Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

The Knights of Corinthia: New PvE Guild Recruiting New/Vet Players For a Close Knit Community

About the Guild:

     The Knights of Corinthia are a guild that has an emphasis of Player Versus Player (PvP) and the occasional trip into Cyrodiil! With our main focus being one PvE, we spend most our time exploring Tamriel, questing, delving and doing dungeon runs!

     In Tamriel, there are so many little things you can improve on and learn: what we believe is a unique aspect of our guild is the determination that we all share for the development of newer players! That means if you are new to the game, or haven't quite gotten to where you want to be- all of our knights are there to help!

Are You a Good Fit?

     The Knights of Corinthia will never ask you for any gold- absolutely no dues! We don't believe in wealth over the progress of our knights. Granted, donations are excepted out of generosity for guild expenses (materials for our Crafters, guild hall, etc.) All we ask out of recruits are to be determined, accountable and willing to aid a fellow guildmate. That's all! Because we don't PvP often, we do except candidates regardless of their alliance (the Knights of Corinthia are currently aligned in the Daggerfall Covenant-if you were curious). As I said earlier, there is no such thing as level restriction in the guild- as a matter of fact we prefer newer players to join our ranks!

     So, if you are looking for dungeon raids, delving, questing, aid in overall progression, or anything that the PvE world has to offer- then look no further!

Current Status of the Guild:

     Currently the guild is just being resurrected, meaning we don't have much in the means of capital, a guild hall, master trait Crafters, or officer ranks. What all that means is opportunity! We are currently seeking these positions and are willing to do what it takes to accommodate most needs! I wanted to include this so everything is out in the open, we don't like surprises or dishonesty!

For more information, comment below or you can send a message at GT: TheBloodRanger

Visit and submit an application for approval into the guild!

We are looking forward to tomorrow's adventure!

Tiberious Aldis
Grand Master
Brotherhood, prosperity and purpose.
Edited by TiberiousAldis on May 2, 2018 8:36PM
Tiberious Aldis
Grand Master
The Knights of Corinthia
  • Efaya13
    I'm interested. Can I get an invite?

    GT: TINKxxxA18xxx
  • lerdonkeyub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am interested as well.

    GT: Lerdonkey
  • TiberiousAldis
    @Efaya13 @lerdonkeyub17_ESO Most Definitely! Welcome to the Order!!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • GriffinMoses
    XnoleafkloverX is my GT toss me an inv.
  • berimbolo
    Soul Shriven
    IMP Snake. Havent been in a guild but I'm building my master crafter and have a couple of kther characters co is 164
  • RPGLord94
    Soul Shriven
    GT: RPGLord94
    I would love to join!
  • Ronann87
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested GT is cinnamonbeard87
  • TiberiousAldis
    All invites have been sent! Look forward to seeing you!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • XHawkWingX
    I would like an invite too. GT is xHawkWingx. I am just starting to try out dungeons so I would love to be able to do so with a group that I know.
  • TiberiousAldis
    @XHawkWingX Most certainly! We are currently growing still so we don't have set days of events, but anytime you'd like to run dungeons you can just through a message in the guild chat and I promise you'll get some members to run with you! If by some reason you can't get one, we are allied with another guild that specifically runs dungeons day and night!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • mwzard
    Still taking new members?
  • TiberiousAldis
    @Ronann87 Went to send you an invite but it says you are already in 5 guilds
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • TiberiousAldis
    @mwzard You bet mate! Invite sent!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • th3hitman
    looking to get back into eso. played a bunch but stopped right before the warden class dropped. I'm a cp 310 with a tank and nightblade

    gt: Th3 Hitman
    Edited by th3hitman on April 27, 2018 6:39PM
  • hvydeath
    can i get an invite please. GT Sgt B0ots
  • TiberiousAldis
    @hvydeath Most definitely! I'll get one out to you asap!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • TiberiousAldis
    All invites have been sent out!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • TiberiousAldis
    Check out our new guild website at ! Also, get your apps in before we head into our All Day Dungeon Run Down on the books for Thursday!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • miketwelch
    I’d like an invite, I have a healer, Stam Sorc, and a Master enchanter, alchemist, and provisioner at CP 360. Still working to get all my traits researched though. GT is Reg Sized Rudy1
  • TiberiousAldis
    @miketwelch Thank you for your application, your invite has been sent!
    Tiberious Aldis
    Grand Master
    The Knights of Corinthia
  • Train
    Soul Shriven
    I am very interested in joining I have recently returned to Tamriel and would love to be apart of this guild.

    Right now I am only level 25 on a Warden but I have played PC at release and played a Templar to I think 110 CP.

    GT: The Train
  • Mister_Cap
    Soul Shriven
    Currently returning to the game due to the fact I have been craving elder scrolls if you have any room I wouldn't mind an invite! I don't remember the characters I have or their level since it has been awhile lol just got done downloading the game
    Gt: Nervous Koi
    Edited by Mister_Cap on May 18, 2018 7:33PM
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