Why is it so hard to play with my friends? Yesterday I was stuck at level 8 with a bunch of really hard level 9 quests. I had probably 3-4 quests I was stuck on. I tried grouping with my friend and guildmate for every single one of these quests, and he was never able to help me. Not even once. No matter how many times we tried "Travel to Player". all we would see is the arrow. In a game with difficult content, that's designed to be meant for "group play", it isn't very group friendly. It's very frustrating that my friend couldn't help me with a single one of my quests. Is there any information about this problem, or is it just the wretched grouping design. Either way, all I know is this game was touted as the ultimate multiplayer experience. "all other mmos isolate you while leveling, etc, etc"... Well, I've never felt more isolated and alone in a game then i have now.
Edited by alxmdsn on March 31, 2014 4:57PM