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Warlock or Lich Set

I play a dark elf templar healer in pve. Is Warlock or Lich better and why?
Edited by ABelle99 on August 26, 2017 6:03AM
  • dpencil1
    Lich. You can buff magicka recovery via CP, potions, etc. You can't buff straight magicka return procs. You also end up with more total magicka returned to you with Lich.
  • Magdalina
    Iirc, Lich currently only works if you dip under 30% magicka while having Lich 5 pc active. This significantly reduces its usefulness as a backbar set - means instead of dropping to 20%, swap, get Lich proc, swap back, you gotta drop low, swap, cast another spell, get Lich proc, swap back.

    Choosing between Warlock and Lich, Lich probably still is stronger, but I'd recommend neither for pve, go other sets and get recovery via other means - recovery glyphs, Witchmother's Brew, CP in Arcanist, light armor - all those can and should give you more than enough stable passive recovery that doesn't depend on procs and has no cooldown, while leaving you the opportunity to get more interesting buffs from actual sets.
  • olsborg
    Lich provides much more magicka overall then warlock.

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  • RavenSworn
    I use Lich and Worm for my healer, granted I don't overhealand I'm more of an old school type of heals(no mana no heals) Lich is an awesome set for a secondary set imo. As you gain that buff from recovery, it eats into the cool down timing. As far as I know, two heavy resto attacks + Lich recovery = full magicka. I'm honestly thinking of changing Worm with elegant just for kicks since I do so much heavy attacks.
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  • Megabear
    Lich is one of my favorite sets, but SPC + Worm is too good. I use my Lich set in PvP though.
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  • Flowersquisher
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    I use Lich and Worm for my healer, granted I don't overhealand I'm more of an old school type of heals(no mana no heals) Lich is an awesome set for a secondary set imo. As you gain that buff from recovery, it eats into the cool down timing. As far as I know, two heavy resto attacks + Lich recovery = full magicka. I'm honestly thinking of changing Worm with elegant just for kicks since I do so much heavy attacks.

    You must not do much group heals. SPC is a must for your dps, but i'm sure you know this.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Megabear wrote: »
    Lich is one of my favorite sets, but SPC + Worm is too good. I use my Lich set in PvP though.

    ^ This

    Worm is up 100% of the time, for everyone. SPC helps for everyone.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Mayrael
    PvE? Lich. PvP? Depends on do you use Elusive Mist. If you do, Warlock can be better solution. But @Magdalina is right about using those sets for healer especialy in PvE content, there is many ways to recover your magicka, but sets like SPC are almost irreplaceable.
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  • Bherdani
    The interesting thing about theory crafting on pve healers is the lack of control over sets. We wear sets that help our group, not ourselves, and it makes for some unique challenges. PvP requires sustain (dead healer does no healing) so it's a different world. I'm not much of a PvP person, but I do a lil bit of PVE healing and can talk about sets for hours ;)http://elderscrubsonline.com/pvehealing/
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  • Merlin13KAGL
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Iirc, Lich currently only works if you dip under 30% magicka while having Lich 5 pc active. This significantly reduces its usefulness as a backbar set - means instead of dropping to 20%, swap, get Lich proc, swap back, you gotta drop low, swap, cast another spell, get Lich proc, swap back.

    Choosing between Warlock and Lich, Lich probably still is stronger, but I'd recommend neither for pve, go other sets and get recovery via other means - recovery glyphs, Witchmother's Brew, CP in Arcanist, light armor - all those can and should give you more than enough stable passive recovery that doesn't depend on procs and has no cooldown, while leaving you the opportunity to get more interesting buffs from actual sets.
    Funny, I'd say it makes it ideal as a backbar set.

    It's the perfect fire-and-forget. You swap, cast one skill, (which you're likely doing on occasion anyway) and resume as if nothing happened. If you never drop below 33%, the loss of the 5th pc bonus effectively doesn't matter, as you never needed it.

    It's one extra GCD. If one extra GCD is messing you up that much, people are probably gonna die anyway.

