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Do something about Verrik!!!!

He simply isn't possible to take down solo at level 4. Period. Spells are useless due to him *** jumping around you _all_ the time, and Melee'ing him is impossible to due to his AoE!! At least make him group'able!!!
And any troll thinking of writing "come back at a higher level" - just *** OFF - the quest is THE STARTING QUEST for Daggerfall so YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO "COME BACK AT A LATER LEVEL"!! Period! Any fanboy troll WILL BE REPORTED!
Edited by AngryNord on April 3, 2014 8:13AM
  • Publius_Scipio
    He beat me once, I changed strategy. I am a nightblade and I used the teleport strike and siphoning. The teleport strike has an effect that stuns the enemy or holds it still for a few second. This allowed me to get off shots on him.

    Of course I also did the starter islands and came back to Daggerfall a level 6 if I remember correctly.
  • montgomery.luke07b16_ESO
    Meh he's challenging but i took him down. I think this is a case of the player hasn't adjusted to ESO more difficult combat system. IMO stick with it block when you need to etc and you will be fine.
    By Hircine's hand i mark thee!
  • AngryNord
    Since some people can't read: The quest is THE STARTING QUEST for Daggerfall so YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO "COME BACK AT A LATER LEVEL"!!
  • Publius_Scipio
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Since some people can't read: The quest is THE STARTING QUEST for Daggerfall so YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO "COME BACK AT A LATER LEVEL"!!
    Correct, it was my choice to head to the starter islands (which I recommend for 6 sky shards).

    And I was trying to tell you to use a spell that stuns or traps an enemy in place. Then you can get hits off him. Also see if you can acquire some health potions and equip them in your quick slot (Q).

    Also equip a ranged weapon like a bow or staff and hit him at a distance. This should give you better room to watch his cues and dodges his attacks and get out of his AOE.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on April 3, 2014 8:25AM
  • AngryNord
    And I was trying to tell you to use a spell that stuns or traps an enemy in place.

    You can't use spells since he keeps jumping away too fast for any spell to work!!

  • Publius_Scipio
    AngryNord wrote: »
    And I was trying to tell you to use a spell that stuns or traps an enemy in place.

    You can't use spells since he keeps jumping away too fast for any spell to work!!
    You can. He will run at you or stand still to hit you with something. And ranged weapons will be good for this fight.
  • AngryNord
    You can't. Period.
    Also, some people follow a concept called 'roleplaying'. This game is billed as an 'open' game, so you shouldn't be forced into a particular class in order to complete a quest, especially not when it is AT THE START OF THE QUEST CHAIN!!! He should be possible to kill in melee with a level 4 character (which is the level the quest is marked as)!!
    Edited by AngryNord on April 3, 2014 11:38AM
  • Publius_Scipio
    AngryNord wrote: »
    You can't. Period.
    Some people follow a concept called 'roleplaying'. This game is billed as an 'open' game, so you shouldn't be forced into a particular class in order to complete a quest, especially not when it is AT THE START OF THE QUEST CHAIN!!! He should be possible to kill in melee with a level 4 character (which is the level the quest is marked as)!!
    Get health potions and put them in your quickslot (Q). Also maybe you want to try going out into the field and getting to level 5 quick. Like I mentioned, take a quick trip to the starting island and collect the sky shards.

    With a ranged weapon, health potions, and staying at a distance and rolling out of his AOE and dodging his other attacks, you should be able to bring him down.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on April 3, 2014 8:37AM
  • steveb16_ESO46
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Since some people can't read: The quest is THE STARTING QUEST for Daggerfall so YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO "COME BACK AT A LATER LEVEL"!!

    Despite your erudite use of CAPS you are wrong. It is not 'Starter Level'. You decided you didn't need to do Starter levels. You talked the talk and now you are finding you cannot walk the walk.

    The starter islands are worth doing. They are fun, you get 2 extra skills from the 6 skyshards alone, you will have crafted better gear, have more skills and stats from levelling up.
  • AngryNord
    Despite your erudite use of CAPS you are wrong. It is not 'Starter Level'. You decided you didn't need to do Starter levels. You talked the talk and now you are finding you cannot walk the walk.

    I did not *** talk any talk, I never asked for the starter islands to be removed, in fact, if you had bothered to look through my posting history here, you'd have seen that I even argued they should be brought back! Nice try, fanboy.
    And yes, it is "starter level" - it immediately follows the first quest you can take when getting to Daggerfall (the one with the dog and the dead body).
  • AngryNord
    With a ranged weapon, health potions, and staying at a distance and rolling out of his AOE and dodging his other attacks, you should be able to bring him down.

    OK, I'll try again, slowly this time:
    This game is supposed to be "be what you want, do what you want". So you should not be forced to use one particular build i order to do one of the very earliest quests in the game, neither should you, of course, be forced to be higher level than the level the quest is at. This quest follows immidiately after the first quest you get when waking up in Daggerfall, so it is natural that many who play it won't have the "top stuff" gear - it should be possible to complete with a character just having reached level 4 with only melee weapons and simple spells!!!
  • steveb16_ESO46
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Despite your erudite use of CAPS you are wrong. It is not 'Starter Level'. You decided you didn't need to do Starter levels. You talked the talk and now you are finding you cannot walk the walk.

    I did not *** talk any talk, I never asked for the starter islands to be removed, in fact, if you had bothered to look through my posting history here, you'd have seen that I even argued they should be brought back! Nice try, fanboy.
    And yes, it is "starter level" - it immediately follows the first quest you can take when getting to Daggerfall (the one with the dog and the dead body).

    They have not been removed. As you apparently cannot play well enough to tackle quests on level you better go do them.

    When I can't do something I see it as an opportunity to go improve my character not a sign that I should go to the forums and demand things are nerfed down to a level I can handle.
  • montgomery.luke07b16_ESO
    AngryNord wrote: »
    With a ranged weapon, health potions, and staying at a distance and rolling out of his AOE and dodging his other attacks, you should be able to bring him down.

    OK, I'll try again, slowly this time:
    This game is supposed to be "be what you want, do what you want". So you should not be forced to use one particular build i order to do one of the very earliest quests in the game, neither should you, of course, be forced to be higher level than the level the quest is at. This quest follows immidiately after the first quest you get when waking up in Daggerfall, so it is natural that many who play it won't have the "top stuff" gear - it should be possible to complete with a character just having reached level 4 with only melee weapons and simple spells!!!

    Ever think your just bad??? This mob is killable.
    By Hircine's hand i mark thee!
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