Weapon Swap Bug (animation)

  • BaylorCorvette
    So I was talking to @Gilliamtherogue on his stream today and oddly he has never had this bug. Very interesting given the amount of play time he has. I find this issue even more interesting now!
    Edited by BaylorCorvette on April 2, 2018 8:18PM
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • TheYKcid
    Had my bow and 2H swap models TWICE during a single BG today—the bug is alive and well.
    PC/NA — Daggerfall Covenant — BGs, Kaalgrontiid
    Kalazar ChalhoubRedguard Nord Stamplar
    Kalaron Caemor — Altmer Magsorc
    Kalahad Cirith — Dunmer Magden
  • Anomanderake
    This bug must be addressed by ZoS. It’s ruining my pvp play.
  • Zalaan
    I find I have to "/reloadui" to clear it, and it has been happening on a much more frequent basis this last week or so. It usually happens when I am doing quick swaps from Bow to DW and back, in mid-fight. Mainly in Delves (I don't PVP). It does not seem to happen, even with quick swaps, when out of combat.
    (My character wears a costume - Austere Warden, and the dye pack you get during leveling, with headgear hidden; if any of that is relevant).
  • uzbachchi
    This bug hit my tank in mid-dungeon last night. I run double Akaviri Dragonguard S&B but one's been swapped out in the outfit station so I can tell which bar I'm on. Last night was the second time the weapons seemed to switch bars and it's really confusing when it happens during a boss fight.

    PS4 NA
    Edited by uzbachchi on April 7, 2018 1:15PM
  • Anomanderake
    Yeah, this bug still going on. i’m not really sure why keep paying the sub for a game that don’t even try to fix it.
  • DemonDruaga
    still having it, so i'll necro that up here
    Ardor // Dunkelsicht // Pakt
  • BaylorCorvette
    Over this past weekend I tried several things to see if I could determine what the issue was.

    1) Tried disabling every single addon I use. This did not fix anything, I still received the visual bug in the same amount of time I always do.
    2) Modified my outfit, so that my armor had custom cosmetic looks but I didn't not change the style/look of either of my weapons. Interestingly this seemed to delay the animation bug. It's weird since point 3 (taking off ALL outfits) did nothing.
    3) Since point 2 seemed to help, I took it a step further. I stopped wearing an outfit altogether (this was what I thought might be the problem). It did nothing.
    4) Disabled my outfit and used the Skeleton polymorph. Perhaps this is just dumb luck but the animation bug did not happen until maybe an hour of game play. Usually I get it within the first 20 minutes. Still I'm not convinced that this actually helped the problem.

    Reloading UI always fixes the problem. This is only a temporary fix since I always redevelop the visual bug within 20 minutes of resetting UI, sometimes within 10 minutes.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • DemonDruaga
    Over this past weekend I tried several things to see if I could determine what the issue was.

    1) Tried disabling every single addon I use. This did not fix anything, I still received the visual bug in the same amount of time I always do.
    2) Modified my outfit, so that my armor had custom cosmetic looks but I didn't not change the style/look of either of my weapons. Interestingly this seemed to delay the animation bug. It's weird since point 3 (taking off ALL outfits) did nothing.
    3) Since point 2 seemed to help, I took it a step further. I stopped wearing an outfit altogether (this was what I thought might be the problem). It did nothing.
    4) Disabled my outfit and used the Skeleton polymorph. Perhaps this is just dumb luck but the animation bug did not happen until maybe an hour of game play. Usually I get it within the first 20 minutes. Still I'm not convinced that this actually helped the problem.

    Reloading UI always fixes the problem. This is only a temporary fix since I always redevelop the visual bug within 20 minutes of resetting UI, sometimes within 10 minutes.

    i deinstalled the game completly this the last night( saved variables & addons too)
    still having the issue in the complete vanilla game.. i'm really loosing fate

    and as you mentioned, it doesn't matter if i choose an outfit, or don't use anything at all. as soon as I bar swap in combat i'm getting the animation bug
    Ardor // Dunkelsicht // Pakt
  • Criznoks
    I just quit playing the game. I just couldn't take this bug and with no answer to my tickets or forum acknowledgement I just had enough.
  • DemonDruaga
    Over this past weekend I tried several things to see if I could determine what the issue was.

