tbh haven't been too comfortable with trying out trials at all. i've done a couple of vet dungeons on my magplar, and that's the "hardest" thing i've ever done in terms of content. but i struggled with her since she's a vamp and i swear that almost every dunegon has fire enemies no matter what.
if anyone would like to give me tips of how to build resistances for my templar, that'd be cool.
i also have a magden tank that i am definitely not comfortable with in terms of dungeons.
that being said, if anyone would like to help me or convince me to do trials please do so lol. and if anyone wants to accompany me with my first trial, let me know, i usually play with my brother and friend so we're all flexible on our roles (though not comfortable, yet)...
edit: also what does proc mean, sorry to sound nooby but ive seen this word a lot but i cant figure out what it means
Edited by ramenwaifu on April 12, 2018 1:28AM
NA PSN: Abymen
g's waifu
✽ Thottie I Magplar I AD
✽ Tharjae I Warden I Tank I AD
✽ Mat'ilda I Stamblade I DC
console peasant