Psijic Portal Questions

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So i've been wondering a few things about these portals. Are they unique to your character? Like if i see one does that mean its mine and no one else can see it? With the amount of people farming artaeum, i find it hard to believe that ive found as many portals as i have. But then again, ive gotten junk out of most. Usually runes and a piece of junk gear... And one time i got a ring. Makes me wonder if they are sometimes things people left behind...

As for my second question, Is there a time limit on these portals for each zone? Like ive noticed i can log into 1 char in artaeum, find a portal, then swap to another char in artaeum and find another portal pretty quick... Coincidence? Idk.

And finally, do these portals pop up in every zone once you are a member of the psijic order? Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer..
Edited by eso_lags on June 7, 2018 7:09PM
  • Gythral
    No it's a materials node & has the same rules
    Not sure if those that dont have the guild line see them as rune nodes but that is what they are, as they share locations with them everywhere
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • starkerealm
    itzTJ wrote: »
    So i've been wondering a few things about these portals. Are they unique to your character? Like if i see one does that mean its mine and no one else can see it?

    No. Psijic portals are shared just like other caches.
    itzTJ wrote: »
    With the amount of people farming artaeum, i find it hard to believe that ive found as many portals as i have. But then again, ive gotten junk out of most. Usually runes and a piece of junk gear... And one time i got a ring. Makes me wonder if they are sometimes things people left behind...

    Possible. Not likely, but possible. You may have simply gotten lucky in finding them, and unlucky in your drop table rolls. Normally these are supposed to have a single piece of set gear, if that's absent, or the item levels don't match yours, you're looking at leftovers. If the set piece is also junk, no, that's just bad luck.
    itzTJ wrote: »
    As for my second question, Is there a time limit on these portals for each zone?

    If you mean, do they follow respawn mechanics, and have a timeout if left partially looted, yeah, probably. I assume there's also a population cap within a zone, but I don't know what it is.
    itzTJ wrote: »
    Like ive noticed i can log into 1 char in artaeum, find a portal, then swap to another char in artaeum and find another portal pretty quick... Coincidence? Idk.

    This could be luck, but it's also distinctly possible that you're in a different Artaeum when you log in. With popular zones, the game will create multiple instances or shards. While these are the same space geographically, they're not the same instance, and all nodes, chests, and other caches will be unique to the shard you're currently in.

    This is also why you'll sometimes receive a message asking you to port to another version of your zone when grouping up with someone you can't see. You're in different copies of the same zone.
    itzTJ wrote: »
    And finally, do these portals pop up in every zone once you are a member of the psijic order? Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer..

    Psijic portals spawn by temporarily replacing an enchanting node, so yes, they can pop up all over the place.
  • Leandor
    Seeing how often it's a race against other players, I have a feeling that the portals are similar to all other resource nodes and everyone can see them once they have unlocked the skill line. But that is just that, a feeling. I can't say for sure as I haven't really tested it.

    I can absolutely confirm that they spawn everywhere. I had quite a few farming seams in Bal Foyen.

    As the the third (or your second) point, since they are sharing spawns with runestones and since it is definitely not an equal chance with runestones (another one of my feelings is 1 portal for 4 runestone spawns), I am pretty sure that it's coincidence that you find one shortly after every relog. Runestones get farmed pretty hard to get portals to spawn. May be more likely good timing with the farm rounds all around Artaeum.
    Edited by Leandor on June 7, 2018 7:19PM
  • Didaco
    1)I believe they're not instanced.

    I've found only one of them so far, and there was a player looting it.
    I tried to interact with the portal but I couldn't because it was "occupied"by the other player.
    When he left, I looted it and only found runes.

    2) Maybe they're just like any other loot spot? I can't see why they should be different.
    Maybe you've relogged in a different instance than you're previous character. I know of people who tried to meet in a certain spot but couldn't see each other: same place, same time, different instances.

    3)The only portal I've ever seen and looted was in Stonefalls, so yeah.
    Edited by Didaco on June 7, 2018 7:24PM
  • lordspyder
    I've found obviously partially looted portals, so they are not instanced to you
  • eso_lags
    Didaco wrote: »
    1)I believe they're not instanced.

    I've found only one of them so far, and there was a player looting it.
    I tried to interact with the portal but I couldn't because it was "occupied"by the other player.
    When he left, I looted it and only found runes.

    2) Maybe they're just like any other loot spot? I can't see why they should be different.
    Maybe you've relogged in a different instance than you're previous character. I know of people who tried to meet in a certain spot but couldn't see each other: same place, same time, different instances.

    3)The only portal I've ever seen and looted was in Stonefalls, so yeah.

    Okay this makes sense because i have found 2 with only rune stones then one with a psijic amrbosia and others with runes and gear. Also found the one with the exemplary ring or whatever.

    Thanks everyone this clears it up a bit..
  • Jaraal
    Make sure and do your enchanter surveys, because portals also share spawn points with protean runestones.
  • Leandor
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Make sure and do your enchanter surveys, because portals also share spawn points with protean runestones.

    Wait, what? Seriously?

    Anyone tried if seams pop up on blacksmithing surveys?
  • Taleof2Cities
    Leandor wrote: »

    Wait, what? Seriously?

    Anyone tried if seams pop up on blacksmithing surveys?

    Nope, Jewelry Crafting surveys are different from Blacksmithing surveys.

    By the way, Psijic Portals spawn in Cyrodiil, too ...
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Make sure and do your enchanter surveys, because portals also share spawn points with protean runestones.


    i have half a dozen or so enchanter surveys, i will check this tomorrow.
  • Marabornwingrion
    Edit: Nvm, someone already mentioned that.
    Edited by Marabornwingrion on June 7, 2018 8:24PM
  • starkerealm


    i have half a dozen or so enchanter surveys, i will check this tomorrow.

