DeadlyRecluse wrote: »Start drinking whenever you enter a load screen. Don't stop until the loadscreen ends.
Play PvP. Die IRL.
Open a bottle of whisky (blended is OK - no need to waste a single malt). Every time you open a jubilee crate and it does not contain a Worm Cult motif page that you do no already have, drink a double.
What's your idea of a great Friday night ESO drinking game/challenge?
Split into some four man teams (to be fair mix and match for an even amount of high CP and low CP characters throughout) for normal Dragonstar, but all stay in guild chat 1. Each time someone dies in any of the groups, we all have to drink, and at the end the team who gets to the finish line first wins and everyone else has to drink.
1). No group heals
2). No Taunts
If you are in a big end game guild, this can be changed to vet, of course.
What's your idea of a great Friday night ESO drinking game/challenge?
Split into some four man teams (to be fair mix and match for an even amount of high CP and low CP characters throughout) for normal Dragonstar, but all stay in guild chat 1. Each time someone dies in any of the groups, we all have to drink, and at the end the team who gets to the finish line first wins and everyone else has to drink.
1). No group heals
2). No Taunts
If you are in a big end game guild, this can be changed to vet, of course.
Like most drinking games this tend to be harder and harder as you get more drunk.purple-magicb16_ESO wrote: »
This is the coolest idea I've ever heard! You sir, are a frat god and I bow before your wisdom. This would be so awesome to try.