Okay. Last night I needed more crowns, so I bought 3 packs on Twitch, AS I HAVE DONE IN THE PAST. Got my crowns, got my receipts, including codes specifically stating that my Crates would be in my Inventory.
Well, they're not.
Almost a day later they haven't shown up. I put in a ticket, and got a canned response from "Support" (air quotes on that) about how drops are random, no items are guaranteed, etc. In other words, THEY DIDN'T EVEN READ THE TICKET.
I have full receipts from both Amazon and Twitch, everything is linked up correctly, receipts that the Robots had redeemed my codes, etc., the problem is NOT on my end, and if there are actual human beings on the "Support" servers they need to be taught basic reading comprehension.
Can I please get a human being on this one?
Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends