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Crown Store Suggestion: Level 50 Token, Guild Line Token


So i wanted to grind a new character and it was really hard for me to get the motivation for my 14th character. I only do pvp so i dont enjoy the leveling, grinding, mages Guild, psijik and undaunted grind. It really boring and takes a lot of time and i need to do things that i already did 13 times.

So i would like to have a token in crown store to get my toon to Level 50 with enough skillpoints, class skilllines maxed out, weapons skilllines maxed out and Maybe with a different token also all of the Guilds. Mages Guild,fighters Guild, undaunted and psijik.

This would save players a lot of time. For me more then 30+ hours for this completly boring undaunted grind.

And it could be locked in the crownstore until you already did the thing you want to buy on at least one character. So for example you need to have a lvl 50 character to buy the level 50 Token. Same with the guilds and so on.

I suggested this to the Support but they said i should come here. I personally know a lot of players who would love to get this. How about you?
  • swifty3174
    CP 990+
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Gelduin Greenwood: Bosmer Stamina Nightblade, Completionist
    Khunzar-do: Khajiit Magicka Necromancer, PVP
    Camandil: Altmer Magicka Warden, Healer
    Wulf Cosades: Imperial Health Dragonknight, Tank
    Elenwen Lloderion: Altmer Magicka Nightblade, DPS
    PAPSMEAR - Positively Against PAWS SMEAR campaign - Say YES to crown crates!
  • NickStern
  • Gnozo
    swifty3174 wrote: »

    Can You als give a reason or just hunting forum stars?
  • Hamish999
    You want a new toon, grind it to 50, it's not like it's hard. That's how you learn the class etc. You don't want the grind stick to what you have.
    Edited by Hamish999 on June 26, 2018 8:39AM
    Do'Zahra - Khajiit - StamDK - AD
    Narese Telvanni - Dunmer - Petsorc - EP
    Anastasie Chastain - Breton - Magplar - DC
    Gashnakh the Lusty - Orc - Stamsorc - AD
    Stands-In-Stoopid - Argonian - Warden Tank - AD
    Talia al-Morwha - Redguard - Stamden - AD
    Makes-Fier-Wrong - Argonian - Stamblade - AD
    Busty-Argonian-Maid - Argonian - Templar Healer - AD
    Alaru Telvanni - Dunmer - Stamplar - AD
    Ko'Raehsi - Khajiit - Magsorc - AD
    Torhild Rock-Chucker - Nord - StamDK - AD
    Drusilla Larouche - Breton - MagDK - AD
    Ko'Khanni - Khajiit - Magden - AD
    Ilithyia Ectorius - Imperial - DK Tank -AD

    Keyboard and mouse FTW!
  • Nyladreas
    10/10 would chuckle again
  • Gnozo
    Hamish999 wrote: »
    You want a new toon, grind it to 50. That's how you learn the class etc. You don't want the grind stick to what you have.

    I this case i already had the class, just wanted it on another Alliance to play it with Friends so i know how to play it.

    GameS like GW2 already offer this kind of Service.
  • Cave_Canem

    Just becaue you've learned to play one class to 50, doesn't mean you know how to play all other builds.

    All I see from this is an appropriate increase in elitism at end game as vets get even more cautious about playing with people they dont know.

    It also would create a dearth of players at the lower level areas, many of us might rampage through those areas, but we still have a presence there. A seemingly dead world doesn't encourage new blood to come to the game, excepting the wealthy of course.

    I also see an ever increasing lack of low level items at the guild auctioneers as many skip to 50, also a detractor for new players.

    Of course when you've got one character up to CP600+ then it's not a level 50 token, its a level 600 token, increase the gap that large and new players who don't want to spend an extra hundred dollars (beyond initial purchase, and subscriptions) on the game will despair of ever catching up.

    I love this game, but like any other MMO, old players leave for new frontiers, subscriptions get cancelled and the population dwindles in an ever increasing downward spiral to oblivion, unless we have new players coming in, not just new players with wealth.

    Finally, 'pay to win', bleurgh!
  • AntonShan
    Hamish999 wrote: »
    You want a new toon, grind it to 50. That's how you learn the class etc. You don't want the grind stick to what you have.
    Have you ever considered situation when you start from scratch on another server? You have no craft bag filled with ingredients, no crafter toon to make good armor, no soul gems, exp scrolls etc. But you have to grind levels 1-50 like everyone else even though you know how to play your class.
    So it would be good to have since we have no option to transfer character.
  • rootimus
    It would be better if you simply had the option to copy an existing character's progress as a normal part of the character creation process. That way people who enjoy the journey of leveling up multiple times can do that, and those of us who prefer to do end-game stuff can get straight on with it. No crown store required (or desired).
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • Gnozo
    Cave_Canem wrote: »
    Finally, 'pay to win', bleurgh!

    Summerset is also pay2win like crazy and no one bats an eye. Sure you can buy crafted juwelry but you cant transmute it. So i cant have robust fury rings without summerset.

    Getting your toon to level 50 with a token from crownstore is also no pay2win. If i spent 6 hours grinding or i buy token from store just saves time. Nothing more.
  • swippy
    Gnozo wrote: »
    Cave_Canem wrote: »
    Finally, 'pay to win', bleurgh!
    Getting your toon to level 50 with a token from crownstore is also no pay2win. If i spent 6 hours grinding or i buy token from store just saves time. Nothing more.

    but you also said "get my toon to Level 50 with enough skillpoints, class skilllines maxed out, weapons skilllines maxed out and Maybe with a different token also all of the Guilds."
    so it sounds like something more.

    i like how much stuff we're able to share between characters. i definitely try to make the most of it. i have imagined characters where it'd be way more convenient to just skip all the tasks, but i still don't think the idea is good for the game. people have already done great describing how that'd widen the gulf between new and vet players.

    maybe if your "previous achievements" requirement was expanded to running the same class and race and attribute distribution and skill lines, but then that just sounds like what appearance- and name-change tokens are for, along with re-specs.

    btw leveling in the Sotha Sil Campaign will leave you swimming in skill points.
  • Judas Helviaryn
    Judas Helviaryn
    Do you have any idea how many times this topic has been raised in the past? It has always, unequivocally been a resounding No from the community, for various reasons both obvious and not. We are not having this discussion again, because it's been had already. Go search for it.

    You people and your shortcuts, it's almost like you don't want to play the game, just buy your way closer to the top.

    It doesn't work.
    Edited by Judas Helviaryn on June 26, 2018 9:19AM
  • LadyNalcarya
    AntonShan wrote: »
    Hamish999 wrote: »
    You want a new toon, grind it to 50. That's how you learn the class etc. You don't want the grind stick to what you have.
    Have you ever considered situation when you start from scratch on another server? You have no craft bag filled with ingredients, no crafter toon to make good armor, no soul gems, exp scrolls etc. But you have to grind levels 1-50 like everyone else even though you know how to play your class.
    So it would be good to have since we have no option to transfer character.

    Even if they implement this, they would have to lock it behind getting at least one lvl50 in a legit way. Otherwise new players will buy it and get totally destroyed in vet content and vet pvp.
    Also a lot of people (myself included) tend to help low lvl players by crafting gear etc.
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on June 26, 2018 9:25AM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Pixel_Zealot
    No. For so many reasons.

    1. Just because you're a level 50 +160CP mag sorcerer, doesn't mean you know what you're doing with a level 50 +160CP Stamina DK.
    2. It's called experience for a reason. It's not just a number on a screen, it's your experience with the class and builds.
    3. Then One Tamriel becomes mainly obsolete.
    4. Experience scrolls become mainly obsolete.
    5. The new levelling gifts become completely obsolete.
    6. The entire levelling system from 1 - 50 doing quests/dungeons/dailies becomes archaic.
    7. Just because you're too lazy to put in some hours in an MMO? No.
    8. Support probably sent you here because they knew we would explain this to you.
    Dragonborn, huh? Was it your ma or your pa that was the dragon?
  • Gnozo
    Do you have any idea how many times this topic has been raised in the past? It has always, unequivocally been a resounding No from the community, for various reasons both obvious and not. We are not having this discussion again, because it's been had already. Go search for it.

    You people and your shortcuts, it's almost like you don't want to play the game, just buy your way closer to the top.

    It doesn't work.

    I want to play the game. I just dont want to play the part of a game wich i already did more then 10 times and is completly boring for me. If this would only take 1-2 hours i am fine with it. But try mages Guild. 5-6 hours riding in your horse. Not fun. Undaunted takes daaaaays and i already did all the dungeons and its boring af. So why not giving me the option to Skip this boring part? Who would get hurt by this?
  • Prof_Bawbag
    Yeah, wouldn't care in the slightest if they added a lvl 50 token. wouldn't buy it myself as I prefer to learn my characters, but it's no different to someone being sat in Skyreach between lvl 3-50. They still have no fleshed out character or experience with that character if it's a new class to them.
  • dimmanxak
    Why in the world you need 14th characters
  • Turelus
    Honestly at this point I don't think it matters.

    Level 50 is trivial to reach any way and most of the games progression power comes from CP (you're stronger from scaling at lower levels than higher ones).
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Gnozo
    dimmanxak wrote: »
    Why in the world you need 14th characters

    Stam/Mag Version of classes, different Alliances to play with different friends.
  • FloppyTouch
    Lol at the people saying grinding teaches you to play a class please stop. Anyone can grind up to 50 and still not know how to play.
  • Bergzorn
    I did my share of PvE in the past and enjoyed it. I'm now at a state where I find PvE in this game boring and borderline repulsive. That is quite normal for me.

    I would love to play some other classes in PvP now and then, but the grind is just too much.
    no CP PvP PC/EU

    EP Zergborn
    DC Zerg Beacon

    guild master, raid leader, janitor, and only member of Zergbored
  • FloppyTouch
    Bergzorn wrote: »
    I did my share of PvE in the past and enjoyed it. I'm now at a state where I find PvE in this game boring and borderline repulsive. That is quite normal for me.

    I would love to play some other classes in PvP now and then, but the grind is just too much.

    Agree. I lvled up a mag sorc wanted to pvp with one took s few hours but once I got to the lore books I just could not do it.

    I think after you unlock lvl 50 cp 160 you should be able to unlock any character at lvl 50. Same with the guild quest once you done them on one character it should unlock them for all it's just boring at this point and you dont learn anything from doing the process over and over.
  • Korprok
    I approve of this, creating alt are tedious and boring once you done it all in my humble opinion. I just recently created my first alts since launch and damn...thinking it would be fun to finally try something new out... utterly bored out of my mind with no end in sight- these alts are collecting more and more dust for each and every day.

    I'd love to see something like this, with some requirements such as having a max level character, cp160 and completion of skill lines such as undaunted, mages and fighters guild etc. I'd rather spend my time actually playing the game how I want to.

    Why so many are against this is strange- if people actually have more characters they enjoy playing they will add to the overall community both in pve and pvp and probably log more play time overall while having more fun.
  • Gnozo
    Bergzorn wrote: »
    I did my share of PvE in the past and enjoyed it. I'm now at a state where I find PvE in this game boring and borderline repulsive. That is quite normal for me.

    I would love to play some other classes in PvP now and then, but the grind is just too much.

    Agree. I lvled up a mag sorc wanted to pvp with one took s few hours but once I got to the lore books I just could not do it.

    I think after you unlock lvl 50 cp 160 you should be able to unlock any character at lvl 50. Same with the guild quest once you done them on one character it should unlock them for all it's just boring at this point and you dont learn anything from doing the process over and over.

    Agreed. I did mages guild on so many characters. Thinking about running all the lorebooks again makes me want to uninstall game.
  • Sovjet
    How about a token so we can be CP 10000 instant, OF COURSE NOT!
    For every player that quits, more will join in my name - Molag Bal 2E 583
  • Gnozo
    Sovjet wrote: »
    How about a token so we can be CP 10000 instant, OF COURSE NOT!

    I like how you completly missed the point. I will give you +1 awesome.
  • Banana
    My wallets ready. And a class change
  • Still_Mind
    I'd pay cash for Undaunted. I hate dungeons that much.
    Even the Mages guild bookhunt is nowhere as cringeworthy.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • NewbieOKS
    Gnozo wrote: »

    So i wanted to grind a new character and it was really hard for me to get the motivation for my 14th character. I only do pvp so i dont enjoy the leveling, grinding, mages Guild, psijik and undaunted grind. It really boring and takes a lot of time and i need to do things that i already did 13 times.

    So i would like to have a token in crown store to get my toon to Level 50 with enough skillpoints, class skilllines maxed out, weapons skilllines maxed out and Maybe with a different token also all of the Guilds. Mages Guild,fighters Guild, undaunted and psijik.

    This would save players a lot of time. For me more then 30+ hours for this completly boring undaunted grind.

    And it could be locked in the crownstore until you already did the thing you want to buy on at least one character. So for example you need to have a lvl 50 character to buy the level 50 Token. Same with the guilds and so on.

    I suggested this to the Support but they said i should come here. I personally know a lot of players who would love to get this. How about you?

    A little bit tricky even only with the reason for PvP purposes. The term & condition OP proposed with a minimum of one character with level 50?

    And then with this lvl 50 one time used “token/gem/whatever it called” from crown store, we can create a new alt and then somehow that alt instantly become lvl 50?

    Edited by NewbieOKS on June 26, 2018 10:26AM
    ESO-Database provides statistics for Elder Scrolls Online characters and guilds. This information is collected by the ESO-Database Client and ESO Database AddOn Huge thanks to @Keldor for this amazing add-on
  • Gnozo
    NewbieOKS wrote: »
    Gnozo wrote: »

    So i wanted to grind a new character and it was really hard for me to get the motivation for my 14th character. I only do pvp so i dont enjoy the leveling, grinding, mages Guild, psijik and undaunted grind. It really boring and takes a lot of time and i need to do things that i already did 13 times.

    So i would like to have a token in crown store to get my toon to Level 50 with enough skillpoints, class skilllines maxed out, weapons skilllines maxed out and Maybe with a different token also all of the Guilds. Mages Guild,fighters Guild, undaunted and psijik.

    This would save players a lot of time. For me more then 30+ hours for this completly boring undaunted grind.

    And it could be locked in the crownstore until you already did the thing you want to buy on at least one character. So for example you need to have a lvl 50 character to buy the level 50 Token. Same with the guilds and so on.

    I suggested this to the Support but they said i should come here. I personally know a lot of players who would love to get this. How about you?

    A little bit tricky even only with the reason for PvP purposes. The term & condition OP proposed with a minimum of one character with level 50?

    And then with this lvl 50 one time used “token/gem/whatever it called” from crown store, we can create a new alt and then somehow that alt instantly become lvl 50?


    And why? Only saying NO without giving viable reasons is not the best option to discuss things .
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