So far I have only tried Fang Lair in vet just the once. For new dungeons I really like to try to figure them out myself and I just don't bother with normal since it doesn't prepare you well for vet. Anyway in the pug I was running we made it to the undead menagerie but didn't pass it(I was tanking) which is no surprise for a blind vet run. After failing to pass it and the group dissolving, I watched Alcast's guide to that fight...I guess I was tanking it right, it looks mainly to be a DPS test, which is a little dissapointing. The biggest problem we had was the pouncing Senche...the DPS kept getting far enough away to activate his pounce...and I had real trouble getting to it in time to bash it, unlike vCoS where I just throw a 2 hander on back bar and slot a charge to close the distance this Senche always seemed out of charge range...made me wish I was playing a warden tank for the pull-to-ally skill. Anyone have any suggestions for this fight when working with lower DPS?(high DPS once the Senche in focused down he doesn't come back at bad times like with lower DPS)
Anyway, I am very much enjoying the new dungeons and will continue pugging them for the forseeable future(I am one of the few people who enjoy pugging...its the best way to learn new dungeons)