Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Dying weapons?

So, we've had the ability to dye our armor for quite a long time, various slots, our boots, chestplates, pauldrons, helmets, and shields, can all be dyed in any color we wish for it, to make our character stand out, or to make their armor look prettier to the player.

So if we can dye armor, why not weapons? I can see a way to dye each kind of weapon.
With one/two handed melee weapons, you could dye the hilt, shaft, and blade, with a bow you could dye the wood, handle, and quiver, and for staffs you could have the grip, metal in between grips, and the top of the staff be used.

As someone who really likes to have a character whose armor appears to just be steel in a fancy fashion, I'd really like to have a strong sword which isn't red because it's rubedite, and I know there are others who think the same way.

So I decided to start a poll to see what the community thinks of the idea. Please, share your thoughts.

Dying weapons? 7 votes

I support the idea of dying weapons
shadowwraith666Chrysa1islogarifmikJobooAGSfrostz417 5 votes
I support the idea of dying weapons, but only if other parts can be dyed instead
tsarkaschey 1 vote
I don't support the idea of dying weapons
huschdeguddzje 1 vote
  • Diabolus1989
    You can dye weapons at outfit stations though.
  • Marabornwingrion
    Lol, you CAN dye weapons.
  • Bruccius
    You can dye weapons at outfit stations though.

    For real?

    Gods, nevermind about this post then, I must've been pretty oblivious the last couple of months.
  • TheShadowScout
    Bruccius wrote: »
    You can dye weapons at outfit stations though.

    For real?
    Yes, for real!

    The outfit system may not be as immersive as some of us would have hoped for, but it can do neat and wondrous things to your character looks, including making your weapon whatever color you want! Also, making axes look like swords or plate mail like beggars rags, but... eh.
  • lardvader
    CP 1200+ PC EU EP
  • Danksta
    If you dye your weapon and wear a costume will the dyed weapon show?
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • ghastley
    But while the topic is up, the weapons don't dye as well as one might have hoped. I suspect this is because the models were already in-game with the textures decided, and the dying process was layered on top. Hopefully the newer motifs have taken dying into account, and will behave better than the original ones.
  • Diabolus1989
    Danksta wrote: »
    If you dye your weapon and wear a costume will the dyed weapon show?

    Yes, this is exactly what I do.
  • VaranisArano
    Danksta wrote: »
    If you dye your weapon and wear a costume will the dyed weapon show?

    Yes, the Costume will cover over the Outfit portion of the outfit, but the weapon and shield part of the Outfit will show through.
  • Kawall
    I hate when my weapons die.
  • pod88kk
    Eh you can dye them already mate
  • Dragonnord
    Die, dye, dying, dyeing... Don't blame the OP. :D
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
  • Chrysa1is
    I support the idea of dying weapons
    This should be changed to "Dye weapons for FREE".

    While the outfitting concept is great. I don't see why ZOS didnt just let us dye our weapons like we could with our shields. Why did it have to be inconvenient?
  • Danikat
    See, now you've got me wondering how many people know about this option.

    Before the outfit system was introduced a lot of people were absolutely against dying weapons because they claimed everyone would run around with bright pink swords which would ruin immersion. (Totally different to the light red ones we were stuck with.)

    That doesn't seem to be the case - I see far more realistically dyed weapons - including less red ones - than silly bright ones and those I do see are on characters that would already have looked out of place because their armour/clothing/costume is equally silly. But maybe it's just because most people don't realise they have the option?

    (Personally I suspect it's more likely most people who choose to play an Elder Scrolls game, even an MMO, want relatively realistic weapons. But it would be nice to have it confirmed.)
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Banana
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