If it's true that ZOS is using automated systems to handle bot detection and running a ban first ask questions later set up then they're going to kill their game before it really takes off.
I'm normally pretty sceptical about claims on forums but it's becoming more and more worrying with the number of threads like this turning up.
ZOS has already managed to develop a reputation for industry worst CS over the course of a couple weeks because you've been using poorly programmed bots (or offshored workers that have never played an MMO in their life) to do nearly all of your CS ticket answering. Having poorly programmed bots banning people on top of it really doesn't go far to make a positive impression.
No offense intended to the forum team, you folks are doing fine. It's the collective you (ZOS) that's mucking things up. This is a great game, and I'd hate to see it sunk by GM services that make late 90s SOE look good.
I send my husband like 10 messages in a row trading crafting materials back and forth - so it doesn't take up bank space and we have never had a problem.
Goldspammers don't send items, they just advertise.
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »Use Shissu's Guild Tools next time. I know you can't really change the auto-ban crap, but the addon has a feature that let's you send mail en masse.