I'm fairly new to the game but I'm really struggling and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm an experienced gamer, I've read up on the basics, visited sites with build guides, and tried to do my homework, but even after trying several classes I am still dying on quests marked "solo." I've played a Mag Templar to 20, a Stam DK to 15, and a Mag Sorc to 10, but I can't seem to find the right combination of skills or the right gear. I'm not wearing Stam gear on a Mag character or anything that obvious, though my gear isn't crafted, it's just whatever I found from quests.
I don't know if things just get easier with the skills morphed like the end-game guides suggest, or if crafted gear really makes a huge difference, or maybe I just suck. But I'm an experienced gamer and it feels weird to struggle this much at low levels. I thought the Templar would be straightforward, but using a staff and puncturing sweep my damage feels very low and tough enemies deal more damage than I can heal. So I read up on Stam DK's, equipped a couple of daggers and dual-wield skills, and died to a named demon in Cheesemonger's Hollow. I read some guides that said Mag Sorc's are straightforward but the pet seems to do little and I can't wrap my head around the proper rotation between all the various damage skills.
Can anyone give some advice on figuring out what I'm doing wrong, or perhaps show me a leveling-for-dummies guide? I really like exploring the world and doing quests on my own, I just get frustrated that I am hitting a wall and since I've tried three classes and none of them have really clicked I must be missing something. Any advice? Thanks!