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New to the game how to start?

Soul Shriven
Hello I just downloaded this game a week ago
I have already searched alot around for builds and so on
I have come up with a magic DK because I find the best skills for me to use are the one which are Magica
So I see I have to use cloth, destruction staff
Here comes my questions
I really like two handed sword would it be okay to switch between using two handed and a destruction staff? or would it be dumb considering two handed skills are mostly stamina?
I reaaaallly like to use heavy armor would it be okay to use cloth in dungeons (for extra Magica, dmg (I want to play as DPS and I am mostly PVE player))
I would love to play a nord though I know other chars are better for the purpose for Magica characters would it be very bad if I played a nord?

It is an awesome game but I find it very confusing because it is so "free" I am used to playing games where if u chose a warrior u cant benefit from cloths and so on

I hope you guys understand my English and what I mean :smiley:
  • OldManJim
    Welcome to ESO!

    If you don't want to power-game trials etc, then a magicka, Nord DK is fine.

    Switching between weapons would make a hybrid build where you need both magicka and stamina. You can start with the staff, then at level 15 you can bar swap with a heavy weapon.

    For armor, have 5 light & 2 heavy (say chest & shoulders). That way you get the extra protection from the heavy & also the 5 piece bonuses from the light. Or if you're going stamina, you can change the heavy for medium.

    There are plenty of people out there who know more about this than I do, but in the end, experiment & see what works for you.

    Also, don't forget food buffs. They can be a life-saver!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • VaranisArano
    Hi and welcome to the game!

    So there's a difference between "I want to play the best possible character" and "I want to have fun with my character and play what I want." The good news is that you can play whatever you want and have fun doing it. The bad news is that you won't necessarily be as effective as you could be if you were playing a more optimized build. I'll try to lay out why the meta suggests what it does in terms of what would be "more" effective, but I'm sure that you'd been able to have fun with the character regardless.

    Let's start with race. You want to play a Nord! Awesome. So, you are right that the Nord racial passives are more geared towards stamina than magicka. Fortunately, racial passives won't make a huge difference unless you are trying for top tier DPS or somewhat in PVP. Having racial passive sthat help your attribute will make your life a little easier, but not having htem match shouldn't be too bad. So if you want to make a Nord who studied magic at the College of Winterhold or something, you go for it!

    Your class is a magicka based Dragonknight. Awesome! I love dragonknights, in fact my main character is a Dunmer MagDK. You'll have a lot of skills that are fire-based, skills that heal and protect you, and skills that lock down the enemy. MagDKs are good fire-based DPS and make excellent tanks if you decide to change roles later. (Stamina Dragonknights are also awesome. Some of the Dragonknight skills morph to cost stamina and become poison based. StamDKs will make more use of weapon skills like Bow, Dual Wield or Two-handed.)

    Weapons: So, its beneficial in this game to put all your attributes towards either magicka or stamina. This is because your weapon damage scales from how much stamina you have, and your spell damage increases the more magicka you have. You can do a hybrid build with both, but its far less efficient unless you do some specific builds. It'll be easier to choose stamina or magicka.
    Generally, magicka characters use staffs (ice, fire or lightning). You might see One-hand and Shield or Dual swords on some tanks or DPS builds. Staff skills use magicka, so they hit harder the more magicka you have.
    Generally, stamina characters use weapons like Bow, One hand and shield, Two handed, and/or Dual Wield. Weapon skills use stamina, so they hit harder the more stamina you have.
    Now if you want to mix and match staff and two handed, you can make it work, but it will be less effective than if you match your weapons/staff to the attribute you are focused on. If you go magicka dragonknight, you'll find that your destruction staff hits much harder than your two-handed weapon because you have more magicka.
    Also, an important way to regain resources is to heavy attack with your weapon. Bows, one hand and shield, two handed and dual wield all restore stamina when you do a heavy attack. Staffs all restore magicka. So on a magicka character, you'll need at least one staff to heavy attack to restore resources.

