Animation Canceling

  • LiquidPony
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    They just can't do it
    Easy fix that even ZOS could do in a weekend, simply make the global cooldown unique to each skill and have it match the length of the animation for the skill.
    Voila, no more animation canceling and best of all, no need to redo any of the animations!

    Of course, that would also give half the player population a heart attack on release day ...

    This is what I reckon should happen. Would change a lot of the meta build, and open up trials slots to people who do not meet to 35-40K+ DPS tests that trials guilds demand for content clearing. Would make the trials more of a mechanic test than a how fast can we burn boss X to avoid mechanic Y.

    I cannot weave as my ping sits at 350 on a good day being Australian on the US server. I can pull 30K on a MagSorc with a NORD using this rotation: Potion Rage LL EB <swap> Pet Prey HA HA <swap> Repeat. That is using 3/4 pce IA, 5 pce Necro, 2 pce Maw 1 VMA staff. I will never see this 46K DPS parses because my ping is too high. Abilities stick, don't register, cast the same thing twice instead of the next ability I press because it registered twice for some reason.. I use to be able to pull 40K DPS back before Lightning HA's were nerfed using the exact same build.

    TL;DR Animation cancelling locks out players from high end content who have to suffer with latency issues because people don't want to risk having to do extra mechanic they can otherwise avoid.

    If anything the people with high DPS are the ones that need to Gid Gud and learn the mechanics that they are so afraid of doing and trying to avoid.

    I mean it sucks that your latency is high, but the idea that the game should be completely reworked to accommodate players with 350ms pings is absolutely bonkers.

    And your TL;DR is just ... no. Trial scores are time based. We boost DPS to skip mechanics to get better scores, not because we don't like mechanics.

    Anyway, @VilniusNastavnik, here's are some suggestions for your sorc because there are some things you can do to improve your DPS regardless of your latency:

    * Try a 5/5/1 setup. I recommend 5 x Necropotence, 5 x Mechanical Acuity (4 body, 1 front bar Infused lightning staff w/shock enchant), 1 x Molag Kena, Maelstrom infused lightning backbar w/berserker enchant. But Netch's Touch works as well.
    * You can also try just swapping out Necropotence for Mechanical Acuity.
    * Consecutive heavy attacks on the front bar is not ideal.
    * Try slotting Shock Clench on the front bar and doing: LA Curse, HA Clench, HA Pet Pulse, swap
    * I parse 40k+ solo on live with that setup. Look up @dpencil1's NecroAcuity build and check out some of the ideas and parses in that thread.

    Also, I play on XB/NA. We have a player located in Japan who is on our core raid team and I've seen (raid parse) 50k+ magsorc parses and 65k+ stamDK parses from that player.
  • rustic_potato
    Lol I have friends who play from Australia and Japan with 300+ ping and parse 50k+. Stop blaming mechanics for your inability. You are using a race that is probably one of the worst for a magsorc. 30 k is a decent parse but if you truly want meta level DPS you need to change your playstyle.
    Edited by rustic_potato on January 24, 2018 6:26PM
    I play how I want to.

  • ookami007
    LiquidPony wrote: »

    Git gud.

    Delete this thread.

    Etc., etc.

    Lame non-answers. Learning to play does not involve breaking the ToS by using macros.
  • Dymence
    ookami007 wrote: »
    LiquidPony wrote: »

    Git gud.

    Delete this thread.

    Etc., etc.

    Lame non-answers. Learning to play does not involve breaking the ToS by using macros.

    Learning to play involves actually learning how the game functions to the point where you realize that every single thing the OP showed or talked about has absolutely nothing to do with macros.

    Hence the comment is a perfectly fitting answer.
  • LiquidPony
    ookami007 wrote: »
    LiquidPony wrote: »

    Git gud.

    Delete this thread.

    Etc., etc.

    Lame non-answers. Learning to play does not involve breaking the ToS by using macros.