    1) Tried disabling every single addon I use. This did not fix anything, I still received the visual bug in the same amount of time I always do.
    2) Modified my outfit, so that my armor had custom cosmetic looks but I didn't not change the style/look of either of my weapons. Interestingly this seemed to delay the animation bug. It's weird since point 3 (taking off ALL outfits) did nothing.
    3) Since point 2 seemed to help, I took it a step further. I stopped wearing an outfit altogether (this was what I thought might be the problem). It did nothing.
    4) Disabled my outfit and used the Skeleton polymorph. Perhaps this is just dumb luck but the animation bug did not happen until maybe an hour of game play. Usually I get it within the first 20 minutes. Still I'm not convinced that this actually helped the problem.

    Reloading UI always fixes the problem. This is only a temporary fix since I always redevelop the visual bug within 20 minutes of resetting UI, sometimes within 10 minutes.

    I have just seen a reddit post where others have the same issue.
    It looked like they/ he had the issue because of too fast weapon swapping(button spam) and on mouse wheel( since it gives usualy multiple commands)
    I'm using mouse wheel too, gonna change that after work and give it a shot. Wish me luck ^^
    Ardor // Dunkelsicht // Pakt
  • BaylorCorvette
    I have just seen a reddit post where others have the same issue.
    It looked like they/ he had the issue because of too fast weapon swapping(button spam) and on mouse wheel( since it gives usualy multiple commands)
    I'm using mouse wheel too, gonna change that after work and give it a shot. Wish me luck ^^

    I'm also using the mouse wheel to weapon swap. However, my scroll wheel also tilts left and right. I used the tilt left to swap, it's more of a button click (left / right) than the scroll wheel so I do not know if that is my problem.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • DemonDruaga
    I have just seen a reddit post where others have the same issue.
    It looked like they/ he had the issue because of too fast weapon swapping(button spam) and on mouse wheel( since it gives usualy multiple commands)
    I'm using mouse wheel too, gonna change that after work and give it a shot. Wish me luck ^^

    I'm also using the mouse wheel to weapon swap. However, my scroll wheel also tilts left and right. I used the tilt left to swap, it's more of a button click (left / right) than the scroll wheel so I do not know if that is my problem.

    So, i was able to test around for a bit now.
    I change to mouse wheel click(no tilt, just the usual push down of the wheel) and so far I can't reproduce the bug anymore.
    If i change back to the wheel-scroll up/down i can almost instantly reproduce the animation bug again.

    I need to further test it in laggy and more stressed out scenarios tough. maybe you should try to reasign another key to test for yourself. I hope it gets fixed tough, since I'm playing since the beginning with the wheel bar swap and do that in a ton of other games too xD will mess up my performance for some weeks quite a bit till my muscles adjustet to that crap.

    greeetz, and I will write again if I got more news on this matter
    Ardor // Dunkelsicht // Pakt
  • BaylorCorvette
    So, i was able to test around for a bit now.
    I change to mouse wheel click(no tilt, just the usual push down of the wheel) and so far I can't reproduce the bug anymore.
    If i change back to the wheel-scroll up/down i can almost instantly reproduce the animation bug again.

    I need to further test it in laggy and more stressed out scenarios tough. maybe you should try to reasign another key to test for yourself. I hope it gets fixed tough, since I'm playing since the beginning with the wheel bar swap and do that in a ton of other games too xD will mess up my performance for some weeks quite a bit till my muscles adjustet to that crap.

    greeetz, and I will write again if I got more news on this matter

    Interesting. Thanks for the information. I will try that out tonight and see if it will fix things.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • Criznoks
    Still bugged since Feb, amazing
    Edited by Criznoks on April 21, 2018 4:38AM
  • Anomanderake
    This bug is definetly going on. I don’t want to remove the weapon swap from my mouse wheel, it will messo my rotation. It’s possibile that no one is working to a such game breaking issue?
  • Criznoks
    I think the issue is they have no idea what is causing it. They are hoping we will find a solution.
  • TheValar85
    This bug is still exsist sience febuary... Siriusly ZOs do something about it.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/bsOM6n
  • BaylorCorvette
    I have just seen a reddit post where others have the same issue.
    It looked like they/ he had the issue because of too fast weapon swapping(button spam) and on mouse wheel( since it gives usualy multiple commands)
    I'm using mouse wheel too, gonna change that after work and give it a shot. Wish me luck ^^

    I'm also using the mouse wheel to weapon swap. However, my scroll wheel also tilts left and right. I used the tilt left to swap, it's more of a button click (left / right) than the scroll wheel so I do not know if that is my problem.