    I'd be a little surprised if enchanter surveys can spawn portals. Simply because the runestones that the surveys generate are not the same as the ones you find scattered throughout the world.

    I mean, it is possible, but, it would have had to be a deliberate choice.
  • Jaraal
    I was surprised, too! Fits in with the lore, though. And I've yet to find a runestone in a survey that I didn't receive from a non-survey node at some point.

    Edited by Jaraal on June 7, 2018 9:47PM
  • Iselin

    I'd be a little surprised if enchanter surveys can spawn portals. Simply because the runestones that the surveys generate are not the same as the ones you find scattered throughout the world.

    I mean, it is possible, but, it would have had to be a deliberate choice.

    Yup. That has as much credibility as alien abductions.

    Surveys ARE instanced and once picked clean they do not respawn.
  • Jaraal
    But the spawn points are set, and always in the same place, just like regular nodes. Just because you can't see what that other person is harvesting doesn't mean it's not there. And portals are certainly instanced as well, as only someone who has progressed far enough into the quest line can see them.
  • Iselin
    Jaraal wrote: »
    But the spawn points are set, and always in the same place, just like regular nodes. Just because you can't see what that other person is harvesting doesn't mean it's not there. And portals are certainly instanced as well, as only someone who has progressed far enough into the quest line can see them.

    I have the Psijic line maxed and have done several enchanting surveys since that. Never once was there anything other than protean runes. Are you saying that you have seen portals spawned in a survey or are you just speculating?
  • Jaraal
    A trusted guildmate told me that one of his protean nodes was replaced with a portal. I have no reason to disbelieve him. And certainly, portals are rare, considering maybe 100 regular runestone nodes per zone (guessing), versus how many seen portals? I harvest regularly, and can count the number of portals I've seen on one hand.
  • Iselin
    Jaraal wrote: »
    A trusted guildmate told me that one of his protean nodes was replaced with a portal. I have no reason to disbelieve him. And certainly, portals are rare, considering maybe 100 regular runestone nodes per zone (guessing), versus how many seen portals? I harvest regularly, and can count the number of portals I've seen on one hand.

    I'd have to see it to believe it especially since some areas that have surveys can be right next to a non-survey node.

    And no, they're not that rare. I personally have looted close to 100 portals already while out jewelry seam mining. Their spawn is more rare than jewelry mats which seem to have a 50:50 chance but not that much more rare. The main difference is that players do harvest the ore nodes much more often than they harvest runes so they turn over more often.
  • Jaraal
    I'm not prepared to declare anybody wrong. All I can do is pass along information as it was presented to me, and the viewer can decide to consider or reject it. At this point, nothing in the game is 100% certain, since they like to fiddle and tweak a lot, and they keep a lot of facts to themselves. It would be nice if a ZOS employee who knows for sure could prove or disprove it.
  • Armatesz
    Some of the more notable stuff I've gotten from the portals are kuta, a dwarven motif chest piece page. Others are of various things and what have you. Seems like anything that can drop from a chest or a node.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • JJBoomer
    I find them regularly, which i find kind of surprising. The portals are how I've acquired the majority of the Sapiarch and Psijic pages.
  • Iselin
    Armatesz wrote: »
    Some of the more notable stuff I've gotten from the portals are kuta, a dwarven motif chest piece page. Others are of various things and what have you. Seems like anything that can drop from a chest or a node.

    You get some unique things from them that don't drop from chests or regular nodes: exemplary infused rings and necklaces, Psijic ambrosia and Hakejo runes. So far I've gotten about 10-15 of the jewelry, 4 ambrosia and 2 Hakejos.
  • Jaraal
    Do you think that the incidence of portals seen increases with the level of progress in the Psijic skill line? I did enough to get the See the Unseen perk, but quickly tired of the fetch it nature of the quests, and moved on to something else. And I would hardly call my experience with portals as being as pervasive as some of the examples given.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Do you think that the incidence of portals seen increases with the level of progress in the Psijic skill line? I did enough to get the See the Unseen perk, but quickly tired of the fetch it nature of the quests, and moved on to something else. And I would hardly call my experience with portals as being as pervasive as some of the examples given.

    In my experience, no ... psijic portals work just like any other node that spawns.

    My psijic master finds as many portals as my other characters (that have the skill line unlocked but are lowbies) do.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on June 8, 2018 12:46AM
  • blacksghost
    I have had a portal spawn with protean runes it does happen. But I’m not 100% certain that it wasn’t just a normal rune node in close proximity to the protean ones which just happened to have become a portal.
    Everything will be alright in the end, if its not alright its not the end.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Can someone explain the difference between the Time Rift and the psijic portal?

    I started the quest and I closed several time rifts in Summerset and Glenumbra, but so far but after closing them, I didn't seem to find any lootable container or psijic portals. However, I randomly stumbled upon a lootable psijic portal in Vvardenfell with some Morrowind motifs inside.

    As I continue the quest will I begin finding some lootable containers after closing the time rifts?

    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on June 8, 2018 6:09AM
  • Leandor
    Time rifts are time rifts. These will never be lootable.

    The psijic portals are similar in appearance to the bright spots left after closing a time rift, but it ends there. The portals are a new form of resource node that you can only see with the psijic line unlocked and they share spawn location with runestones. They spawn less frequent than runestones, every three to four spawns of a node will be portals.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Make sure and do your enchanter surveys, because portals also share spawn points with protean runestones.

    no. this is not true.
  • Jaraal
    I have had a portal spawn with protean runes it does happen. But I’m not 100% certain that it wasn’t just a normal rune node in close proximity to the protean ones which just happened to have become a portal.

    The surveys always spawn with six nodes. The only way to be sure would be to see if there are only five nodes with a portal.
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