    Regarding SPC and other support sets: Of course they're great and beneficial, if you're experienced enough to manage heals with them equipped. What people tend to forget is healers priorities are
    1. Healing / Keep the group alive
    2. Resource assistance (shards/orbs)
    3. All other buffs

    Without SPC, you may have to DPS a little harder, a little longer. However, the buff from SPC won't help if you're dead. SPC, etc is a bonus, not a requirement. I know of no one that's kicked a healer that never let anyone drop because they didn't get a couple hundred extra SD/WD < 100% of the time.

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  • Torbschka
    Wait, do u guys mean i swap backbar, cast a spell, fall under those 30% magicka and get the bonus for the nect 20 seconds - no matter what my %mag pool is and what bar i am on (this is how i thought it did work).

    Or is it now that I only get the regen if i am on the lich bar and under 30% magicka? This would make the set useless in pvp lol

  • FriedEggSandwich
    Torbschka wrote: »
    Wait, do u guys mean i swap backbar, cast a spell, fall under those 30% magicka and get the bonus for the nect 20 seconds - no matter what my %mag pool is and what bar i am on (this is how i thought it did work).

    Or is it now that I only get the regen if i am on the lich bar and under 30% magicka? This would make the set useless in pvp lol

    When it procs you get so much extra regen for so many seconds. To make it proc you have to be on the bar where you have the 5th bonus and under 30% mag, but once it has proc'd you can swap back to your front bar and carry on your business while you have the extra regen for so many seconds. It's not useless in pvp, but fwiw I prefer seducer :)
    PC | EU
  • Magdalina
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Iirc, Lich currently only works if you dip under 30% magicka while having Lich 5 pc active. This significantly reduces its usefulness as a backbar set - means instead of dropping to 20%, swap, get Lich proc, swap back, you gotta drop low, swap, cast another spell, get Lich proc, swap back.

    Choosing between Warlock and Lich, Lich probably still is stronger, but I'd recommend neither for pve, go other sets and get recovery via other means - recovery glyphs, Witchmother's Brew, CP in Arcanist, light armor - all those can and should give you more than enough stable passive recovery that doesn't depend on procs and has no cooldown, while leaving you the opportunity to get more interesting buffs from actual sets.
    Funny, I'd say it makes it ideal as a backbar set.

    It's the perfect fire-and-forget. You swap, cast one skill, (which you're likely doing on occasion anyway) and resume as if nothing happened. If you never drop below 33%, the loss of the 5th pc bonus effectively doesn't matter, as you never needed it.

    It's one extra GCD. If one extra GCD is messing you up that much, people are probably gonna die anyway.

    It was perfect before. Lich mainly shines in PvP where regeneration begins to really matter, and yes, an extra second on backbar to fire an extra skill I don't really need/extra second before I can get my magicka can and will kill me there. I'm not saying it completely destroys the set, but it is a noticeable nerf to what used to indeed be "swap and forget".

    In pve, this is mostly a lot less significant but then I wouldn't recommend it for pve anyway, as I said.
  • EC_Rob
    I would say that its definitly lich if either of both, however I might add that there are sets that are better for healers. Or well, in my opinion that is. :smile:

    I currently use 5x spell power cure and 5x Mending or Worm (Depending on what the other healer might use in a trial)
    With that I use one monster set to boost stats as much as I can and actually get a little part of the undaunted buff. As I will use a heavy helm or shoulder from say valkyn skoria for some health or Ilambris for some extra mag.

    So far I haven't had resource issues with these sets as I have a decent amount of max magicka and magicka regen.

    Spell power cure gives you and 5 others (or at least so I'm led to believe) a nice 250 extra spell and weapon damage. This is a simple but pretty decent buff for yourself (as heal power scales of spell damage and max mag) and your dd's.

    As for Mending, it simply reduces damage done by enemies. Always nice if you ask me, a dead dd doesnt deal damage at all.

    And as for worm, it reduces the magicka used by yourself and 11 others by 4% wich is not too bad for resource management.

    As a 2nd set you can also use the architect set from Halls of Fabrication, this will buff you and 2 others with the major slayer buff (correct me if im wrong) Wich gives 12% extra damage done to mobs and bosses in trials and dungeons. This set is a bit anoying to get though.

    Hopefully it helps, :smile:

    Edited by EC_Rob on October 10, 2017 9:43AM
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  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Lich is better. Warlock is better if you use Mist due to 0 regen while in Mist...
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