From the Grand Warlord,
Congratulations on last month’s victory! You didn’t win by fighting particularly well, or showing any sort of special skill at combat or keep capture. But you guys did manage to come onto the server every night at 4 am EST with like fifty players, which you’d use to capture empty keeps and hold them until people came back to play at times when humans are usually awake. That is a strategy...of a sort...I guess.
You are an inspiration to night owls everywhere. May your victory be deep, and may you never have to fight alone.
Grand Scribe Zergalin
210 gold
1 potato
1 breeches of the Cowardly Zerg in invigorating
(Yes this post is sarcastic, which some will infer as salty. I don’t actually care who wins the campaigns...I got a million AP killing zergers...I just thought it was a funny post; I’m sure every team has won being this lame at some point or other. And a shout out to the blue archer who killed me like a dozen times last month. DC hasn’t had a super ganker in a while, but his arrows sting like &#
@&* that’s been sitting in &#$*# for a while. Lol. He’s really, really good at sneak sniping. Kudos).