Does the collection edition have all dlcs?

Does the collection edition have all dlcs? because im buying the game "again" on steam and i'm not sure if the collection edition contains all the DLCS.
  • Reverb
    Separate from the Collection Edition question, I would rethink buying ESO on Steam.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • NickStern
    Do not Buy on steam there are to many issues with steam and ESO.
  • Danikat
    I take it you mean the one called The Elder Scrolls Online Collection?

    There's also Collectors Editions of the base game, Summerset and Morrowind which have different bonus items.

    But no, it doesn't include all the DLC. It's basically the Gold Edition (or the Guild & Glory pack), plus the two chapters. It includes:
    • The Base Game
    • The Imperial City
    • Orsinimum
    • The Thieves Guild
    • The Dark Brotherhood
    • Morrowind
    • Summerset
    • (And the Palomino Horse)

    It does not include:
    • Shadows of the Hist
    • Horns of the Reach
    • The Clockwork City
    • Dragonbones

    The Clockwork City is a new map and story DLC, but the other 3 are 'just' pairs of dungeons. They're also intended to be harder dungeons aimed at people who have completed the ones in the base game. So you probably don't need them right away and on a 2nd account may not need them at all. Plus you can always buy them in the crown store (6,500 crowns to get all 4) or if you just want to do them a few times you could buy a month of ESO+ and try to complete them within that time.

    I think if you want all the content (and you're not planning to keep up ESO+ on the account) that bundle is a good one to buy.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • GrizzlyBear
    NickStern wrote: »
    Do not Buy on steam there are to many issues with steam and ESO.
    Reverb wrote: »
    Separate from the Collection Edition question, I would rethink buying ESO on Steam.

    Why is that? can you explain.
    Danikat wrote: »
    I take it you mean the one called The Elder Scrolls Online Collection?

    There's also Collectors Editions of the base game, Summerset and Morrowind which have different bonus items.

    But no, it doesn't include all the DLC. It's basically the Gold Edition (or the Guild & Glory pack), plus the two chapters. It includes:
    • The Base Game
    • The Imperial City
    • Orsinimum
    • The Thieves Guild
    • The Dark Brotherhood
    • Morrowind
    • Summerset
    • (And the Palomino Horse)

    It does not include:
    • Shadows of the Hist
    • Horns of the Reach
    • The Clockwork City
    • Dragonbones

    The Clockwork City is a new map and story DLC, but the other 3 are 'just' pairs of dungeons. They're also intended to be harder dungeons aimed at people who have completed the ones in the base game. So you probably don't need them right away and on a 2nd account may not need them at all. Plus you can always buy them in the crown store (6,500 crowns to get all 4) or if you just want to do them a few times you could buy a month of ESO+ and try to complete them within that time.

    I think if you want all the content (and you're not planning to keep up ESO+ on the account) that bundle is a good one to buy.

    Thanks for the info. that's all i wanted to know :smile:
  • Luthid
    Both the business relationship and the technical connection between Valve and Zenimax are unstable. ESO players who purchased through Steam, or linked to Steam after Dec 2016, are never able to unlink those logins. When that service breaks down, those players are completely unable to play.

    Thus happens often, including all day yesterday and two other occasions this month alone, and many previous times. This frequently locks Steam users out of limited time promotions and in-game events. Yesterday it left many EU guilds without a trader because no officers could log in and bid at any point in the day.

    Valve and zos just point fingers at each other without taking responsibility. But this particular issue only impacts Steam.
    Edited by Luthid on June 18, 2018 2:59PM
  • starkerealm
    Luthid wrote: »
    Both the business relationship and the technical connection between Valve and Zenimax are unstable. ESO players who purchased through Steam, or linked to Steam after Dec 2016, are never able to unlink those logins. When that service breaks down, those players are completely unable to play.

    Thus happens often, including all day yesterday and two other occasions this month alone, and many previous times. This frequently locks Steam users out of limited time promotions and in-game events. Yesterday it left many EU guilds without a trader because no officers could log in and bid at any point in the day.

    Valve and zos just point fingers at each other without taking responsibility. But this particular issue only impacts Steam.

    This is misleading in the extreme, as there've only been about four or five instances where Steam and ESO logins failed for extended periods. Three of those have been since the release of Summerset. So, it's hardly a normal occurrence.

    I'd also question the, "many EU guilds thing," simply because, most guilds don't restrict their officer pool to Steam users only.
  • idk
    Does the collection edition have all dlcs? because im buying the game "again" on steam and i'm not sure if the collection edition contains all the DLCS.

    1. do not buy the game on steam unless you like additional outages and other issues.
    2. no edition has all the DLCs.
  • NickStern
    Steam Has been and will always be the worst way to play games.

    There are now 2 sets of authentication systems to go through and this causes more issues when they
    fail to communicate properly. Look through the forum first 2 pages read all the steam can't play
  • PlagueSD
    NickStern wrote: »
    Do not Buy on steam there are to many issues with steam and ESO.
    Reverb wrote: »
    Separate from the Collection Edition question, I would rethink buying ESO on Steam.

    Why is that? can you explain.

    I can't explain since I don't use (and refuse to use) steam for any of my games. I'll let this thread explain it for me.
  • starkerealm
    NickStern wrote: »
    Steam Has been and will always be the worst way to play games.

    There are now 2 sets of authentication systems to go through and this causes more issues when they
    fail to communicate properly. Look through the forum first 2 pages read all the steam can't play

    I realize this is damning with faint praise, but Origin is way worse, or was last time I tried to run it.
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