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Guild Store selling etiquette?

I've recently joined a trading guild with a guild store vendor and I am wondering the general etiquette on selling items that other people have listed.

For instance, say a couple people have a motif for 5,000 gold listed, is it considered bad form if I list the same motif but for 4,900 gold? I'm just going to assume yes and should work with the other sellers and list mine for 5,000 as well but I do see "price wars" within vendors all the time so I am wondering what others think on this?

Best Answers

  • dpencil1
    Ask your guild leader. This is not something universally agreed upon.
    Answer ✓
  • Ulo
    I've never been in a trading guild that has been that strict on rules. Most of the times it just comes down to staying active and selling above a certain amount each week which i don't see as a problem. Yes i could be considering to be in poor taste to undercut other players but ive never seen anyone complain about it and part of trade guilds is about being competative with other players anyway so find your own happy medium between selling enough items and still making a good profit.
    Answer ✓
  • strikeback1247
    I don't think anyone cares what amount you list your items for. Most guilds just care that you keep listing items.
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
    Answer ✓
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    For such low price items it usually doesn't matter. For rare, higher price items (e.g. in the days when golden jewelery from vtrials / weekly leaderboards was BoE), there sometimes are agreements. But if you try to undercut people by too much (more than the listing fee) they might just buy your item, resell it at a higher price and get the money you could have gotten for yourself.
    Answer ✓
  • Malic
    I was in a trade guild, not to long ago that monitored pricing and would not penalize you for posting anything above the pricing the "commission" determined. Of course they never posted those prices, they claimed they used MM and the other one (I always forget its name). Anyway it didnt last long it was a neat idea, the premise being they wanted members to have average or lower pricing on all items.

    Selling rules should be clearly stated on the in game guild page, if not ask. However, and this is a concept that might get shouted down but I follow it IRL as well. Buy items at the lowest price you can, sell them at the highest price you can to make a profit. Never worry about what other people, not buying your goods say about your prices. If something doesnt sell you either priced it too high or demand has decreased.

    Always sell high, this helps keep prices high. This is a video game, soak them for all the fantasy money you can.
    Answer ✓
  • Ackwalan
    Just don't be that 1G guy. If something is selling for 5K, don't list it for 4999.
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  • Remag_Div
    Thanks for some input everyone.

    I will also ask the leader and see what he has to say, too.
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  • Merlin13KAGL
    If you price to sell:
    • this generally won't be any issue, as both of your items (yours and theirs) will be gone in short order.
    If you price to gouge:
    • you'd better have a good feel for the market
    • You're counting on holding out to get the absurd gold amount you posted for
    • You're probably well aware that prices can swing drastically in the 30 days your item lingers
    • Other guilds can price higher or lower than you on the same item, having the same effect. This is effectively no different, especially with TTC in play.

    As with real selling, there are a number of factors in play. I know of no one that gets it right 100% of the time and has never had an item expire or had to reprice based on market changes.

    You price things, presumably, based on the minimum gold amount you're willing to receive for the item. Any amount less than that is less than you were initially willing to receive anyway, or you would have priced it there the first time.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
    Answer ✓
  • idk
    Remag_Div wrote: »
    I've recently joined a trading guild with a guild store vendor and I am wondering the general etiquette on selling items that other people have listed.

    For instance, say a couple people have a motif for 5,000 gold listed, is it considered bad form if I list the same motif but for 4,900 gold? I'm just going to assume yes and should work with the other sellers and list mine for 5,000 as well but I do see "price wars" within vendors all the time so I am wondering what others think on this?

    What you are asking is what is essentially normal trading. Often someone lists something for just under what someone else has already listed it for. Pretty much for anything in any game. Some slightly undercut while others go just a bit higher hoping to be the sale right after that.

    Guild leaders cannot really for players to price things. They do not hold much control over matters like that and would be pretty petty if they did try since most members would likely find another guild.
    Answer ✓
  • disintegr8
    I left a guild once when they posted a notice asking people to not undercut fellow guild members. My goal is not to get the highest price I can, but to keep sales moving without ripping people off or being ripped off.