    But learning to play does, in fact, involve accepting the fact that most of the people who are better than you aren't better than you because they're using macros or cheat engine or whatever ... they're just better than you.

    Learning to play also means accepting that you're playing a buggy game with horribly laggy PvP and sometimes you just can't control what happens. I play on XB/NA and every time I go into Cyrodiil I have at least one encounter where I'm alive, doing my thing ... and then I'm just dead. Somehow 3 snipes and an ambush and a spectral bow all hit me simultaneously for an insta-gib. But this isn't because of "macros" (we're using controllers here) or "cheat engine" ... it's because of lag.

    Learning to play also means taking the time to do some research before coming to the forums to post idiotic nonsense like this thread.

    I mean, JFC, one of OP's examples to prove that people are "cheating with macros and macroslicing" is ... Fengrush getting stuck in a crit rush animation. What a giant face-palm. OP literally disproved his own point by posting that video.
  • Hutch679
    Dymence wrote: »
    Do more research, you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I'll help you out.

    There is a global cooldown of 1 second after every ability you cast. NOTHING can bypass this global cooldown. Not animation cancelling, not macros.

    Macroslice has nothing to do with macros itself. A macroslice occurs because the server can't keep up with the input traffic and queues abilities up infinitely and then fires them all off at once. This will simply happen in situation with a lot of data transfer (PVP, trials). Players have no control over this.

    Global cooldown of 1 sec huh? So you're saying only 5 abilities can be cast within 5 seconds?
  • Joy_Division
    Nearly four years later and people are still complaining about "animation cancelling" and still wrongly insisting that it allows people to circumvent the one second global cool-down in the game's engine.

    People still under the delusion that Zos could simply get rid of it and the game will work just fine, even though though the entire game is (now) built around the premise that players will animation cancel, from DPS, to gaining ultimate, to just not melting in PvP.

    You think Maelstrom Arena is hard now? Just try to do that with a lot less DPS and not being able to do anything but hold down the block key when trolls, ice atronachs, and mages are pounding you on stage 5. I would uninstall the game if I could not "animation cancel" as a templar in PvP because the class now has no blinding flashes, no functional class shield, no more major mending, Eclipse no longer reflects; in short the *only* defense a templar has is holding down block and casting its heal. Must be nice to cloak away whenever things get hot or just spam shields/bolt escape away while complaining about BoL spamming templars.

    More to the point, animation canceling is not hard at all. I am probably the least coordinated person I know and I play with a generic $10 mouse and I'm able to do it just fine. It's not "elitist."

    I don't know who thinks it's an awesome idea or representation of combat to force players to either defend or attack, when zero martial arts or combat philosophies ascribe to such nonsense. All stress the necessity to attack and defend at the same time.
    Edited by Joy_Division on January 24, 2018 5:44PM
  • lazerlaz
    I think removal would be just fine. I would at least be open to the idea of trying how the game would be without animation canceling.

    Game would probably slow down for me but become more fluid. Ani canceling in PVP is so second nature I don't even realize I do it anymore.

    Only thing I don't like about animation canceling across the board is that it takes away the visual and I like seeing the full beauty of the movement the developers took so much time to code and map. Sound nerdy? Ya probably lol.
  • LiquidPony
    Hutch679 wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Do more research, you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I'll help you out.

    There is a global cooldown of 1 second after every ability you cast. NOTHING can bypass this global cooldown. Not animation cancelling, not macros.

    Macroslice has nothing to do with macros itself. A macroslice occurs because the server can't keep up with the input traffic and queues abilities up infinitely and then fires them all off at once. This will simply happen in situation with a lot of data transfer (PVP, trials). Players have no control over this.

    Global cooldown of 1 sec huh? So you're saying only 5 abilities can be cast within 5 seconds?

    Insert Fry_"Not_sure_if_serious"_meme.jpg
    Edited by LiquidPony on January 24, 2018 6:52PM
  • Gilvoth
    SirMewser wrote: »
    Heavy attack builds.

    awesome idea
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