Accessing Traders

Soul Shriven
How do you access traders. I have joined a traders guild and have gone to the trader with no response apart from Goodbye. I have gone to a bank but don't get a guild bank response. What do I need to do???
  • davey1107
    That is weird. I'll try to help, but I'm not sure what the specific issue is.

    Guilds rent trade spots weekly. You may access a guild's entire store at their Trader, so long as they maintain One. If you belong to a guild and go to their Trader, you may list items in the store via that trader.

    A banker (but NOT in thieves dens) will give you access to the banks and stores for any guild you belong to. You can belong to up to five guilds at any time. When you go to any NPC banker there's a prompt for guild bank or guild store. Selecting one of these will take you into the bank/store of the first guild on your list. If you need to access a different guild's bank/store, switch over via the menu.


    Guilds decide whether they want to grant members bank access or not. This is defined in the "ranks" section. If your guild allows bank access, you'll see the items in their bank and can remove or add items. If they don't allow you bank access, you're locked out.


    Your guild can decide whether to give you store access or not. If you don't have access, you cannot list items (message your guild master if you don't have access...or read the notifications, some require rent for access). If you do have access, you can list up to 30 items in the store.

    If this doesn't help solve the problem, reply with some additional details and use @davey1107 in your reply so that the system notifies me. It doesn't make sense that a guild Trader NPC would not interact with you. If you're still having issues, what is the name/location of the NPC and what are you trying to access...the store? Bank?
  • VaranisArano
    If you are a part of a guild that has a store (A guild has to have 50 members before it unlocks the store. Once it has a store, that store always exists even if you don't have a trader. Without a trader, only members can trade through the store by accessing it through a banker.) then you have a couple of options.

    When you go to a banker, you should have options. Your Bank, Guild Bank, Guild Store. If you select Guild Store, it should pull up the trader screen and prompt you to choose a guild. From there you should have three options on the right hand corner of the trader screen: Browse, List (this might not be the exact name of it, I can't remember it), and Listings. Browse will let you shop your guild's items. List will let you put items up for sale. Listings will let you check the items that you have up for sale. You should be able to access this same screen if you go to your guild's in-game trader as well.

    Now if this still isn't working when you know your guild has 50 members for the store and has a guild trader, there are a couple of options. As davey1107 suggested, check your rank.

    Also, check to see if you can access any traders or if the problem is just with your guild trader. I'm seeing some similar issues where the problem is that the account gets erroneously flagged for spamming resulting in a social ban. If you also can't whisper or send mails, the answer seems to be that you need to contact customer support and wait for them to unflag your account.
  • Myrtana
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the info, I feel that I have been flagged erroneously and have contacted customer service.
  • Myrtana
    Soul Shriven
    All fixed now, thanks for your advice.
  • VaranisArano
    Excellent! Glad to hear it got worked out.
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