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Amazing skills!

I'm very new to PVP and freely admit that I'm terrible. I do a lot of observing of PVP from stealth as I'm learning and I know that my lifespan once I come out of stealth is about 30 seconds. So I spend more time observing than fighting.

I haven't been doing this long but last night I saw a player who blew my mind. This guy was amazing. Maybe it's common but I've never seen someone this good.

I came across the guy in a 2v1 fight. Two of my fellow EP guys were battling this one AD guy on an open field near Sej. I didn't engage but watched. He was a staff wielder and, I'm pretty sure, a sorc. The fight wasn't fast and they three players went at it for quite some time. But here's what amazed me. Throughout the fight, I never once saw the AD guy's health drop below 98% or so. NOT ONCE. I don't know what kind of mad jedi skills this guy has but is it common to be outnumbered and take virtually zero damage during an extended fight? It didn't look like he was wearing heavy armor and he certainly wasn't carrying a shield but he never took damage.

He easily killed the two EP guys fighting him.

Here's where it got even more impressive. Knowing I had no chance but wanting to see what would happen, I attacked from maximum Lethal Arrow range from behind him. Right before my first shot landed, he roll-dodged out of the way. I can't imagine the reflexes this guy has as I was behind him and can only guess that he saw the arrow coming in from the top of his screen and was able to avoid it.

During the "fight" I landed one hit for 700hp or so (it actually read (710) or something like that) and didn't register even a tick of damage on his health bar. He turned and killed me in one shot...not unexpected as I have no impen armor and low hp.

I know people focus on builds and gear but this guy seems to have SKILLS that exceed anything a good build and top gear could deliver. Please tell me this isn't common!
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    couple things
    a sorc....I never once saw the AD guy's health drop below 98% or so. NOT ONCE.

    sorcs have a huge class ward that scale on one of their damage stat, max mag, so the higher they stack max magic, the harder they hit. and a class heal over time that gives heal for every crit they do,m with the major buffs.
    Lethal Arrow....he roll-dodged out of the way. ... he saw the arrow....

    lethal has a LOUD audio cue to dodge roll, you really are not going to land one on a player that is any good.

    while you might be impressed by this guy, he sounds like a common sorc to me. beating bad players.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on February 8, 2018 2:40PM
  • Dreth
    Sorcs use shields to protect their health pool so when you hit them its only damaging their shields and not their health. So it makes sense you didnt see his health drop.

    As for the lethal arrow, a lot of people run an add on that tells them when an attack is headed their direction so they dodge roll before it hits them. That is being removed next patch. Lethal arrow also does make a good bit of noise so it is easy for players to dodge if they hear it.

  • RighteousBacon
    If ur playing in pc it’s likely he has miat’s Add on which let’s him know when he’s being attacked from stealth, that’s why he dodge rolled. He also is stacking damage shields since he’s a sorc so your attacks can’t crit him and that’s why his health bar didn’t move
  • VaranisArano
    There are plenty of skilled players.

    If he was a sorcerer, he was probably making use of damage shields. Sorcs have access to Conjured Ward through class skills, Annulment if wearing 5 pieces of light armor, and possibly Healing Ward if using a resto staff. There are a few sets that give temporary damage shields, but those are the likely sources.

    Shields can't be crit, and damage first applies to the shield, only harming the health bar if the shield is broken. However, you can use two damage shields from different sources. So if a sorc uses both Conjured Ward and Annulment, the damage shields stack until they wear off or are broken. Your sorc had good sustain to keep both of them up as well as he did, but its also a common sorc tactic. You'll see sorcs shield stack again.

    Counters: Shieldbreaker set (only if you specifically want to build to deal with shield-stackers), lots of incoming damage, magicka-draining potions, pressure them so they run low on magicka to keep up the shields. I'm sure other people can think of other coutners that work for them.

    Roll Dodging from a Lethal Arrow. As others have said, Lethal Arrow does have a distinct audio cue. Depending on range and the player's level of alertness, its not out of the realm of possibility that the player was legitimately alert and roll dodged out of the way with no addons. However, if you are on PC, Miat's PVP Alerts is an addon that tells players when they are being targeted with something like Lethal Arrow. The addon will no longer have that functionality with the Dragonbone patch. There's no way to tell if that player has the add-on or not.