    So, i was able to test around for a bit now.
    I change to mouse wheel click(no tilt, just the usual push down of the wheel) and so far I can't reproduce the bug anymore.
    If i change back to the wheel-scroll up/down i can almost instantly reproduce the animation bug again.

    I need to further test it in laggy and more stressed out scenarios tough. maybe you should try to reasign another key to test for yourself. I hope it gets fixed tough, since I'm playing since the beginning with the wheel bar swap and do that in a ton of other games too xD will mess up my performance for some weeks quite a bit till my muscles adjustet to that crap.

    greeetz, and I will write again if I got more news on this matter

    So after about 20 hours of playing with the key bind to the center scroll wheel CLICK rather than the scroll wheel SCROLL, I have not had the animation bug.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • Criznoks
    I just played and within 5 minutes it happened. I changed the keybind and it didn't work.
  • Criznoks
    I think I found something that works. I have to test it longer but for now it is working. I had to put a delay on my weapon swap button of .250 seconds. It seems that the server is not keeping up and delays causing it not to sync with our game when switch back and forth with weapons. This started with the outfit update and should be looked into further by the Devs. Again, it would be nice to have an official quote from them.
  • rustudah
    Criznoks wrote: »
    I think I found something that works. I have to test it longer but for now it is working. I had to put a delay on my weapon swap button of .250 seconds. It seems that the server is not keeping up and delays causing it not to sync with our game when switch back and forth with weapons. This started with the outfit update and should be looked into further by the Devs. Again, it would be nice to have an official quote from them.

    Can u please explain how u added delay to the swap? I made multiple posts in this thread and haven't got even one reply from devs/community managers. Sadly this bug is existing in pts also, so I dont think this will be fixed anytime soon. Moreover, workarounds like these should be given by devs, totally incompetent of them.
    PC/NA | CP 1300+
    Nord Stamina Dragonknight - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Nord Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Nord Stamina Sorcerer - PVP
    Argonian Dragonknight - PVE TANK
    Breton Magicka Nightblade - PVP
    Argonian Magicka Templar - PVE HEALER
    Redguard Stamina Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Breton Magicka Templar - PVE DPS
    Khajiit Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight - PVP
    Nord Stamina Warden - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Warden - PVP
    Orc Stamina Templar - PVP
    Breton Magicka Sorcerer - PVP
    Khajiit Magicka Necro - PVE DPS
    Nord Necromancer - PVP
  • rustudah
    Over this past weekend I tried several things to see if I could determine what the issue was.

    1) Tried disabling every single addon I use. This did not fix anything, I still received the visual bug in the same amount of time I always do.
    2) Modified my outfit, so that my armor had custom cosmetic looks but I didn't not change the style/look of either of my weapons. Interestingly this seemed to delay the animation bug. It's weird since point 3 (taking off ALL outfits) did nothing.
    3) Since point 2 seemed to help, I took it a step further. I stopped wearing an outfit altogether (this was what I thought might be the problem). It did nothing.
    4) Disabled my outfit and used the Skeleton polymorph. Perhaps this is just dumb luck but the animation bug did not happen until maybe an hour of game play. Usually I get it within the first 20 minutes. Still I'm not convinced that this actually helped the problem.

    Reloading UI always fixes the problem. This is only a temporary fix since I always redevelop the visual bug within 20 minutes of resetting UI, sometimes within 10 minutes.

