Hi there, as some of you may know, before One Tamriel any overland zone had 3 different versions of the same map, one for each alliance. After One Tamriel came out however, it seems that there's still different versions of the same map. Although the criteria that determines in which version you are eludes me. Perhaps is rng?
Thing is, maybe instead of servers (Empty 7 days and Crowded 30 days) we could have the same for Cyrodiil, instanced versions of the map where you never know who are you going to fight and when. Although group play would have to be worked on in order to allow friends and guildies to play together in the same version of the map. (Of course CP and NO CP separated versions)
Any constructive criticism or problems that may have escaped me?
Thanks in advance
Edited by Alucu on October 4, 2017 7:46PM