enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
WaltherCarraway wrote: »enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
Not as skillful as of those banana nightblades spamming snipe and bow light attacks from stealth then go stealth again.
Nightblades and Gank wanabes in AD are my 2nd greatest AP source.
Learn stuff from Mizaru and Miat, both true skillful and never complain about zergs on forum
Buh bye.
enzoisadog wrote: »WaltherCarraway wrote: »enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
Not as skillful as of those banana nightblades spamming snipe and bow light attacks from stealth then go stealth again.
Nightblades and Gank wanabes in AD are my 2nd greatest AP source.
Learn stuff from Mizaru and Miat, both true skillful and never complain about zergs on forum
Buh bye.
but im not even complaining lol, just pointing some facts out.
AD in last place is a fantastic outcome, they should be zergged without mercy until the end of time.
Gratz on the win.
When Telel was a tiny cub who hadn't figure out the mystery of putting on his own pants he too took great pride in having thoughts about himself that were incredibly dumb.
Then he figured out what big boy pants are. Also steak. Khajiit gladly figured out that steak was much better than milk.
But according to Nords lots of people like milk, but not pants, so this one tries not to judge to harshly.
WuffyCerulei wrote: »At least DC ain't zerging literally everyone who isn't a blueberry this time around, allowing for both EP and AD to actually win this time.
lol heard all about your group in DC zone, hilarious
Did they praise humble khajiit's lustrously groomed white fur?
It's kept shiny thanks to the claws of khajiit, blood of elves, and the eyeballs of men. Also the occasional spleen of whomever annoyed Telel recently.
Or was it more like 'ZOMG 300 zerging zerger zergs at keep using OP ults! Send an entire population bar ASAP' ?
more like "its 4 DK's" ... "no its 4 werewolves" ... "guys, its CoH, they are ALL werewolves" ... "well they had a healer too"
AD in last place is a fantastic outcome, they should be zergged without mercy until the end of time.
Gratz on the win.
When Telel was a tiny cub who hadn't figure out the mystery of putting on his own pants he too took great pride in having thoughts about himself that were incredibly dumb.
Then he figured out what big boy pants are. Also steak. Khajiit gladly figured out that steak was much better than milk.
But according to Nords lots of people like milk, but not pants, so this one tries not to judge to harshly.
Another AD loss another commentary from the cat. On the coming campaign and every one after it let me give you a window into AD's future.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0jMCKForEQ
WaltherCarraway wrote: »enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
Not as skillful as of those banana nightblades spamming snipe and bow light attacks from stealth then go stealth again.
Nightblades and Gank wanabes in AD are my 2nd greatest AP source.
Learn stuff from Mizaru and Miat, both true skillful and never complain about zergs on forum
Buh bye.
Drummerx04 wrote: »WaltherCarraway wrote: »enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
Not as skillful as of those banana nightblades spamming snipe and bow light attacks from stealth then go stealth again.
Nightblades and Gank wanabes in AD are my 2nd greatest AP source.
Learn stuff from Mizaru and Miat, both true skillful and never complain about zergs on forum
Buh bye.
Skillful play. Okay, I guess that's why they were both running shieldbreaker and damage health glyphs and grouped with a DK, on a mission to kill me while whispering members of my 3 man group asking them to please stop helping me so they could kill me.
Makes sense.
And before you say something like, "but sorcs can stack defensive skills" ... I will restate double shieldbreaker - damage health and raise you two experienced infinidodge stamblades running eternal hunt, cloak, shades, vigor, rally, shuffle, fear, ballista/incap, Poison injection, surprise attack, and ambush. Find me a magsorc that can solo overcome that consistently while a DK is using talons, dots, whip and dragon leap, and I'll go ahead and admit I'm a bad sorc.
But yeah, you go ahead and idolize them for skillful play.
WaltherCarraway wrote: »Drummerx04 wrote: »WaltherCarraway wrote: »enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
Not as skillful as of those banana nightblades spamming snipe and bow light attacks from stealth then go stealth again.
Nightblades and Gank wanabes in AD are my 2nd greatest AP source.
Learn stuff from Mizaru and Miat, both true skillful and never complain about zergs on forum
Buh bye.
Skillful play. Okay, I guess that's why they were both running shieldbreaker and damage health glyphs and grouped with a DK, on a mission to kill me while whispering members of my 3 man group asking them to please stop helping me so they could kill me.
Makes sense.
And before you say something like, "but sorcs can stack defensive skills" ... I will restate double shieldbreaker - damage health and raise you two experienced infinidodge stamblades running eternal hunt, cloak, shades, vigor, rally, shuffle, fear, ballista/incap, Poison injection, surprise attack, and ambush. Find me a magsorc that can solo overcome that consistently while a DK is using talons, dots, whip and dragon leap, and I'll go ahead and admit I'm a bad sorc.
