If this was a free game or still in beta maybe? I paid to play early. One of those days is gone now. Do I get 20% refunded?
So you haven't ever updated anyone during an outage? But it's a game? It is a paid service. I am asking for updates, not notification in advance that it is going down.
If you have something helpful to add, please do.
The idea is to over inflate the down time, if a quick patch is going to take 30 mins, tell the client 4 hours. Anything less makes you look good, anything more and you probably deserve the flack you're going to cop.
Hey, even: "We are working to get the server back up. It will be at least another hour and we will post an update if it's not back online at that time. Thank you for your patience."
This eliminates people sitting around wasting their time trying to log in.
You would think so but that also doesn't work.
With this game you will have those who complain that they had just 3 to 4 hrs of playtime today but due to the announcement, went shopping with their spouse or whatever, and had they not been told it would be 4 hrs, wouldn't have done so, hence they are fuming.
In other situations, I've seen this done where people have decided to take a 1/2 day off due to the estimated down time and when the following day they are working until 10pm Friday night to catch up, again they are fuming at the miss information.
What ever they say, a lot of people will always be unhappy.
What ever they say, a lot of people will always be unhappy.
That's true however it doesn't change the proven fact that remaining regularly engaged with your customers even to relay bad news is orders of magnitude better for the long term relationship than ignoring them and leaving them in the dark.
It is clear reading the responses in game and the activity on these forums that the customer service is going to be poor for this game and that's just plain terrible for a game with such a huge capital backing. There are a lot of simple mistakes being made even though such mistakes have been seen before in other MMO's. Its like they never did a potential problem analysis (or even know what one is) before early access.
Customer service should be all over these forums like a rash at launch and backed out as issues fade away.
I would rather see the servers taken offline in my free 5 day early access, knowing that they are resolving problems that have arose in the past couple of days, saving them having on going issues that are not attended to building up and causing issues in expansions to come.
Take your time Zenimax, if you need another hour, then take it if it will make sure that you actually fix things that are broken. these early access hours are free and there for you to make sure the game is working and playable on release.
Just updated on their server status page.