I am not putting this in bug reports, in case I am missing some mechanics - which I think is the case. The other day, 3/12 I noticed the telepads in Arcane U map were interrupting my Dark Deals. The first time I assumed I had been hit with a Flame Reach I had bent around a wall. Then it happened again and I had Dots ticking on me, but nothing that could have interrupted.
The whole night I felt like my DD's were being interrupted more than usual, but I just chalked it up to my not really studying the latest gameplay changes. What am I missing? It felt like any direct damage I was taking was interrupting my DDs. If I was off-balance, 1 tick of a resto or light staff can interrupt me correct? But it definitely felt like any direct damage dealt during my DD was interrupting me at the start of the week. Any sorcs have similar experience? Or what am I missing about combat mechanics?