But yeah, you go ahead and idolize them for skillful play.
You will seriously need to relearn the class if you can't even beat stam/mag dragonknight in magsorc
Beef is real.
BTW, i pointed out those two cuz the person i responded to is in AD. That's all.
Drummerx04 wrote: »WaltherCarraway wrote: »Drummerx04 wrote: »WaltherCarraway wrote: »enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
Not as skillful as of those banana nightblades spamming snipe and bow light attacks from stealth then go stealth again.
Nightblades and Gank wanabes in AD are my 2nd greatest AP source.
Learn stuff from Mizaru and Miat, both true skillful and never complain about zergs on forum
Buh bye.
Skillful play. Okay, I guess that's why they were both running shieldbreaker and damage health glyphs and grouped with a DK, on a mission to kill me while whispering members of my 3 man group asking them to please stop helping me so they could kill me.
Makes sense.
And before you say something like, "but sorcs can stack defensive skills" ... I will restate double shieldbreaker - damage health and raise you two experienced infinidodge stamblades running eternal hunt, cloak, shades, vigor, rally, shuffle, fear, ballista/incap, Poison injection, surprise attack, and ambush. Find me a magsorc that can solo overcome that consistently while a DK is using talons, dots, whip and dragon leap, and I'll go ahead and admit I'm a bad sorc.
But yeah, you go ahead and idolize them for skillful play.
You will seriously need to relearn the class if you can't even beat stam/mag dragonknight in magsorc
Beef is real.
BTW, i pointed out those two cuz the person i responded to is in AD. That's all.
I kill Dks regularly in 1v1. If you reread, it's the 3v1 with double shieldbreaker AND the Dk lockdown, dots, and undodgeable burst damage delivered by 2 permadodge cloaking stamblades and a 30k HP permablock DK... that I stated as a challenge to other sorcs.
And yes, the beef is real. I quote, "You are on the top of my Kill on Sight list. You. Will. Die."
I'm going to leave it here, as this thread or forums isn't really the place for this. I just can't let such poor in game attitudes be admired without saying anything.
WaltherCarraway wrote: »Drummerx04 wrote: »WaltherCarraway wrote: »Drummerx04 wrote: »WaltherCarraway wrote: »enzoisadog wrote: »Vilestride wrote: »Yellow and Blue had almost all their zergs running the cheap meta of negate, destroy ult and permafrost while EP honourably defied this meta, purposely hindering themselves to maintain this honour, only running metas approved and defined by ESO’s famous faces.
35k health, destro ults, permafrost and negates. Thats s k i l l f u l pvp right there.
Not as skillful as of those banana nightblades spamming snipe and bow light attacks from stealth then go stealth again.
Nightblades and Gank wanabes in AD are my 2nd greatest AP source.
Learn stuff from Mizaru and Miat, both true skillful and never complain about zergs on forum
Buh bye.
Skillful play. Okay, I guess that's why they were both running shieldbreaker and damage health glyphs and grouped with a DK, on a mission to kill me while whispering members of my 3 man group asking them to please stop helping me so they could kill me.
Makes sense.
And before you say something like, "but sorcs can stack defensive skills" ... I will restate double shieldbreaker - damage health and raise you two experienced infinidodge stamblades running eternal hunt, cloak, shades, vigor, rally, shuffle, fear, ballista/incap, Poison injection, surprise attack, and ambush. Find me a magsorc that can solo overcome that consistently while a DK is using talons, dots, whip and dragon leap, and I'll go ahead and admit I'm a bad sorc.
But yeah, you go ahead and idolize them for skillful play.
You will seriously need to relearn the class if you can't even beat stam/mag dragonknight in magsorc
Beef is real.
BTW, i pointed out those two cuz the person i responded to is in AD. That's all.
I kill Dks regularly in 1v1. If you reread, it's the 3v1 with double shieldbreaker AND the Dk lockdown, dots, and undodgeable burst damage delivered by 2 permadodge cloaking stamblades and a 30k HP permablock DK... that I stated as a challenge to other sorcs.
And yes, the beef is real. I quote, "You are on the top of my Kill on Sight list. You. Will. Die."
I'm going to leave it here, as this thread or forums isn't really the place for this. I just can't let such poor in game attitudes be admired without saying anything.
As soon as I read permablock i'm outta here too. You people post some last era stuff to defame a tank class even further. LOL
Go duel em if you feel they have such poor in game attitudes.
Ooooh, I'm soooo afraid of a deathwish from a mag sorc.. hahhahahahhh