Moment of Reckoning is recruiting players for our trials teams.We are looking for players to fill out trial teams. Our main team run on Saturday 8pm - 10pm CST.
we are looking for players with a CP160, any class, any alliance.We are willing to help you get to where you need to be.
We have successfully cleared out nAA, nSO, nHR. We are looking to advance further into veteran trials and end game content. We use Discord for guild chat and Guilded to schedule events. Both are required. You must have a headset. You do not need to speak but you do need to hear.
Our guild is a community of different types of friendly and mature players age 20+. We have dungeon teams to help those who are interested in trials but not geared yet. If you are interested please post your GT or message me on xbox live. My GT Amarothria