    Counters: there really isn't a counter for a failed gank except to fight or run. If you choose to run, you'll want to use line of sight and other stealth options available to your class/build. If you want to fight, focus on combos that do a lot of burst damage and keep up the pressure on your opponents, but use line of sight to avoid their incoming damage where you can. Its very much a "Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee" playstyle.

    General hints for PVP if you want them:
    I like Joy_Division's Guide as a good overview of Cyrodiil PVP:
    If you haven't already, wearing impenetrable trait gear may not keep you alive much longer, but at least you won't get crit as much.

    When I was learning to PVP, I was much more effective in a group of players. I couldn't do much on my own, but with a group I actually got to participate in PVP and I survived long enough to learn what skills were effective in certain situations.
  • GreenhaloX
    It's not uncommon for one toon to be able to take out 2 others in a fight; especially, if he or she is an experienced PvPer. I only been at PvP for a few months and no where consider myself an experienced PvPers, like those playing for years; however, I have bested 1v2 on some occasions. Sorc can be rough 1v1 when they are spamming ward or stacking it, but, if like most sorc, their stamina is low. So, if you have some snare or crippling skills, you can drop that as much as you can, and the sorc would deplete the stam of having to roll out of it. As a MagBlade, I haven't lost too much against a sorc 1v1, even if they are spamming Empowered Ward. The ones that have bested me are the ones sporting heavy armor, staff and S&B and those wearing that damn Engine Guardian.

    Now, the ones that raise the eyebrow are those running around sololy that can take out 6, 8, to 10+ all by himself. Most of these are 2h DKs or StamPlar and usually with S&B. However, having been around ESO for quite a few years, you get to know all the builds and sets that are legitimately available, and there is no sets/builds that will mitigate constant barrage of damages from 6+ coming at you (aside from those super permablock tanky tanks where you need like 10 to take out, but these tanky tank can't damage a fly, though. Ha ha.) In several occasions (sorry, I don't have facebook or youtube account, so no accessible to video sharing), I have seen one 2H/S&B DK or StamPlar just wipe like 8 to 12 others. Heck, one such took me and 5-6 others out, and we're practically all maxed CP toons; just throwing barrages after barrages (for me alone, barrages after barrages of Incap, Swallow Souls, Shooting Stars, Sap Essences, Destructive Clenches, Concealed Weapon, Crippling.. you name it, even the kitchen sink.) That one dude just regen his health so easily and his damage mitigation is up there and still dishing out brutal damages; enough so to be able to take out a group 3 or more times higher in odds. That just can't be legit. Another time, I watched one yellow took out have to be about 10-15 reds all by himself. I think this guy recently posted his feed on youtube dubbed unkillable StamPlar or something like that. Yeah, these guys running around.. they can't be legit builds.
    Edited by GreenhaloX on February 8, 2018 3:56PM
  • Thogard
    Snipe / lethal arrow is loud.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • Waffennacht
    Miats if PC (cuz if you're PC and not using it you're gimped)
    No health DMG, but had magicka shield up right?

    Just outta curiosity, what CP was your buds?
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • krachall
    Miats if PC (cuz if you're PC and not using it you're gimped)
    No health DMG, but had magicka shield up right?

    Just outta curiosity, what CP was your buds?

    Yes, on PC. It must have been that Miats thing as there was a lot of noise around and I was as far away as possible...but I'm a total noob, so who knows?

    Sometimes he had a magicka shield up but not all the time. The time I actually hit him with a Snipe, he didn't have a shield up and I still didn't do any noticeable damage.

    the guys fighting were all CP690. I'm 570 or so.
  • Waffennacht
    krachall wrote: »
    Miats if PC (cuz if you're PC and not using it you're gimped)
    No health DMG, but had magicka shield up right?

    Just outta curiosity, what CP was your buds?

    Yes, on PC. It must have been that Miats thing as there was a lot of noise around and I was as far away as possible...but I'm a total noob, so who knows?

    Sometimes he had a magicka shield up but not all the time. The time I actually hit him with a Snipe, he didn't have a shield up and I still didn't do any noticeable damage.

    the guys fighting were all CP690. I'm 570 or so.

