Not 1 good group experience.

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Why is it so hard to play with my friends? Yesterday I was stuck at level 8 with a bunch of really hard level 9 quests. I had probably 3-4 quests I was stuck on. I tried grouping with my friend and guildmate for every single one of these quests, and he was never able to help me. Not even once. No matter how many times we tried "Travel to Player". all we would see is the arrow. In a game with difficult content, that's designed to be meant for "group play", it isn't very group friendly. It's very frustrating that my friend couldn't help me with a single one of my quests. Is there any information about this problem, or is it just the wretched grouping design. Either way, all I know is this game was touted as the ultimate multiplayer experience. "all other mmos isolate you while leveling, etc, etc"... Well, I've never felt more isolated and alone in a game then i have now.
Edited by alxmdsn on March 31, 2014 4:57PM
  • Inversus
    Go back and do some lower level quests if you're having trouble. Most people find that they outlevel quests, not the other way around.
    The reason you couldn't see your group was because you must have been on a quest that your friend was not on; if he had been on the same quest you would most likely have seen him.

    And yes, it can be difficult to get around instancing to group up together, but it is possible - even if it's tricky for certain quests.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • alxmdsn
    Why does he have to be on the same quest? If my friend want's to help me, he should be able to do that (no matter what hes done or hasn't done). I ended up finishing all the quests solo last night, It was just really disappointing to not have my friend be able to help me.
  • Pretext
    Not being able to group is a real issue in a multiplayer game. I understand why they did it, but is there any way to tell that you are not going to be able to group up?

    I think separate instances for "dungeons" or other quest areas would have worked here to sort the problem out.
  • mithrendiel
    I've grouped almost the entire time I was in beta, as well as during release, and only run into a handful of quests I couldn't do with my party mate. There are certain quests that are done in "solo instances." Like Fighters guild and Mage guild quests, as well as all of the main story quests. That content is meant to be a test of your skills playing alone, as well as provide a personal story for you, I assume. In the case of the Mage and Fighters guild quests, they get extremely hard, so you may want to out level them a bit before you try them. Then there are big quests that are sort of "world changing" like big phased battles, where someone not on the quest might not be able to see you. But if you start the chain with a friend, you are fine, because you are both at the same quest step at the same time.

    I'm not sure which quest in particular you were trying to do, but I think you'll find the grouping experience works just fine if you start leveling with a friend as long as you understand what quests are solo quest.
  • Malkavianqueen
    I was hoping they had fixed these issues. :C I play mmos to play with other people. I only hope that these are just launch phasing issues and not game design. I really hate solo instances with a passion. Yes, anyone should have the option to solo what they want, but the should also be able to play any quest with a friend. So far though, my boyfriend and I haven't run into any solo instances and we're level eight... We'll see...
    Edited by Malkavianqueen on April 1, 2014 7:48AM
  • RustyBlades
    I know the get the books quest part of the mage's guild wasn't solo. Just parts of the quest line are solo, which is ok, I guess. Maybe Zen will fell the angst and actually remake a few solo's for coop..
  • Aerrimus
    Invite your friend your group and then have him/her logout and back in. He/she should come back into the game in the same instance/phase as you.
  • mithrendiel
    Actually yes, I should have been more clear on the Mage/Fighters guild quests. It's only the big boss fights that seem to be in solo instances. Like when you go down into the dungeon to rescue Merric, and have to fight that even snake. Or going into Sheogorath's realm to fight his "dog." They've made these fights easier but they are still a challenge, with some interesting mechanics you need to be aware of to defeat them (especially the fight to save Merric).
  • KaizerXul
    No. This happens even if you're on the beginning of a quest or not even doing a quest. I'm in the same house with my gf and we're both unable to even see each other standing on the dock of the bay half of the time. There is some other serious glitch that is happening here. Log out/log in worked sometimes in the beta but only every 5 times and was never consistent. It's insane that I can't even see my group member, nor is it even making one of us a group leader. It's a crap shoot to whether or not we'll be out of phase.


    Edit: Further searching shows that 'Travel to Player' sometimes more than 2-3 times will eventually bring you into sync. Still, a pain and it would have been a nice heads up from the devs. I'm fine with things being fixed, but just tell us it is broken. :wink:
    Edited by KaizerXul on April 1, 2014 7:37AM
    "When I left you, I was but the learner. Now *I* am the master."
  • Malkavianqueen
    KaizerXul wrote: »
    Edit: Further searching shows that 'Travel to Player' sometimes more than 2-3 times will eventually bring you into sync. Still, a pain and it would have been a nice heads up from the devs. I'm fine with things being fixed, but just tell us it is broken. :wink:

    Agreed! I love the game, but the phasing issues are one of my biggest pet peeves about it! I can't even imagine going around with four people in your group, trying to coordinate leveling. I have enough issues with one other person. X.x These issues along with the forced soloing on some quests make me very sad.
  • kijima
    Instancing is still having issues, but it doesn't seem to be as bad as beta was, that was awful if you were trying to play with someone.

    To be honest though, it's not effecting me as I'm not playing along side anyone (nobody loves me :( ) but I can understand how annoying this would be as many couples play this game.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Waylon
    We play as a family, and we have been struck by this phasing issue as well. It is funny because it doesn't happen all the time. But it is one of our biggest pet peeves at the moment. I hope this does get fixed soon, and the developers can figure a way to solve some of the population induced issues that make some of these quest bug out. But considering everything, it has been a pretty smooth launch, I truly believe things with get better.
  • Laura
    They said they are going to work on this. I'd like to see the damn quests fixed first though. I have like 8 in my quest log I cant complete so I'm working on an alt.
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