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Why can't I do "The Veil Falls" on my own?

This one bloody quest I just cannot do. I've been trying off and on since March, and I can't do it. I've leveled up, I've got better gear now, better weapons, more skills, enchantments, matching sets, so much purple it makes my eyes bleed, and I still cannot finish this quest! I've watched videos, read web pages, googled the *** out of it. Everybody's answer: "join a guild", or "it was easy for me and my friends". I sent in a ticket to support and they said

Quests are able to be done at any level once you've unlocked the quests and the enemies will scale to your level. Solo instances now scale to your level so that they remain a challenge and can be done at any time.

Just what is "any time"? Why is this quest so bloody hard to do solo? 3 bosses, who all attack at the same time. This isn't a challenge, this is punishment for solo players. If I focus on one, the other two nail me. I focus on the magic user, and the tank slaughters me. I don't even know what the third guy runs, because I keep dying. I've used poison attacks, stealth, area attacks, hinderance, staffs, bows, barrage, and everything else I can think of. I've re-spected this character so many times, I don't even know who they are anymore. I'm not a newbie at this. This is my main character, level 50 DK with 250 CP. I've tried stamina, I've tried magika, I even tried full health once. I've finished the Main Quest. I finished the first Alliance quest. I know what I am doing.

I make changes to the character, gear and weapons, then go on a bunch of quests to make certain I am used to it, have a good feel for it, then try "The Veil Falls", and after dying a dozen times, and watching the bosses regenerate I rage-quit.

I don't care about the reward. I just want to complete the quest, so I can move on.
  • Taleof2Cities
    UESP says "While Ohmonir and Varustante and relatively easy, Nenaronald will prove difficult to defeat compared to the others."

    So maybe try focusing on the first two when starting the fight ...
  • DocFrost72
    You need a balanced build.

    You're a stam DK, yeah? Do you have vigor? Rally? Bloodthirst or rend? The medium armor active skill? Have you tried running sets that improve survivability like death's wind? How much health do you have? Reflective scales for the mage? Starting with burst from an ultimate to knock one or two out?

    If you're PC NA, I can physically help you in person, if you like. Either doing the quest with you or seeing the build in action to help you kick some elven racist heiny.
  • Autumnhart
    I remember that fight. This is what worked for me:

    First, drop the caster. She can be one-shot if you hit her before she notices you. But even if it takes a minute, she has to go.
    CC the big guy, lay down an AOE and kill the other guy. He's the weakest.
    The big guy will charge you and wind up a big attack. Throw down an AOE and wait for him. Block it, and you can start the fight with him stunned and standing in red.

    An immovable pot with mag/health or stam/health might also be useful when you get to step three.

    Also recommend /dance after defeating anything that's been this frustrating.

    Shadow hide you.
  • Dubhliam
    DK has some powerful tools. Use them.

    Fossilize will CC one of the three for 14 seconds unless they are all immune to CC, which I don't think they are.

    A magicka DK has some really powerful heals.
    Burning Embers will heal you for the damage done when it expires. This is also the case when re-applying the skill, making it a powerful heal on command as well as a great damage over time skill.
    Inhale (any morph) is a great AoE heal and damage skill, with the Deep Breath morph offering an interrupt component, the only AoE interrupt in the game.
    Dragon Blood - self explanatory.
    Magma Armor - apart from healing you as any other DK ultimate upon activation will give you a nice start with reduced damage received.
    Standard of Might - also reduces the damage received while also buffing your damage output.

    While you may have beaten all other quests in the game, if you are having issues with this I can only guess your character is nowhere near optimised.
    There are a few things to note, that most new players don't know or forget:
    You need to pick a style: magicka or stamina character. Hybrids don't work. You could only make a viable hybrid build if you have a profound knowledge of ESO combat, which new players never do.

    Once you pick magicka or stamina, make sure all your damage skills use your respective resource.
    If you stack max magicka and spell power, your two handed skill Wrecking Blow will hit like a wet noodle.
    Skills that cost magicka deal more damage the more max magicka and spell damage you have. If you are a magicka char, use stamina to block, dodge and break free. Don't use stamina to cast damaging abilities. If you are a stamina character, use only stamina damaging skills, and use magicka to cast buffs on you, and debuffs on the enemy.

    More max magicka = more damage. If you spend attributes, or put health glyphs instead of magicka, you gain survivability, but lose damage. Same is true for max stamina for physical characters.
    Jewelry enchantments... they are truly powerful. Three Spell Damage glyphs will give you more damage than some 5 piece set bonuses.

    Buffs. Remember to always have Major Sorcery and Major Prophecy either from potions or skills. The ingredients for such a potion are Lady Smock, Corn Flower and Water Hyacinth.
    The stamina equivalent is Dragonthorn, Blessed Thistle and Water Hyacinth.

    And I will once again give you the same advice that other people gave you: join a guild. if you already haven't.
    It is much easier asking for advice in the game and getting real time answers than posting on forum.
    Not only that, but you can actually get some help from your guildies if needed.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • auronessb16_ESO
    I appreciate you well laid out suggestions. It is helpful. My major grief with this quest is the forced reliance on groups. If I don't go with a group, I must be ultra-optimized. I appreciate that is is a final boss in this series of quests, but I still maintain that it is too difficult. This is in Auridon, not Craglorn.

    Fortunately, I do run several characters at the same time. This particular character is also my material gatherer and map finder, so there is plenty for her to do.

    As for guilds, there are reasons I won't join one. There is a lot of content in this game for the solo player, so I'll just move on to the next thing, and someday I'll come back to this one.
  • Dubhliam
    You don't have to be ultra optimised. Not even close.

    Just pick a playstyle : magic or physical and go with it. Stack as much relevant stats, and use only damaging skills of that resource.

    Ultra optimised builds can solo some of the most challenging group (4man) content.
    You don'thave to be nowhere near that.

    Learn and stick to the basics. Have fun.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Dubhliam
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