Eternally Curious is primarily a
social guild that
focuses on questing together, discussing the lore and sharing experiences as we explore this vast and wonderful world. Together we shall uncover the very secrets of Nirn... and beyond! We have a
Discord server aswell as
weekly events that consist of
educational tours and expeditions around the various zones of Tamriel and other planes;
lore nights, where we discuss various subjects about the lore in Discord and
lore trivia nights that may involve rewards. While
this is NOT an RP guild, we are role-player friendly.
Interested? Reply here with your
@name or whisper/mail me in-game for an invite (
Until then! Thank you!
Edited by LoreScholar on December 20, 2017 1:06PM
"Lux aeterna luceat eis." - Let perpetual light shine upon them.