I'm disappointed with The Elder Scrolls Online

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Hello fellow disappointed fans. And yes, I know I'm speaking to ALOT of you. While some have managed to get what they paid for and have no complaints. I like many others who shelled out $86.59 total for The Elder Scrolls® Online Digital Imperial Edition sit here frustrated and feel ripped off. ERROR CODES? The beta ran pretty smoothly but you're telling me that there are enough error codes that we've got over 300 of them? I understand that there were going to be issues, but when I submit a request for help I get a simplistic solution that doesn't work. I need to turn off my Windows Firewall? My Norton 360? Search for and delete files that I can't even find. Before you comment; oh computer savvy wonder kids about how stupid I am because I can't find the files that need to be deleted, can you ask yourself why I should pay $86.59 for a product I need to repair. In the world of computer gaming that's a lot of money. Here's a comparison. If you paid $36,000.00 for a brand new car, it didn't work and the dealer told you to wait a few days and then pop the hood and fix it, how would you feel? For those of you that are as disappointed and frustrated as I am please leave your venting here. Thanks for reading mine.
Edited by ZOS_HugoP on April 1, 2014 2:35PM
  • Zargorius
    Ok, I understand you're mad but...what is the issue exactly? Maybe we can help?
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • gymbeer40b14_ESO
    Error Code 305:6:3:1161:2. I've tried the suggested fix and even deleted and re-downloaded the PC client download from my account page three times. I've turned off Firewalls, etc. I'm currently on my 4th re-download of the PC client
  • Twistedmind
    You already seem to have commented about it in the other thread also http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/60995/error-code-305-6-3-1161-2-protocol-mismatch

    Could be that it has something else still there, but if they have provided working solution to some then the problem is something else for you.. and I would not go and rant
    Hello fellow disappointed fans. And yes, I know I'm speaking to ALOT of you.
    when your client is not working... mine works fine..

    I will be interested though to see what is the problem in your case - just because I am curious about these things..

    I think that I have to get some w(h)ine and popcorn's ready.
    Egypt and Antarctica kills off more investigators each year than cancer does.
    Old Call of Cthulhu fact.
  • Yankee
    I do not blame you for being upset, I would be too. If it were me and I wanted to play badly enough I would try figuring things out until I got too upset. Then I would demand a refund and move on. It is still just a game.

    In all fairness to the developer though, I do not think any software creator could make a complex game that has zero problems running in every imaginable hardware/software environment.

    DId you completely delete the game folders (including the ones in your user profile) before downloading/reinstalling the new client? You could go to your account page then and start the download client from scratch.
    Edited by Yankee on April 1, 2014 2:58PM
  • gymbeer40b14_ESO
    Could anyone be a little more specific about where to find these? Cause I can't find them anywhere on my computer. I'm using windows 7 professional:

  • gymbeer40b14_ESO
    You already seem to have commented about it in the other thread also http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/60995/error-code-305-6-3-1161-2-protocol-mismatch

    Could be that it has something else still there, but if they have provided working solution to some then the problem is something else for you.. and I would not go and rant when your client is not working... mine works fine..

    I will be interested though to see what is the problem in your case - just because I am curious about these things..

    I think that I have to get some w(h)ine and popcorn's ready.

    I don't know what time it is where you are but its 10:00 a.m. here. W (h)ine huh? Got a drinking problem? Oh, and by the way, thanks for your helpful suggestions. Oh yeah, you didn't leave any.
    Edited by gymbeer40b14_ESO on April 1, 2014 3:01PM
  • kram0789
    I have played all Elder Scrolls games for years. What I don't like about this game is the onerous interference from other players, the lock picking is way too hard, there is way too much running around, you can't sell all the stuff you pick up, and you are locked into a type of character. In Skyrim you could learn everything, do everything and be anything.
  • gymbeer40b14_ESO
    Finally was able to log in today after downloading the PC client for a fifth time. So I'll get 2 days of early access if it continues to work. I'm happy its working but feel like everyone who wasn't able to log in during early access should get something for their trouble.

    Disregard my previous statement, the server is offline for maintenance. Something just doesn't want me to play this game.
    Edited by gymbeer40b14_ESO on April 2, 2014 1:06PM
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