    In general, for PVE:
    Magicka DPS or Healer: Light armor
    Stamina DPS or Healer: Medium armor
    Tank: Heavy Armor

    Light armor gives you spell penetration, spell resistances, spell critical, and reduces spell costs. All of those are pretty important for doing DPS.
    Heavy Armor gives you increased resistances and increased health, plus more armor value. But it won't really help you with doing damage, which is why its mostly only used by PVE tanks. (PVP is another matter entirely, but that's a different discussion).

    Now, if the reason you want heavy armor is because you feel like you are dying a lot, there's a couple of options.
    • Make sure your gear is reasonably close to your level. While leveling, you are scaled to CP 160 but you'll get better benefits from that scaling if your gear is close to your current level.
    • Put health enchantments on your light armor until you are at a comfortable level of health. Endgame DPS aim for about 16-18k health, but for leveling purposes you'll probably want more health than that.
    • Wear heavy armor on your Chest and Leg pieces for the greatest amount of armor, then wear light armor on the other 5 pieces to get benefits from the light armor passives.
    • Use skills that increase your spell and physical resistances. Dragonknights have Spiked Armor, which is great for making you harder to kill.

    Overall, you can play all of these things and you should be able to do most overland questing content with a Nord Magicka Dragonknight using a Destro Staff/Two-hander in heavy armor. It won't be the most effective build ever, but you should be able to complete content. If you do want to go for a more effective version of the build, a Nord Magicka Dragonknight with the Destro staff in light armor should do just fine. (It can't be any worse than questing with my Dumner MagDK Tank with One Hand and Shield for the whole main questline, and she did fine, just slow.)

    Hope this helps! Whatever you go with, I hope you have fun with your character!
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Lots of good advice in this thread. Don't worry about making mistakes your first character. You can always respec or roll a new character. There's double xp events about every two months so it's quick to level a new character once you know what you're doing.

    Best advice I can give you: go to the stables and level your mount skill every day. Costs 250 gold and you can do it even if you don't have a mount. It takes 180 days to fully level your mount skills so get started right away :)

    Welcome to tamriel!!
  • Gulkrim-mur
    the_dottir wrote: »
    Hello I just downloaded this game a week ago
    I have already searched alot around for builds and so on
    I have come up with a magic DK because I find the best skills for me to use are the one which are Magica
    So I see I have to use cloth, destruction staff
    Here comes my questions
    I really like two handed sword would it be okay to switch between using two handed and a destruction staff? or would it be dumb considering two handed skills are mostly stamina?
    I reaaaallly like to use heavy armor would it be okay to use cloth in dungeons (for extra Magica, dmg (I want to play as DPS and I am mostly PVE player))
    I would love to play a nord though I know other chars are better for the purpose for Magica characters would it be very bad if I played a nord?

    It is an awesome game but I find it very confusing because it is so "free" I am used to playing games where if u chose a warrior u cant benefit from cloths and so on

    I hope you guys understand my English and what I mean :smiley:

    Sorry game isnt free as claimed your going to have a hard time lacking damage and sustain and most content is just out of the question as a heavg armor nord dk swapping to a 2h
  • Davor
    As someone who only plays single player or Player vs Environment (pve) don't do what I did and try to read all these builds and what you need to do. I have learned the long hard way. Just play the way you want to if you are going to solo the game. It doesn't matter if your character is inefficient or not the best.

    As long as you are having fun who cares what others think of your character. Now that I am doing that, I am having the most fun with ESO. That is what others told me on this site and took it to heart now, and I am loving ESO and not miserable anymore.

    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Surgee
    My advice is just don't look for ultimate builds, play the game and find your playstyle. Along the way, you will learn what is best and create your own epic build. This is what happened to all my friends that followed the cancer youtube builds, guides etc:

    - they got overwhelmed and quit the game
    - by following someone else's play style and build they didn't really get into the game and they quit
    - some managed to pull off cancer builds from the guide after months of farming the gear, just to realize the build is not viable anymore...so they quit the game.

