I'm rather curious. Who would say that ESOs portrayal of Almalexia is to her Morrowind: Tribunal counterpart? Do you like her portrayal or would you rather it fit with standing Lore?
For me personally with her being my favorite Tribune (I know, unpopular opinion) I felt as if she was lackluster, there wasn't much of the Mother Mercy to her but yet there was a lot of the Warden aspect of her. With her defending her City, and people, though it seemed as if this overshadowed Mother Morrowind or Mother Mercy, the Lover and Healing Mother aspects of her. What possibly draws the most ire I suppose is her usage of saying "Appearances are everything!" It doesn't seem like anything pre-Tribunal (TES III) Almalexia would just say at any point.
In comparison to the Lore we got with Vivec and Sotha Sil, it seems like they dwarf her in having the most written about them and how they are fan favorites; meanwhile, Almalexia is here with just her Blessed Homilies and stories for the Morning, Afternoon and Evening. Would you like new Lore over her? Or what would you rather see?