How much do you love the newer, larger marketing adds for crown store?

Which choice most represents how you feel?

How much do you love the newer, larger marketing adds for crown store? 138 votes

This garbage needs to be shut down ASAP
wayfarerxMoloch1514Cpt_TeemoWhiteCoatSyndromefreespiritAlienSlofNebthet78AlinielclocksstoppeAlex_Lexfalcasternub18_ESOsrfrogg23TroneonAromakLonestryderMasterSpatulaNyghthowlerAgobiAlayaMThe_Auror 55 votes
On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOStriken7wenchmore420b14_ESOkwisatzDarrettLoralai_907adriant1978ElsonsoDagoth_RacWolfenbelleFlaminirstabbykittehBlkadrRomoLunerdogredspecter23Enemy-of-ColdharbourShazantiS_RavenlockZioGio 49 votes
It's offensive to my eyes, but thankfully, I can remove it quickly... on every. single. toon.... *sigh*
GilvothArobainDanikatmakrethValen_ByteStreegaDieAlteHexeIrfindboggoShawn_PTMaryanne 11 votes
Funny. I was just thinking they really could use to make that add larger. Size does matter!
AkrasjelKagukan 2 votes
What a handy shopping guide! Now if they only had a half off crown sale I might be more interested.
VehlirSovjetSakuraTokitoShardan4968Raulhnajera 5 votes
Oh lemme go buy buy buy buy buy RIGHT NOW!
red_emulazerlaz 2 votes
I have zero feeling on the matter. In fact, I'm not even sure I notice that the ad size changed until you mentioned it.
TerfinMongooseOneThestephenmcraeub17_ESODrachenfierbadmojoJahneeOKawallIsojukka 8 votes
Frankly, that's the least of my worries from this update/expansion.
LonePirateMrSibbyVoxicityNightfall12BretonMageGieNkoV 6 votes
  • Tasear
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
    It's simply bad UX. Anyone whose taken a class knows this. It makes people annoyed and rebell. Do you see any websites with adds that big?

    Heard this add on fixes it. Just need to manually set it. (Read comments on site). Yes it has come to this.

    Edited by Tasear on May 23, 2018 5:22PM
  • Avalon
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?
  • VaranisArano
    Once a day when I first log in or until I claim the daily rewards? Fine.

    Every single time I log in?! NOPE!

    I hit alt and don't even look at them anymore.
    Edited by VaranisArano on May 23, 2018 5:23PM
  • Tasear
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.
    Edited by Tasear on May 23, 2018 5:23PM
  • Isojukka
    I have zero feeling on the matter. In fact, I'm not even sure I notice that the ad size changed until you mentioned it.
    Tasear wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.

    Ok, so where is the problem?
    Eso since Xbox launch and switched over to pc 1/2019.
  • Avalon
    Tasear wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.

    I'm on console, and every time I log in a character, I get an ad that covers about 20-25% of my screen, have to close it to have any hopes of successfully playing the game. Trying to get an actual visual on what this new one looks like, and whether it is really that much more annoying, since I already have a smaller one that does the same and requires the same (just... smaller). So, screenshot? I want to see how ridiculous this thing is lol
  • Nightfall12
    Frankly, that's the least of my worries from this update/expansion.
    Honestly im waiting for the NEW NASCAResque Motiff...this one they PAY U in crown crates to buy! thats right they will give you 1 crown crate for each peice of the New NASCAResque Mottiff.....each piece of armor has a ad for for a different crown store item!

    WHats that on your head and ad for STorm atronach crates awesome!!!
    and i simply love that limited time house boot!
    Ummm stuff… about stuff…or something.
  • Tasear
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.

    Ok, so where is the problem?

    You see every single time you login and relog. So it's load screen + click this away. The issue is many us find this way to much in our face.
  • Narvuntien
    *Closes the window*
    *Continues with his day*

    I don't have the energy to get mad at something like that, Its just so minor in the grand scheme of things, its not even the most annoying part of the game UI.
  • AlienatedGoat
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
    I swap characters a minimum of 15 times, every day. Login/logout takes long enough without this BS.
    PC-NA Goat
  • Tasear
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
    I wouldn't be so bad if was only once. Or slightly smaller.
  • badmojo
    I have zero feeling on the matter. In fact, I'm not even sure I notice that the ad size changed until you mentioned it.
    Big, small, its just a box I close.
  • MissBizz
    This garbage needs to be shut down ASAP
    I actually enjoyed seeing the old small reminder once, when the crown store had changed something. Reminded me to take a peak if there was something new, or countdowns for stuff being removed... therefore I don't want to totally shut it down with NoTY. The every characvter - every time every character logs in garbage needs to stop.

    While they're at it, it'd by nice it didn't advertise some chapter I'm actually standing in as it pops up.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Moloch1514
    This garbage needs to be shut down ASAP
    It just reeks of F2P and cheapens the Elder Scrolls brand even more.
  • Isojukka
    I have zero feeling on the matter. In fact, I'm not even sure I notice that the ad size changed until you mentioned it.
    Tasear wrote: »
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.

    Ok, so where is the problem?

    You see every single time you login and relog. So it's load screen + click this away. The issue is many us find this way to much in our face.