    Making your own unique character is what ESO is about. It makes me sad seeing everyone running same broken(OP) builds. Don't try to be the best #1 in leaderboards, it will ruin your experience. I'm one of the very few that never followed any guide, never made more than 1 character, and I'm doing very well and enjoying the game for what it is. Sure I still meet some weirdos that don't take any damage and can kill everyone in 2 hits, but who cares.
    Edited by Surgee on November 19, 2017 10:50PM
  • Loc2262
    In addition to all the good advice that's already been given, some little "tl;dr" two cents from me concerning "play what you want". Alanis gave great tips there. :)

    For solo play / questing / overland exploration you can indeed basically play with any build you want. Especially since One Tamriel, overland solo content has become very easy and tailored perfectly to the casual player.

    If you want to get into group content, starting with normal dungeons, over vet dungeons and Dragonstar Arena, to normal and vet trials, you need to invest more and more energy into getting the "as good as possible" out of your character, as outlined by Alanis, to properly fulfill your role of damage dealer, healer or tank.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • Zagnut123Zagnut123
    the_dottir wrote: »
    Hello I just downloaded this game a week ago
    I have already searched alot around for builds and so on
    I have come up with a magic DK because I find the best skills for me to use are the one which are Magica
    So I see I have to use cloth, destruction staff
    Here comes my questions
    I really like two handed sword would it be okay to switch between using two handed and a destruction staff? or would it be dumb considering two handed skills are mostly stamina?
    I reaaaallly like to use heavy armor would it be okay to use cloth in dungeons (for extra Magica, dmg (I want to play as DPS and I am mostly PVE player))
    I would love to play a nord though I know other chars are better for the purpose for Magica characters would it be very bad if I played a nord?

    It is an awesome game but I find it very confusing because it is so "free" I am used to playing games where if u chose a warrior u cant benefit from cloths and so on

    I hope you guys understand my English and what I mean :smiley:

    If you want to only play casually then your choices will have little to no affect but if you ever want to get into the harder end game content racial choices do make a difference.
  • the_dottir
    Soul Shriven
    I still dont really know what to do and I am already a bit discouraged to play because ofc I want to be good with my character which I am about to build - doing good dps and such. But I find it really sad that I cant use all of the spells which my character is getting because they need Magica and will not hit hard unless I go the "mage way" with staff and light armor because when I look at a DK I see a two handed weapon, heavy armor and lots of fire and hard hits with the weapon not some mage running around with a dress and a staff :neutral:

    When you guys say casual does it then mean i cannot join raids, dungeons and so on ? because that will be a huge problem as I love dungeons, raids and being in a guild but I also love questing?

    But thx so far with all your answers though I am getting more and more confused haha
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Is a 2H magic DK nord a particularly viable build? Um no. But honestly, here are my 2 cents. Dont get caught up in your build right now. I am generally guilty of pointing people towards meta builds, but that just doesnt make any sense in your first week or so of playing.

    If you were capped CP, I might mention the fact that Magic DK is not terribly sought after right now as a DPS. They were king of DPS mountain for like 3 years, but they are melee fighters and can't compete with stamina at the moment. That said, by the time you get there, who knows what will be in first place.

    A few general rules to being a successful DPS if that is your goal.
    -Pick either magic and stam and go all in. Magic is a far better (easier) choice for your first build.
    -Pick a race that compliments your first choice. Altmer/Dunmer for magic, Redgaurd for Stam are bullet proof choices.
    -Pick weapons that compliment your first choice. Fire/lighting staffs for magic, DW/Bow for stamina.
    -Pick skills morphs that scale off of your first choice. 99% of skills scale off max magic or max stamina. Chose the morph to match your build.

    Just doing that puts you ahead of most people. More importantly when first beginning, is to try and level your character efficiently. You will probably never spend as much time on any subsequent character as your first. Do all the quests, get all the lorebooks, collect all the skyshards, and start researching traits for crafting. Save your gold and hoard your purple and gold crafting mats. In other words, work on building your account as much as your character to some degree. Once you have a firm foothold in the game, leveling up a second (or 14th) toon is just not that difficult.

  • VaranisArano
    the_dottir wrote: »
    I still dont really know what to do and I am already a bit discouraged to play because ofc I want to be good with my character which I am about to build - doing good dps and such. But I find it really sad that I cant use all of the spells which my character is getting because they need Magica and will not hit hard unless I go the "mage way" with staff and light armor because when I look at a DK I see a two handed weapon, heavy armor and lots of fire and hard hits with the weapon not some mage running around with a dress and a staff :neutral:

    When you guys say casual does it then mean i cannot join raids, dungeons and so on ? because that will be a huge problem as I love dungeons, raids and being in a guild but I also love questing?

