logarifmik wrote: »The Tale of the Curiousity and of His Master with Two Left Hands
I remember my first Maw of Lorkhaj. It's still my single visit to this cursed temple.
So, once upon a time my Curiosity asked me, "Hey, comrade, why ya never tried so-called Maw of Lorkhaj, end-game hard as nail content so far? This Breton fella looks strong enough to give it a try, eh? Now, come on, gather a party, and onwards, to the adventure!"
I said, "Are you mad? Where am I find eleven people, who will come with me to this accursed place? I can't even find three volunteers to form a team for Maelstrom Arena!"
He answered, "Rely on me, dear Master! Just open zone chat and type magical formula as follows, LFM nMoL. Don't be afraid, it's just a simple summoning spell!"
"Alright, I'll give it a try. After all, am I a Breton sorcerer or not? Let it be so!", and so it was done.
To my utter surprise, a lot of people out there answered to this call, and with no time eleven mighty warriors were next to me. More than that, an experienced man named Brynjolf of Riften agreed to be our leader. Back then, he didn't knew that it will take almost five hours of his life. I bet, without him, those hours could become days.
I fail to find words to describe my experience back then, so allow me to omit details. I can only say, that I never done it again for a good reasons. For two reasons, which are still left with me.The End.
SGT_Wolfe101st wrote: »This was normal MoL, but this can get dicey even on normal. We are going along, running the typical 2 tanks 2 healer set-up first trash pulls are ok, first boss is ok. We get to the twins. The trial leader is explaining the mechanics, white head, purple head, blah blah blah. We start, one twin is doing as directed, getting taunted, moving to the appropriate side, the other not so much. Things are bad, he is loose, just wreaking house, its awful, we wipe.
No worries, we had some first timers, its to be expected. We reset. Same result. We reset. Same result. So now we start asking the other tank. "You're range taunting him at the start, yes" I kid you not his response was "What's a taunt?" Apparently this cat thought that putting on heavy armor made you a tank. He did not have any taunts slotted, he didn't have a range taunt of any kind unlocked, not sure what he thought made a tank a tank but, needless to say we did not complete the exercise. That was the worst I think.
He was dressed in The Nordic Bather's Towel. "Terminator" movie teach us, that time travel don't tolerate clothing. So he could be a time traveller, yes.Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »This is brilliant!
Is this the same brynjolf from skyrim? Is he a time traveller by any chance?
logarifmik wrote: »He was dressed in The Nordic Bather's Towel. "Terminator" movie teach us, that time travel don't tolerate clothing. So he could be a time traveller, yes.Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »This is brilliant!
Is this the same brynjolf from skyrim? Is he a time traveller by any chance?
logarifmik wrote: »He was dressed in The Nordic Bather's Towel. "Terminator" movie teach us, that time travel don't tolerate clothing. So he could be a time traveller, yes.Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »This is brilliant!
Is this the same brynjolf from skyrim? Is he a time traveller by any chance?