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Crown motif opened automatically not on my crafter toon, and zos told me tough luck.

  • NyassaV
    Sounds like you screwed up... Also sounds like ZoS is bunch of butts... Nothing new... Humans are stupid
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • AlienatedGoat
    I don't get why you've wasted your time posting it up on the forums though?
    Well actually I have several theories as to why you are doing this, but i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume that you're as immature as that.

    Nice ad hominem.

    The OP is about how ZOS used a canned, generic response instead of actively engaging in customer service to resolve the issue. OP is entitled to have their issue solved to their satisfaction, especially seeing as they spent real cash. That is just good business.

    Don't try to make this about something it's clearly not.
    PC-NA Goat
  • SkoomaHoover
    Soul Shriven
    Phage wrote: »
    I don't get why you've wasted your time posting it up on the forums though?
    Well actually I have several theories as to why you are doing this, but i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume that you're as immature as that.

    Nice ad hominem.

    The OP is about how ZOS used a canned, generic response instead of actively engaging in customer service to resolve the issue. OP is entitled to have their issue solved to their satisfaction, especially seeing as they spent real cash. That is just good business.

    Don't try to make this about something it's clearly not.

    Don't try to make it about something it's not?
    He did get a reasonable response though. I even stated that. However you've ignored the first part of my post and chosen to pick out the part that suits your own point of view. What you are doing is trying to make my comment about something that it clearly isn't. Hypocrisy.

    But okay. Lets ignore that. Instead i'll repeat a few things.
    Like I said before, ZOS replied with a list of other ways the OP could put to use the motif, because unlearning the motif just isn't possible. If that isn't "engaging in customer service" I have no idea what is. Like I said, doing something about this just couldn't be in ZOS' cards because taking action could potentially result in unfair treatment to other players.
    You may see it as he spent some money and made a mistake so he's entitled to it being fixed, however you've got to look at the consequences of it being fixed. Supposing every time someone made a mistake like this they unlearned the motif, what if half of these people were lying. What if they got the motif, built loads of equipment with it and then decided they don't need it any more, so they go to ZOS, unlearn it and sell off the motif. It's not exactly game breaking however it'll definitely be scrutinised a lot more than fixing a player's problem when it's his own fault for screwing up.

    Now by all means, do explain the solutions to these problems and change my mind.

    And while i'm at it, my question still hasn't been answered. Why did the OP bother posting this up here? What was he trying to achieve by doing it? I suspect it was just him trying to get sympathy out of all of this or something along those lines but, like I said, i'd rather assume that the OP isn't that petty.
    Edited by SkoomaHoover on December 14, 2017 10:54PM
  • MasterSpatula
    Why did the OP bother posting this up here? What was he trying to achieve by doing it? I suspect it was just him trying to get sympathy out of all of this or something along those lines but, like I said, i'd rather assume that the OP isn't that petty.

    Can't speak for intent, but seems like the OP got some advice, learned a few things, and sparked discussion. In other words, he used this forum exactly as it's intended.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Gilvoth
    this to me is another reason why everything should be account wide.
    everything, all skill points alliance points everything.
    (once your character reaches level 50 ofcourse)
  • Jade1986
    Phage wrote: »
    I don't get why you've wasted your time posting it up on the forums though?
    Well actually I have several theories as to why you are doing this, but i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume that you're as immature as that.

    Nice ad hominem.

    The OP is about how ZOS used a canned, generic response instead of actively engaging in customer service to resolve the issue. OP is entitled to have their issue solved to their satisfaction, especially seeing as they spent real cash. That is just good business.

    Don't try to make this about something it's clearly not.

    Thank you. Im quite sure people would be saying " oh darn, the game messed up , took my money, and ripped me off, and ZoS wont do anything about it, ill just not care" if it happened to them too. :/

    Also, she. =)
    Phage wrote: »
    I don't get why you've wasted your time posting it up on the forums though?
    Well actually I have several theories as to why you are doing this, but i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume that you're as immature as that.

    Nice ad hominem.

    The OP is about how ZOS used a canned, generic response instead of actively engaging in customer service to resolve the issue. OP is entitled to have their issue solved to their satisfaction, especially seeing as they spent real cash. That is just good business.

    Don't try to make this about something it's clearly not.

    Don't try to make it about something it's not?
    He did get a reasonable response though. I even stated that. However you've ignored the first part of my post and chosen to pick out the part that suits your own point of view. What you are doing is trying to make my comment about something that it clearly isn't. Hypocrisy.

    But okay. Lets ignore that. Instead i'll repeat a few things.
    Like I said before, ZOS replied with a list of other ways the OP could put to use the motif, because unlearning the motif just isn't possible. If that isn't "engaging in customer service" I have no idea what is. Like I said, doing something about this just couldn't be in ZOS' cards because taking action could potentially result in unfair treatment to other players.
    You may see it as he spent some money and made a mistake so he's entitled to it being fixed, however you've got to look at the consequences of it being fixed. Supposing every time someone made a mistake like this they unlearned the motif, what if half of these people were lying. What if they got the motif, built loads of equipment with it and then decided they don't need it any more, so they go to ZOS, unlearn it and sell off the motif. It's not exactly game breaking however it'll definitely be scrutinised a lot more than fixing a player's problem when it's his own fault for screwing up.

    Now by all means, do explain the solutions to these problems and change my mind.

    And while i'm at it, my question still hasn't been answered. Why did the OP bother posting this up here? What was he trying to achieve by doing it? I suspect it was just him trying to get sympathy out of all of this or something along those lines but, like I said, i'd rather assume that the OP isn't that petty.