    So everytime you travel you get that?no? If it is everytime you change character its not a problem imo.
    Eso since Xbox launch and switched over to pc 1/2019.
  • jedtb16_ESO

    don't care.

    one click and it's closed.
  • red_emu
    Oh lemme go buy buy buy buy buy RIGHT NOW!
    I want them even bigger! Every 5 minutes with fanfares and fireworks. Also I want a "Skip in 5, 4, 3...." Button :trollface:

    Marketing 10/10
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Gilvoth
    It's offensive to my eyes, but thankfully, I can remove it quickly... on every. single. toon.... *sigh*
    i dont like it.
    but it is what it is.
    eso has to make money, i guess.
  • VaranisArano
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.

    Ok, so where is the problem?

    You see every single time you login and relog. So it's load screen + click this away. The issue is many us find this way to much in our face.

    So everytime you travel you get that?no? If it is everytime you change character its not a problem imo.

    Every time you log in as a new character. Pretty annoying while swapping characters for writs.
  • xXSilverDragonXx
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
  • SydneyGrey
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
    I wouldn't mind if it was just once per day per account, and not for EVERY CHARACTER EVERY DAY. That's just annoying as hell.
    I have a lot of characters that I use every day for horse training and writs and doing undaunted quests. :( Wow, I SO DON'T want to have to click off of that stupid window for every single character every day. NO! NO! NO! ZOS!

    *EDIT* And if you have to close out your game and go back to it later, gee oh boy, you get to click the ads off on every single character all over again. :'(:'(:'(

    Edited by SydneyGrey on May 23, 2018 8:48PM
  • ZioGio
    On every toon? Really? Yeah, that's not gonna work for me. *searches for addon to block ad*
    Have you ever been on vacation in a foreign country and there's a timeshare guy waiting on every street corner to harass you to buy their product? Yeah, it's like that. Sure, I can just walk away, but I still have to make the effort to ignore and avoid if I want to just get on with enjoying my day.

    Unless it only advertises new/expiring items, I think a majority of players are just going to press Alt (or the console equivalent) to close it without reading. It's not just the people who are annoyed by the ads; the ones who are indifferent just close it immediately, too.

    Once a day, I can handle. Once per logon? No.
    Edited by ZioGio on May 23, 2018 6:06PM
    PC NA
  • Isojukka
    I have zero feeling on the matter. In fact, I'm not even sure I notice that the ad size changed until you mentioned it.
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.

    Ok, so where is the problem?

    You see every single time you login and relog. So it's load screen + click this away. The issue is many us find this way to much in our face.

    So everytime you travel you get that?no? If it is everytime you change character its not a problem imo.

    Every time you log in as a new character. Pretty annoying while swapping characters for writs.

    But its just one click to get rid of it? Ok, i want to say that i play on xbox and it is easy there but do you have to move mouse cursor everytime it appears? Then i understand fustration from this. Is there one button you can push?
    Eso since Xbox launch and switched over to pc 1/2019.
  • Isojukka
    I have zero feeling on the matter. In fact, I'm not even sure I notice that the ad size changed until you mentioned it.

    Ok :D just press B
    Eso since Xbox launch and switched over to pc 1/2019.
  • Avalon

    Wow, that's actually kind of cool! I'd just like them to make it not on every character, or something... THAT part is ridiculous... but, looks clean, decent size (like I said, 20% or 90%, makes no difference, effectively reduces playability to 0% while it is on-screen), not really problematic otherwise. There are far more annoying things in game that need taken care of.
  • Danikat
    It's offensive to my eyes, but thankfully, I can remove it quickly... on every. single. toon.... *sigh*
    My biggest problem with it is that currently it comes up every single time you log into a character. The size isn't that important to me because I just close it down immediately like I did the old one, but having it pop up every time I switch to a new character is annoying.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • AlnilamE
    This garbage needs to be shut down ASAP
    MissBizz wrote: »
    I actually enjoyed seeing the old small reminder once, when the crown store had changed something. Reminded me to take a peak if there was something new, or countdowns for stuff being removed... therefore I don't want to totally shut it down with NoTY. The every characvter - every time every character logs in garbage needs to stop.

    While they're at it, it'd by nice it didn't advertise some chapter I'm actually standing in as it pops up.

    Pretty much. When you got it on Thursdays, you knew there was new stuff to check out. Now, people will just ignore it.

    And I second the notion that there is no point in advertising content to me that I have already purchased.
    The Moot Councillor
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Isojukka wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    I still don't know what it looks like (not on PC), anyone have a screenshot or something?

    Just imagine an add covering 90% of screen Everytime you login or switch characters.

    Ok, so where is the problem?

    You see every single time you login and relog. So it's load screen + click this away. The issue is many us find this way to much in our face.

    So everytime you travel you get that?no? If it is everytime you change character its not a problem imo.

    Every time you log in as a new character. Pretty annoying while swapping characters for writs.

    But its just one click to get rid of it? Ok, i want to say that i play on xbox and it is easy there but do you have to move mouse cursor everytime it appears? Then i understand fustration from this. Is there one button you can push?

    on pc its alt..... or you can move the cursor to click alt on the banner.

    oh man.... it's such a grind, i have to click things /end sarcasm.
  • Banana
    Nope. I dont like it
  • wayfarerx
    This garbage needs to be shut down ASAP
    Not only is it a major pain for anyone that frequently logs into alts but, since it's entirely generic and shows the same ad every time, it's training everyone to reflexively dismiss it as soon as they log in. It's literally working against its own interests because it's so poorly implemented.

    I'm amazed this managed to go all the way from a concept to the live server without someone raising the alarm.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
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