Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Weird Mouse Traveling.

Been noticing for a few months at random times the camera will just "travel" all by its self either vertical or horizontal at a slow scroll.
Only stops if I move the camera. Also I'm not idle, it happens when on a mount, or even traveling via wayshrine, where after load screen it will continue to move.
It also happens on my Wifes PC, and guildmates have said it happens to them.
We all have different Addons, but not sure an addon would be able to control the camera rotation anyway.

I do have some bugsplats, but not sure if they are related.

EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortHeaderGroup/ZO_SortHeaderGroup.lua:320: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortHeaderGroup/ZO_SortHeaderGroup.lua:320: in function 'ZO_SortHeader_OnMouseEnter'
ItemBrowserFrameHeadersName_MouseEnter:3: in function '(main chunk)'

EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortHeaderGroup/ZO_SortHeaderGroup.lua:325: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortHeaderGroup/ZO_SortHeaderGroup.lua:325: in function 'ZO_SortHeader_OnMouseExit'
ItemBrowserFrameHeadersName_MouseExit:3: in function '(main chunk)'

EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:1254: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:1254: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_MouseClick'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortFilterList/ZO_SortFilterList.lua:244: in function 'ZO_SortFilterList:SelectRow'
EsoUI/Ingame/Mail/Keyboard/MailInbox_Keyboard.lua:554: in function 'MailInbox:Row_OnMouseUp'
EsoUI/Ingame/Mail/Keyboard/MailInbox_Keyboard.lua:590: in function 'ZO_MailInboxRow_OnMouseUp'
ZO_MailInboxList1Row1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'

  • GizmoX64
    Got Win+G to work, and a video editor program.
    So here's a video of the issue.
  • TiredKhajiit
    I believe I had this same problem when I first started playing the game. I think I just changed it from full-screen to windowed and then switched it back. You could also try playing it in boarderless windowed mode (not sure if you can do this in-game, but there is a way to do it through Steam preferences).
    "M'aiq is tired now. Go bother somebody else."
  • magictucktuck
    happens to me all the time


    Flawless Conqueror for my builds and guides!
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Try going to your Control Panel, then Mouse, then under the Pointer Options tab un-check "Enhance Pointer Precision" and see if that helps.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
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    Staff Post
  • TheCyberDruid
    Try going to your Control Panel, then Mouse, then under the Pointer Options tab un-check "Enhance Pointer Precision" and see if that helps.

    It does not for me. I have the issue since I started playing ESO six months ago and non of the 'fixes' (using full screen window, changing mouse settings in Windows) works for me. It's only in this game that it happens.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Try going to your Control Panel, then Mouse, then under the Pointer Options tab un-check "Enhance Pointer Precision" and see if that helps.

    It does not for me. I have the issue since I started playing ESO six months ago and non of the 'fixes' (using full screen window, changing mouse settings in Windows) works for me. It's only in this game that it happens.

    Could it be your mousepad? I know it sounds silly, but we'll sometimes run into issues at conventions where the mouse DPI is super high, and the type of mousepad we have at the booth will cause random floaty camera movement when you're not actually moving anything.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Mudcrabber
    If it was the mouse or mousepad, it would happen outside of ESO.
  • danno8
    Been happening for me also for the last couple of months. The mouse will just start spinning slowly but non-stop in whatever direction I was moving it in.

    Only ESO. Nothing changed on my end, same mouse, same mouse pad. Happens once every few hours.
  • Snit
    If you have a Razer mouse, open the Taskmanager and kill "RazerInGameProcess." It's an overlay you don't need, and it can really screw up mouse behavior. That worked for me (Razer Naga Hex, Synapse 2.0).
    Edited by Snit on April 20, 2018 9:32PM
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • adriant1978
    I had this problem with the 32-bit client only and fixed it by switching to the 64-bit client.
  • Gorrest

    You can try that, its been a known issue with Windows 10.
    -PvP Characters-

    AD Mag DK, Mc Flabben
    AD Mag Templar, Gorrest
    AD Mag Sorc, Edrene Kingsley
    AD MagWarden, Mc Woflen
    EP Stam Sorc, Elder Procs Online
    DC Stam DK, One Shot Online
  • Own
    Try going to your Control Panel, then Mouse, then under the Pointer Options tab un-check "Enhance Pointer Precision" and see if that helps.

