So i've been wondering a few things about these portals. Are they unique to your character? Like if i see one does that mean its mine and no one else can see it?
With the amount of people farming artaeum, i find it hard to believe that ive found as many portals as i have. But then again, ive gotten junk out of most. Usually runes and a piece of junk gear... And one time i got a ring. Makes me wonder if they are sometimes things people left behind...
As for my second question, Is there a time limit on these portals for each zone?
Like ive noticed i can log into 1 char in artaeum, find a portal, then swap to another char in artaeum and find another portal pretty quick... Coincidence? Idk.
And finally, do these portals pop up in every zone once you are a member of the psijic order? Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer..
1)I believe they're not instanced.
I've found only one of them so far, and there was a player looting it.
I tried to interact with the portal but I couldn't because it was "occupied"by the other player.
When he left, I looted it and only found runes.
2) Maybe they're just like any other loot spot? I can't see why they should be different.
Maybe you've relogged in a different instance than you're previous character. I know of people who tried to meet in a certain spot but couldn't see each other: same place, same time, different instances.
3)The only portal I've ever seen and looted was in Stonefalls, so yeah.
Make sure and do your enchanter surveys, because portals also share spawn points with protean runestones.
jedtb16_ESO wrote: »
i have half a dozen or so enchanter surveys, i will check this tomorrow.
starkerealm wrote: »
I'd be a little surprised if enchanter surveys can spawn portals. Simply because the runestones that the surveys generate are not the same as the ones you find scattered throughout the world.
I mean, it is possible, but, it would have had to be a deliberate choice.
But the spawn points are set, and always in the same place, just like regular nodes. Just because you can't see what that other person is harvesting doesn't mean it's not there. And portals are certainly instanced as well, as only someone who has progressed far enough into the quest line can see them.
A trusted guildmate told me that one of his protean nodes was replaced with a portal. I have no reason to disbelieve him. And certainly, portals are rare, considering maybe 100 regular runestone nodes per zone (guessing), versus how many seen portals? I harvest regularly, and can count the number of portals I've seen on one hand.
Some of the more notable stuff I've gotten from the portals are kuta, a dwarven motif chest piece page. Others are of various things and what have you. Seems like anything that can drop from a chest or a node.
Do you think that the incidence of portals seen increases with the level of progress in the Psijic skill line? I did enough to get the See the Unseen perk, but quickly tired of the fetch it nature of the quests, and moved on to something else. And I would hardly call my experience with portals as being as pervasive as some of the examples given.
blacksghost wrote: »I have had a portal spawn with protean runes it does happen. But I’m not 100% certain that it wasn’t just a normal rune node in close proximity to the protean ones which just happened to have become a portal.