    Hrm. One thing about health bars, the more full they are the less damage it *appears to do (by appears I mean literally bar movement, because it goes outside in, 5k looks like less bar movement than 5k with a smaller bar)

    Could have also blocked (with Miats esp) he could have just held block for a split second making even a 15k tooltip snipe deal around 2k without SnB.

    From what you said about the shields, he sounds like a very experienced player. Only using shields when necessary.

    I wouldn't be surprised if your alliance players were over confident because of numbers and didn't play as well as they could have and the sorc was really good.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Thogard
    You said the damage numbers were inside parenthesis. That means you hit a dmg shield.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • krachall
    Thogard wrote: »
    You said the damage numbers were inside parenthesis. That means you hit a dmg shield.

    Thanks! What's it mean when there's a * after the number? I saw something like 786* a few times.
  • Waffennacht
    krachall wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    You said the damage numbers were inside parenthesis. That means you hit a dmg shield.

    Thanks! What's it mean when there's a * after the number? I saw something like 786* a few times.

    That's block
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Rianai
    That means the hit got blocked.
  • Malamar1229
    I am 99% sure he's talking about me lol.
  • Malamar1229
    My build utilizes wizards riposte and 2.4k crit resists and 25k health so I can miss a shield or two and not worry. The EP he was talking about were pretty bad, no CCs etc.
  • Idinuse
    krachall wrote: »
    I'm very new to PVP and freely admit that I'm terrible. I do a lot of observing of PVP from stealth as I'm learning and I know that my lifespan once I come out of stealth is about 30 seconds. So I spend more time observing than fighting.

    I haven't been doing this long but last night I saw a player who blew my mind. This guy was amazing. Maybe it's common but I've never seen someone this good.

    I came across the guy in a 2v1 fight. Two of my fellow EP guys were battling this one AD guy on an open field near Sej. I didn't engage but watched. He was a staff wielder and, I'm pretty sure, a sorc. The fight wasn't fast and they three players went at it for quite some time. But here's what amazed me. Throughout the fight, I never once saw the AD guy's health drop below 98% or so. NOT ONCE. I don't know what kind of mad jedi skills this guy has but is it common to be outnumbered and take virtually zero damage during an extended fight? It didn't look like he was wearing heavy armor and he certainly wasn't carrying a shield but he never took damage.

    He easily killed the two EP guys fighting him.

    Here's where it got even more impressive. Knowing I had no chance but wanting to see what would happen, I attacked from maximum Lethal Arrow range from behind him. Right before my first shot landed, he roll-dodged out of the way. I can't imagine the reflexes this guy has as I was behind him and can only guess that he saw the arrow coming in from the top of his screen and was able to avoid it.

    During the "fight" I landed one hit for 700hp or so (it actually read (710) or something like that) and didn't register even a tick of damage on his health bar. He turned and killed me in one shot...not unexpected as I have no impen armor and low hp.

    I know people focus on builds and gear but this guy seems to have SKILLS that exceed anything a good build and top gear could deliver. Please tell me this isn't common!

    Google Autoclicker + ESO. Unfortunately you can still download your skill from the net.
    Edited by Idinuse on February 9, 2018 3:07PM
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Sergykid
    nothing impressive, really. And no skill involved, really. Spam the absorb shield, while u damage the target. This kind of stuff can 1vX (more than 2) actually. Even easier if he just use Streak to kite them around.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • GeorgeBlack
    Magika increases shields
    Shields do not take crit dmg, so no need for impen. Use div inf(which leads to stronger shields/heals/hits)
    Magika increases dmg output
    Magika increases amount of abilies that can be used
    Magika (since it increases damage) it increases HealOnHit

    Can heal through crit hit(strong hits heal more since.... stacked magica, ye?)
    Can create gap
    Can mitigate damage easily
    Can time burst dmg (which is what PvP is all about)
    Can weave ranged attacks easily (and since the class can create distance, this is a massive bonus)
    Has access to 5p sets that offer 5/5 usefull, stackable stats
    Has access to 2p monster sets that offer great utilities to suppliment or add to existing tools of survivability or destruction

    Requires minimum use of Stamina pool/stamina regen, just enough to perfectly complete the easy rotations.

    Mean while stam/mag DK has SnB.

    Edited by GeorgeBlack on February 11, 2018 1:17PM
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