Don't know. Don't PVP. Never will, at least not in ESO.

    Fairy Tales Really Do Come True...Kinda.
  • SydneyGrey
    No lag issues here. great experience so far
    Good to see that most if us do not have lag issues, word of advice, in my experience lag is due to not only server problems, but ISP is also responsible.
    True, and it also depends on which campaign they're in, too.
    If they're in Vivec, they're going to have more problems.
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Obligatory "other" option
    My first chance to play was this morning, (Sat. Morn).
    7:30 A.M. MST, PC/NA, Vivec
    82 Queue....36 minutes
    Load Screen to Cyrodiil....4 minutes
    Crashed to log-in screen... Re-log...2.5 minutes
    In Cyrodiil.... Crash to log-in screen...7.5 minutes
    Re-log....2.5 minutes
    In cyrodiil....find a keep contest....5900 ping, 5 fps, ...13 minutes... crash to log-in screen
    Re-log.... 4 minutes.... Back in Stonefalls.... 89 Queue.

    Would have tried another campaign, but used all my available play time before work, so....
    My Mid-Year experience, not so good.....
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • Loralai_907
    Obligatory "other" option
    Mostly ok, but the couple of times I have been disconnected and then forced to wait in queue again have been rather annoying. I am going into other campaigns while I wait, but they just don't have the same level of action so are kinda boring.

    AND TONIGHT, this game, disconnected me after a multi hour defense at Roe. AND THEN, I had to queue back in. AND MISSED a 500k defense tick. I am very much not amused right now.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • Runschei
    Obligatory "other" option
    Idk, I'm not able to plsy because I'm on holiday so I'm having a GREAT time. Good FPS irl, no lag.
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