I actually went into Cyrodiil over the week-end. I was getting 55-60 frames constantly when travelling between keeps, and never went under 20-25 even in large battles. I only got a single "loading screen of death" and that happened after 3-4 hours of play and multiple char switch-overs before I went in. Ping was very stable, and never went above 150 ms. PvP actually became enjoyable after almost 2 years for me.ZoS
@Freecry My Cyrodiil issues diminished after turning off autoupdates in Win 10 and perminanatly stopping the background download process. Im not sure what OS or if you're on console but I had the same issues as you.
I'm very happy....
I don't use steam, I make sure I have no background applications running, I have a half decent pc and a stable internet... I dunno, sry to not join the ZOS sucks chorus, but maybe your anger is misplaced?