    Interestingly, the bug is only visible to ourselves. Others can see our weapons properly even while bugged. So it seems to be a mismatch between server and client code.
    PC/NA | CP 1300+
    Nord Stamina Dragonknight - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Nord Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Nord Stamina Sorcerer - PVP
    Argonian Dragonknight - PVE TANK
    Breton Magicka Nightblade - PVP
    Argonian Magicka Templar - PVE HEALER
    Redguard Stamina Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Breton Magicka Templar - PVE DPS
    Khajiit Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight - PVP
    Nord Stamina Warden - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Warden - PVP
    Orc Stamina Templar - PVP
    Breton Magicka Sorcerer - PVP
    Khajiit Magicka Necro - PVE DPS
    Nord Necromancer - PVP
  • maltinkilic
    Anyone else having an issue when you weapon swap to a different bar it will cosmetically keep the other bars weapon? For instance, I use 2H and Dual Wield and when I switch from my 2H bar to my dual wield bar my characters right hand will be holding the 2H sword and the left hand looks like he's holding something but you don't see anything. Then, sometimes when the dual wield swords are displayed correctly and I change back to my 2H bar it shows my character in the 2H stance like he's trying to hold a single 2H weapon but cosmetically he's holding two dual wield weapons together.

    I really only PvP, so I do not know if this is just a Cyrodiil issue or not. Also, I'm on PC NA.

    Yes it is very annoying to hit with bow and shoot with warhammer. It completely disturbs my concentration and thus broke my rotation when playing with my stamden. It only occurs when i try to swap bars during lag spikes.
  • rustudah
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Wrobel
    Hi Team,
    Any updates on this bug yet. This is year 2018 and it is still happening :)

    Please show us some love and i would like to see some acknowledgement to all the players that are suffering from this problem. I do not know if this bug happens because of the lag, I would rather think it as a cooldown issue where the client 3d graphic not recognizing the server switching back the bars.

    If so, can we at least get a work around? (for example, a feedback sound or something that says swapping is on cooldown)

    Appreciate all the good work you people do! Sorry for my rage earlier in this post.
    PC/NA | CP 1300+
    Nord Stamina Dragonknight - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Nord Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Nord Stamina Sorcerer - PVP
    Argonian Dragonknight - PVE TANK
    Breton Magicka Nightblade - PVP
    Argonian Magicka Templar - PVE HEALER
    Redguard Stamina Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Breton Magicka Templar - PVE DPS
    Khajiit Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight - PVP
    Nord Stamina Warden - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Warden - PVP
    Orc Stamina Templar - PVP
    Breton Magicka Sorcerer - PVP
    Khajiit Magicka Necro - PVE DPS
    Nord Necromancer - PVP
  • BaylorCorvette
    For me personally, ever since I switched from scrolling on the wheel to PUSHING/CLICKING the scroll wheel I have not had the animation bug.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • rustudah
    For me personally, ever since I switched from scrolling on the wheel to PUSHING/CLICKING the scroll wheel I have not had the animation bug.

    OMG I just tried this today and was coming here to report the same.. only to see that someone already tried it. <Face Palm>

    Any who.. the problem seems to be with the game considering each point in the scroll as separate action.. so with one scroll it fires multiple swap actions and the server does not like this because there is a cooldown on swapping.

    Now that I have changed the weapon swap to click, I'd have to unlearn/learn the game again :(

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Wrobel
    PC/NA | CP 1300+
    Nord Stamina Dragonknight - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Nord Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Nord Stamina Sorcerer - PVP
    Argonian Dragonknight - PVE TANK
    Breton Magicka Nightblade - PVP
    Argonian Magicka Templar - PVE HEALER
    Redguard Stamina Sorcerer - PVE DPS
    Breton Magicka Templar - PVE DPS
    Khajiit Stamina Nightblade - PVP
    Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight - PVP
    Nord Stamina Warden - PVP
    High Elf Magicka Warden - PVP
    Orc Stamina Templar - PVP
    Breton Magicka Sorcerer - PVP
    Khajiit Magicka Necro - PVE DPS
    Nord Necromancer - PVP
  • Swift_One
    Yes, I made a separate post about this same bug. It is very annoying. It would be nice if ZOS would at least acknowledge the bug and say they are looking into it. lamw1ftgqhvn.png
  • MythicSnake
    So it's almost 2020, and I'm still experiencing this issue. I don't use the scroll wheel to swap weapons. I use two different staves and swap using a bump button on my mouse, and it always gets stuck on my back bar staff. It really ruins my ability to fight properly, as I am always deploying the wrong action at the wrong time.

    Someone mentioned adjusting the swap delay. Can someone please explain how to do this. Also, if this is the fix, then why haven't the devs programmed a swap delay into the game?
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