Login error

I get a login timeout everytime i try to login.
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Hey there, @2btravis‌. First, we'd recommend verifying that you have the most recent version of the client installed -- you can find the client version in the bottom-left corner of the login screen. The client version should be Version If it's not, we'll need you to update the client by doing the following steps:
    • Close both the game and the launcher
    • Open the game installation directory
    • Open the folder named "Launcher"
    • Inside the "Launcher" folder, there is a folder named "ProgramData"
    • Rename the "ProgramData" folder to "ProgramDataBackup"
    • Open the launcher and download update
    • Click "Play"

    Let us know if you're still having this error. Thanks for contacting us!
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  • 2btravis
    I acually cant even run the launcher it will like not even open i was running like a app called eso So i think my launcher is mest up
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