    It does not for me. I have the issue since I started playing ESO six months ago and non of the 'fixes' (using full screen window, changing mouse settings in Windows) works for me. It's only in this game that it happens.

    Could it be your mousepad? I know it sounds silly, but we'll sometimes run into issues at conventions where the mouse DPI is super high, and the type of mousepad we have at the booth will cause random floaty camera movement when you're not actually moving anything.

    I'm having mouse travel issues at 500 and 1000 dpi. I never did before, and it's random. I replaced my mouse because of it, no change.

    I have a cloth razer pad, is there a certain type you know of to fix this?

    I have been using the same type of mousepad for years with no issue.
  • Starlight_Knight
    oh i thought this was just me - i get this to - not often, but now and again it'll start turning the camera on its own. ive no idea what causes it and it only happens on ESO. But ill try and do those fixes that were suggested.
  • maxjapank
    Wow! I thought my mouse was breaking. And that I'd have to buy a new one sooner or later. But if all of you have the same issue, then maybe my mouse is actually okay. I will keep a close eye on this thread. Thanks.
  • TiredKhajiit
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Wow! I thought my mouse was breaking. And that I'd have to buy a new one sooner or later. But if all of you have the same issue, then maybe my mouse is actually okay. I will keep a close eye on this thread. Thanks.

    Yeah, I'd definitely say it's not a problem with your mouse (unless, of course, it's happening in other games/programs as well). If I were you I'd keep a close eye on it while playing other games to see if the same thing happens.
    "M'aiq is tired now. Go bother somebody else."
  • Sadique
    I had this issue when i originally came back to ESO last month and fixed it by disabling enhance pointer precision in the mouse properties of windows 10. It recently came back within the last week or two and the option is still disabled so no idea what the cause is now unless it is due to a change in a recent patch.
  • SilentRaven1972
    My brother and I have had this issue for months. None of the proposed solutions have helped. It's not mouse or mousepad, as it happens with multiple different mice, and only in ESO. It's driving us bonkers!
    "Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was, so will it always be. In time all foul things come forth." -Thranduil
  • Eiagra
    My sister and I are experiencing this issue as well, and I created a similar thread earlier. (See ) The video above posted by Gizmo is a perfect example of what's being experienced.

    This is not directly a mouse issue, otherwise there would be cursor issues while in the interface, or there would be issues inside the Windows OS itself. In both of our cases, we do not have straying cursors either in menus in ESO or in Windows 10.

    It appears to me that something in the game is not getting the "stop rotating camera" signal when the mouse stops moving, and thus you end up with camera spinning in whatever direction/speed the mouse was going before it reached a halt.

    We've tried multiple solutions provided on various threads, but so far have had no relief. And because it's so random to trigger, it's hard to really narrow down.

    I have disabled mouse precision, and will add that to my things to test, but as this has not worked for others, I doubt this will work for me. Will post again with results next I'm in game (which may be a while, work week starting). I'll do the same for my sister's computer, as she's on more often than I am and may be able to give feedback sooner.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno -- Thank you for chiming in on this issue. It's been plaguing us for a long while, and I'm hoping some troubleshooting steps/results can be consolidated in one thread or another.

    Things tried so far:
    - Removed all Addons (including the associated files and saved settings)
    - Disabled / Uninstalled Antivirus application
    - Changed Game/Launcher Properties > Compatibility > Override high DPI scaling behavior > Scaling performed by: All options tried, none of the options provided relief.
    - Tried different mouse/drivers (my sister and I are on two different setups, and she has gotten new mice a few times throughout this issue)

    Looking for further ideas.