    I have seen people post their tickets and get responses from Gina and other zos emplyoees before, thats why I did it. But alas, nothing.
    this to me is another reason why everything should be account wide.
    everything, all skill points alliance points everything.
    (once your character reaches level 50 ofcourse)

    Def agree with the motifs being account wide , at the VERY least the ones from the crown store should be.
  • victoriana-blue
    Like I said before, ZOS replied with a list of other ways the OP could put to use the motif, because unlearning the motif just isn't possible. If that isn't "engaging in customer service" I have no idea what is. Like I said, doing something about this just couldn't be in ZOS' cards because taking action could potentially result in unfair treatment to other players.

    You may see it as he spent some money and made a mistake so he's entitled to it being fixed, however you've got to look at the consequences of it being fixed. Supposing every time someone made a mistake like this they unlearned the motif, what if half of these people were lying. What if they got the motif, built loads of equipment with it and then decided they don't need it any more, so they go to ZOS, unlearn it and sell off the motif. It's not exactly game breaking however it'll definitely be scrutinised a lot more than fixing a player's problem when it's his own fault for screwing up.

    Now by all means, do explain the solutions to these problems and change my mind.
    Read the canned response again: the ZOS reply talked about recipes and selling food to other players, not gear, making it obvious that the person/program replying hadn't actually read the issue. That's not service.

    And frankly your theoretical "consequences" involve a lot of work on the scammer's part that would be too much trouble for most people to go through, so I don't see it ever becoming common. I also believe ZOS has records of customer service interactions so it would be simple for ZOS to look up the account and see the length of time between the purchase and the refund request, or if the account had asked for other refunds within the last few months, and ZOS can make the refund decision on a case by case basis.
    CP 750+
    Never enough inventory space, even with storage coffers and a mule account
  • Jade1986
    Like I said before, ZOS replied with a list of other ways the OP could put to use the motif, because unlearning the motif just isn't possible. If that isn't "engaging in customer service" I have no idea what is. Like I said, doing something about this just couldn't be in ZOS' cards because taking action could potentially result in unfair treatment to other players.

    You may see it as he spent some money and made a mistake so he's entitled to it being fixed, however you've got to look at the consequences of it being fixed. Supposing every time someone made a mistake like this they unlearned the motif, what if half of these people were lying. What if they got the motif, built loads of equipment with it and then decided they don't need it any more, so they go to ZOS, unlearn it and sell off the motif. It's not exactly game breaking however it'll definitely be scrutinised a lot more than fixing a player's problem when it's his own fault for screwing up.

    Now by all means, do explain the solutions to these problems and change my mind.
    Read the canned response again: the ZOS reply talked about recipes and selling food to other players, not gear, making it obvious that the person/program replying hadn't actually read the issue. That's not service.

    And frankly your theoretical "consequences" involve a lot of work on the scammer's part that would be too much trouble for most people to go through, so I don't see it ever becoming common. I also believe ZOS has records of customer service interactions so it would be simple for ZOS to look up the account and see the length of time between the purchase and the refund request, or if the account had asked for other refunds within the last few months, and ZOS can make the refund decision on a case by case basis.

    Exactly, and then they would see that there was less than a minute between the book being learned and me making a ticket.

    Sadly , I have had 6 customer service reps now and all of them say the same thing, " cannot unlearn it, blah blah blah, we are sorry, blah blah blah, we hope you enjoyed this customer service experience "

    I mean, this is literally the worst customer service I have seen in my history of gaming.

    This is the newest resoponse I got.


    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I understand that you happened to accidentally learn a Motif on the wrong Character.

    I noticed that you submitted a new ticket regarding this issue so I have moved us back to the original ticket to avoid confusions.

    As it stands, as stated by prior agents, we are unable to remove or reverse this Motif knowledge being learned so that you may learn it on another character.
    Furthermore, we are unable to refund purchases made with Crown Gems.

    I know this is not the resolution that you had hoped for, but I hope that you are still able to adventure without hesitation.

    For now, we will go ahead and set this ticket to solved - but don't let that alarm you! A simple reply to this email can immediately reopen your ticket so we may resume our conversation.

    We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences you may have encountered. If you happen to have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again!

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team"

    I mean honestly. Apparently they have no control over their game if they cannot do the things this rep said. In SWTOR they can reset your character, reset things on your character, refund cartel coins, etc, no issue, if you had problems with a purchase they would get on it within a day, with non purchases, even that would be fixed in a week or so, and that is EA. This right here reaks of " we just dont give a smurf "
    Edited by Jade1986 on December 16, 2017 10:39AM
  • cbdfarm
    ZOS has no customer service, they just think of you as a cash cow. Hell they probably run some of the gold selling sites based on bots never being banned.
  • Jade1986
    cbdfarm wrote: »
    ZOS has no customer service, they just think of you as a cash cow. Hell they probably run some of the gold selling sites based on bots never being banned.

    And then they inject salted lemon juice into the wound by sending you a customer service survey, saying they hope you were happy with the service. Its a joke.
  • cbdfarm
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    cbdfarm wrote: »
    ZOS has no customer service, they just think of you as a cash cow. Hell they probably run some of the gold selling sites based on bots never being banned.

    And then they inject salted lemon juice into the wound by sending you a customer service survey, saying they hope you were happy with the service. Its a joke.

    They wouldnt waist money on the salted lemon juice, too expensive for ZOS LOL
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