Names and social interaction

As there is no 'general discussion' section I will post here.

One thing that I think would improve social interaction in ESO is the option to see character and guild names.

At the moment it feels like everyone is anonymous and it doesn't encourage people to talk with each other.

Seeing names and guilds means you can, spot guildies and friends. It means that guilds can begin to build notoriety and helps with recruitment as your guild builds up its rep. As the game moves on you start to build a network of friends and feel grounded on the server because the names around you are familiar.

Ive just come from another MMO after playing there for 7 years and recognising and playing with people you know was a big part of it.

It also adds a level of fun with cool, comedy, and innovative names being an opener for conversations.

Its also a way to spot pvp rivals.

At the moment you can run past someone in your guild and not even know it is them.

For those that don't want to see, names, titles and guild names,they can turn it off.

I'm feeling a bit gimped at the moment without this feature.

Social interaction is a big part of memo games for a lot of people.

The fact that you only see account name in chat also confounds this.
At least the spelling is difficult for you.
Hew's Bane*
  • Xionar
    They're working on something for guilds that give them a bit more distinction. As for probably won't happen. However, you can see character names just by looking at them, of course, which I always find good enough if I'm looking for a friend.
  • kelisw1ub17_ESO
    It would be very nice to have the option. Seeing large clusters of people around banks and crafting stations and not being able to tell if any of them are my friends or guildmates is a bit annoying. You can't sit there and try to mouse over every one of them in large groups.
  • Xionar
    I avoid large groups, they scare me.

    But really, they're trying to not clutter the UI with things like this, assuming they stick to their vision, which they're doing quite well at so far, I don't see nameplates happening.

    There really aren't that many huge groupings of people, unless you're near a popular npc (banker). In most other places you should be able to easily identify your friends.

    As for the guild thing, I believe they're looking into something cosmetic, on the character to help signify the guild.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Still it would be nice to have the option for those that need it, I don't want to spend time scanning my mouse over people just to see if I know them, esp at this time with no cosmetics when we all look the same, and chat is account name not toon name.

    Part of what will make eco successful is a sense of community.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
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