Hey there so I have been thinking that we need something new for the crafters because we kinda got the short end of the stick as more and more people got 9 traits we kinda lose our job in game or just don't have time to spam for few hours / day on wayrest city for example that we can craft anything so here is my idea on what to do to make it a little bit community friendly:
Create in game crafting board where people would create a player crafting writ, which than could be picked up by 1 (one) player and give him/her a quest that requires to craft specific item (much like master crafting writs), the rewards would be ofc gold that is offered by the player for the crafters work and a chance to get some ammount of vouchers for both crafter and player who posted the offer and experience.
Why do this and details
1. I believe it would make things interesting and give a chance for everyone to have either job as a crafter or a chance to get what u want without the skills to do so.
2. Would give additional quests to do (ye some of us did them all and need more of quests instead of grinding dungs/trials/pvp 24/7 as an end game)
3. It could be any crafted item - furnishings,potions,weapons, food etc.
4. Would not require to be in guild store so that even if we would lose a trader the business would thrive, honestly current guild trading is kinda lame as since TTC addon you just go for the cheapest stuff anyway and you know exactly where to get it, notice guild stores would still be necessary for selling dropped sets
5. After taking player writ you got 24 hours to complete it, if it is not completed the quest is cancelled and writ goes back to board, player that did not finished the writ on time cannot take new one for 12 hours - this would be done to prevent the loss of writ for the posting player fee and avoiding trolling players.
6. You could do player crafting writ no more than 5 or 10 or 15 (whichever would work best) times / day on 1 account - to prevent of players taking all the best writs on multiple chars and getting to many writs/gold through them
Well that is what I have thought about would make me more happy, I honestly think that the way guild store system works is pretty much outdated and annoying (wasting time on scrolling through either TTC or guild stores is annoying and some players waste their limited game time on it...).
What do you guys think? Would you like to add something? Do you think it would be interesting to add it to game?