    Edited by Eiagra on April 21, 2018 1:50AM
          In verity.
    Try going to your Control Panel, then Mouse, then under the Pointer Options tab un-check "Enhance Pointer Precision" and see if that helps.

    I've noticed the same problem for months, but I just attributed it to my trackball. As there was no mousepad to try, I turned off this option. So far, so good, will post if it happens to me again.
  • TheCyberDruid
    Could it be your mousepad? I know it sounds silly, but we'll sometimes run into issues at conventions where the mouse DPI is super high, and the type of mousepad we have at the booth will cause random floaty camera movement when you're not actually moving anything.

    Well, you are right about one point. It's a simple all black mousepad. Never had this behaviour in any game or application. I really do think it is related to Elder Scrolls Online rather than my setup.
  • SoulScream
    This started to happen last update. I did a bug report then, a month ago or more. I thought it was my mouse at first as well but asked some friends and they have the same issue.

    The camera will get stuck rotating.
  • RMerlin
    I also notice the same issue. It's definitely unique to ESO (doesn't happen anywhere else at all), and the issue first appeared maybe a year ago at most (I don't remember exactly when it started).
    Edited by RMerlin on April 21, 2018 7:18PM
  • olsborg
    I also have this issue from time to time.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • RavenMind1
    Any of those having a problem: Are you using scaling other than the 100% default of Windows?
    Check on Win-10: Rt.Click on Desktop > Display Settings > Scale and Layout. Is it something other than 100%?

    If so:
    Open Explorer & go to the exe: (...The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client\eso64.exe)
    Right click eso64.exe & click "Properties"
    Click on the "Compatibility" tab
    Make sure "Override high DPI scaling behavior" is checked, and set "Scaling performed by:" to "Application".
    Click "Ok"
    Relaunch the game & try it.
    Edited by RavenMind1 on April 23, 2018 8:26AM
  • zsban
    my feeling is that it's caused by the same issue that also causes characters stuck in heavy attack after releasing mouse button etc... seems to be affected by lag (the more lag you have the more likely to get stuck)... it's... like the game misses some events when it's too busy doing something else.
  • Eiagra
    Just had this happen on the current version of PTS, so no current fixes going in for it.
          In verity.
  • RavenMind1
    Nah. ESO has it's own scaling. It's fighting with Windows (and sometimes your video card) for control. Did you guys try the above? That basically tells windows to keep its hands off.
  • Eiagra
    RavenMind1 wrote: »
    Any of those having a problem: Are you using scaling other than the 100% default of Windows?
    Check on Win-10: Rt.Click on Desktop > Display Settings > Scale and Layout. Is it something other than 100%?

    If so:
    Open Explorer & go to the exe: (...The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client\eso64.exe)
    Right click eso64.exe & click "Properties"
    Click on the "Compatibility" tab
    Make sure "Override high DPI scaling behavior" is checked, and set "Scaling performed by:" to "Application".
    Click "Ok"
    Relaunch the game & try it.

    I have tried this and many variations and combinations of this. It does not work -- my scaling is at 100%.
          In verity.
  • AbbieGoth
    I have recently been having this issue as well (for about a month). I recently even replaced my mouse pad and I am still occasionally having the drifting cursor issue. At first I thought it was because cat hair would get under the mouse, but over half the time there's nothing there. A friend of mine has also been having this issue, but like everybody else up here, it *only* happens in ESO, and not in any other games.
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  • Mudcrabber
    I've never used DPI scaling, always keeping it at 100%. Everything on my machines have been the same size in pixels since Windows 95.

    I don't get the drift often, just once so far in PTS, last night. But in over two years I've only experienced the drift in ESO, not in other games. Its unfortunate that you can get the same problem with a bad mouse, or with dpi scaling, so there will always be a reason to doubt reports, and doubted bugs rarely get found and fixed.

    I can think of bandaid solutions, like an off-by-default mouse dead zone option, but the impact on aiming could be more frustrating than the actual mouse drift, and only mask the real problem.
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