They need a checker, when you queue to clsssify - I'm a first timer and want to do the question or I'm here for the XP and want this done ASAP or I'm here for the pledge need all the bosses.
Would help. Sadly people are....people
Charliff1966 wrote: »Yup, got kicked once, first dungeon i did, Fungal grotto 1. Told them i was new. They asked if i had watched youtube and learned mechanics. Said no and they kicked me for being a noob and they wouldnt carry me. Havent touched dungeons again.
Charliff1966 wrote: »Yup, got kicked once, first dungeon i did, Fungal grotto 1. Told them i was new. They asked if i had watched youtube and learned mechanics. Said no and they kicked me for being a noob and they wouldnt carry me. Havent touched dungeons again.
Elsterchen wrote: »Charliff1966 wrote: »Yup, got kicked once, first dungeon i did, Fungal grotto 1. Told them i was new. They asked if i had watched youtube and learned mechanics. Said no and they kicked me for being a noob and they wouldnt carry me. Havent touched dungeons again.
Well, you probably entered vet ... try normal first. Never had any trouble or complains in normal, even with my level 12 baby kitten without barswap and green "whatever - lies -around"-armor.
imredneckson wrote: »Charliff1966 wrote: »Yup, got kicked once, first dungeon i did, Fungal grotto 1. Told them i was new. They asked if i had watched youtube and learned mechanics. Said no and they kicked me for being a noob and they wouldnt carry me. Havent touched dungeons again.
I hear that. My first dungeon, I saw someone in my trading guild ask for some help with a dungeon so I jumped in and said id help. We fight the first boss in BC and the group leader is typing saying "I knew I should have picked up a real DPS" and over all saying I'm a bad player. I left group and didn't go back into a dungeon for easily over a year. Oh well, guy is a tool and he can take is BS and shove it "where the bright moons don't shine" .
Charliff1966 wrote: »Elsterchen wrote: »Charliff1966 wrote: »Yup, got kicked once, first dungeon i did, Fungal grotto 1. Told them i was new. They asked if i had watched youtube and learned mechanics. Said no and they kicked me for being a noob and they wouldnt carry me. Havent touched dungeons again.
Well, you probably entered vet ... try normal first. Never had any trouble or complains in normal, even with my level 12 baby kitten without barswap and green "whatever - lies -around"-armor.
I was 11 at the time, can i enter vet dungeons at that level?
I ran the vet vaults of madness pledge on my tank last night. The "healer" (I don't even tho k he had a resto staff equipped, tbh) kept running ahead of the group and pulling things and being generally annoying. I told him in chat that tanks tend to prefer being the first one in/pulling because it makes aggro gain easier. He ignored me.
Then at that boss that instantly melts someone in the party if you don't stop dealing damage for a few seconds , I ended up getting melted because this *** didn't know the mechanics. I said again that he needed to slow down and let me pull instead of rushing ahead. He responded with "its just a vet dungeon, you died cuz you're a trash tank".
So he rushes ahead again while I'm reviving and starts fighting the snake daedra chick. Blue flames show up on the bridge so he's cut off from the group and he gets owned by the boss. Me and the other 3 guys manage to get across the flames and killed the boss without his help at all, didn't revive him, and then kicked him from the group for being a moron.
We got a replacement and the rest of the run went smooth (except last boss who I practically had to solo because the other guys kept getting killed by the bubble/no bubble mechanic).
Moral of the story: don't speed run dungeons unless every one in your group is onboard with it.
Charliff1966 wrote: »imredneckson wrote: »Charliff1966 wrote: »Yup, got kicked once, first dungeon i did, Fungal grotto 1. Told them i was new. They asked if i had watched youtube and learned mechanics. Said no and they kicked me for being a noob and they wouldnt carry me. Havent touched dungeons again.
I hear that. My first dungeon, I saw someone in my trading guild ask for some help with a dungeon so I jumped in and said id help. We fight the first boss in BC and the group leader is typing saying "I knew I should have picked up a real DPS" and over all saying I'm a bad player. I left group and didn't go back into a dungeon for easily over a year. Oh well, guy is a tool and he can take is BS and shove it "where the bright moons don't shine" .
Hehe, yeah the game is a blast and i wont let a bunch of idiots spoil that. Now to find a ps4 eu guild that isnt full with cp400+ people