    But thx so far with all your answers though I am getting more and more confused haha

    Casual will be fine for overland questing, PVP, and normal dungeons for sure. If you practice and are good at your role, you can complete veteran dungeons with practice (that's true for everyone, by the way, veteran dungeons take some practice). Trials, the 12-man raids, usually require certain builds just because they are that challenging.

    So play what you want and you'll be able to play the majority of content in the game. It may not be an "optimized" build, but optimized isn't necessary for most of the content.
  • Loc2262
    the_dottir wrote: »
    I still dont really know what to do and I am already a bit discouraged to play because ofc I want to be good with my character which I am about to build - doing good dps and such.

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself. When you're completely new to the game, like with everything, you need time and practice to get good enough to "play with the big boys", i.e. join vet dungeons and raids. ;) That was the case for everyone, even the best players. Enjoy the game, because it's a game and thus something you should enjoy.

    The fact that you came here and asked for help and information already shows that you're not a "pure casual" player who just does overland quests and nothing else!

    Just be aware that overland questing is ridiculously easy compared to group content, thus it's not really going to "prepare" you for what waits in dungeons. On the other hand, don't be discouraged either! The tier-one dungeons on normal (Banished Cells, Fungal Grotto and Spindleclutch) are extremely easy compared to say vet DLC dungeons. So once you feel comfortable with your character, join a group for one of those dungeons, maybe through zone chat asking specifically for other "newbies", and make your first experiences.

    I still remember mine, when I first did Banished Cells, about a month after I started with the game, and only did overland stuff thus far. My first though was, wait a minute, this boss has 1.2 MILLION health? That must be a display glitch, how are we supposed to kill that guy? ;) Thing is, they MUST have that much health. A boss fight in a group dungeon is supposed to take a while, and not be over in 5 seconds.
    But I find it really sad that I cant use all of the spells which my character is getting because they need Magica and will not hit hard unless I go the "mage way"

    Yeah that's true unfortunately. You need to get used to having lots of skills that you can't use in all situations/builds. Then again, you can only put 10 skills on your bars, so considering you have class, weapon, armor and other skills, you have way more than you can use anyway. :)
    When you guys say casual does it then mean i cannot join raids, dungeons and so on ? because that will be a huge problem as I love dungeons, raids and being in a guild but I also love questing?

    Like I said before, everybody (maybe except those pros that did like 10 other MMOs before) starts out as a casual player and works their way up to easy and then more and more difficult group content. Casual in this context rather means like "I play this only rarely, for relaxation, I don't care how good I am, and don't care about improving myself, as long as I can kill some overland mobs and do some quests". :) You clearly do not fall in that category.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • Zagnut123Zagnut123
    the_dottir wrote: »
    I still dont really know what to do and I am already a bit discouraged to play because ofc I want to be good with my character which I am about to build - doing good dps and such. But I find it really sad that I cant use all of the spells which my character is getting because they need Magica and will not hit hard unless I go the "mage way" with staff and light armor because when I look at a DK I see a two handed weapon, heavy armor and lots of fire and hard hits with the weapon not some mage running around with a dress and a staff :neutral:

    When you guys say casual does it then mean i cannot join raids, dungeons and so on ? because that will be a huge problem as I love dungeons, raids and being in a guild but I also love questing?

    But thx so far with all your answers though I am getting more and more confused haha

    I mean casual as in not caring about end game content (when your at or near capped champion points) but I'd say enjoy your first toon as you want to, you have alot of other slots to make more toons. If you want to get into end game content asap then you you might want to consider optimising your build. Just remember you can change what race you are and you can unmorph your skills allowing you to fix mistakes if need be.
  • the_dottir
    Soul Shriven
    I have one more newbie question I have gotten a free crate and got a really ugly hair bun with flowers in it can I sell my "collectibles" or delete them because I wont ever use such a thing? haha :smiley:
  • VaranisArano
    You can't sell, trade delete anything in your collections. You'll just have to ignore the eyesore.
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