    For starters, I don't just rely on the prices in my guild to guide me; I check other vendors and my other guilds prices to come up with what is a 'reasonable' price that will keep stock moving rather than have it sell in 3 weeks. I am not going to price an item higher than the general marketplace just to keep the guild happy.

    I usually avoid the problem on consumables by selling in bulk. If an item is generally selling for 5k and you list 4 for 18 or 19k, instead of 20k, or for an 8k item I might sell 4 together for 30k instead of 32k. In real life I expect to see the price per item drop the more I but of something, so that is the way I trade.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
    Answer ✓
  • Narvuntien
    If anything my guild encourages it. All that matters is the sales.
    Typically for mats people just buy the cheapest then the next cheapest then the next cheapest and so on. Eventually you make a sale on them.

    The only thing that bugs the hell out of my is glass motifs being sold for less than 10K, I literially can't make any gold on the things if I sell them less than 10K. So right now I just have a listings filled with glass motifs I refuse to price lower.
    Edited by Narvuntien on August 7, 2017 5:13AM
    Answer ✓
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Narvuntien wrote: »
    If anything my guild encourages it. All that matters is the sales.
    Typically for mats people just buy the cheapest then the next cheapest then the next cheapest and so on. Eventually you make a sale on them.

    The only thing that bugs the hell out of my is glass motifs being sold for less than 10K, I literially can't make any gold on the things if I sell them less than 10K. So right now I just have a listings filled with glass motifs I refuse to price lower.

    My guilds encourage selling too - I don't check what other people are selling items for, I sell at the best price for me (high price because it's worth it, low price because I want to shift volume).

    With regards to glass...

    This boils my blood. A few months ago ZoS decided to have an event where motifs dropped like confetti, forcing the price down.

    Then they start selling glass motifs in the crown store...

    And the combined effect is that glass motifs now sell for less than 5K. ZoS has actively killed the economy.

    Yet they still give out glass motif fragments as "rewards" for doing writs - rewarding me with the chance to grind for fragments and spend 10K to get something that is now worth less than 5K.

    I give fragments away for free, and guess what... nobody wants them, because if I give you 10 fragments you still have to pay 10K and even then might not get the motif you want.

    ZoS have made them less than worthless :(
    Answer ✓
  • LadyDestiny
    It can be difficult sometimes. You can't make everyone happy in this business. You go along with a trend say selling psyjic recipe pages for 20k. Everyone was selling them for 20k. Then you get this person in your guild that decides out of the clear he is going to sell his pages for 12k apiece. That is just bad for business all the way around. He is hurting everyone including himself. I would have preferred he sell at like 19k so as not to damage the market too much on that item or just buy his pages and relist them. Their loss. Now you get the person in your guild that decides he wants to sell his cp 160 recipe for 250k. You have the exact same recipe and the going rate is around 100 to 120k on GT's. I would definitely undercut that guy and sell it for the going rate otherwise yours and his will sit forever. That person was being unrealistic in value. People like that are just ignorant. You just have to check prices constantly on things and do what feels cofortable to yourself. Sometimes it causes players to get salty, but just try to be fair with buyers and yourself. Oh and don't worry about the basket of bad apples along the way. :smile:
    Answer ✓
  • Nestor
    Remag_Div wrote: »
    For instance, say a couple people have a motif for 5,000 gold listed, is it considered bad form if I list the same motif but for 4,900 gold? I'm just going to assume yes and should work with the other sellers and list mine for 5,000 as well but I do see "price wars" within vendors all the time so I am wondering what others think on this?

    Here is how I view it. There are two ways to sell, Retail and Wholesale.

    Retail, I try to match the going price on commodities and set a price for not listed items at where I think it will sell for. Also, if someone else has the same item listed I want to sell, I sell the item in another guild store if I can. Or I list it next week.

    Wholesale, I price it at about 60% of the other items listed because my goal is move the item and get gold. Not maximize the transaction. I need something in 5 minutes, not 5 days, so gold now is better than gold next week. I don't care that someone will flip it for a higher price, my gold is in hand.

    Now, on items that are a declining slope for pricing, I go ahead and undercut the already listed prices. I do this based on what I see these items selling for on other traders. An example of this is furniture recipe pricing. I have followed the common ones down from 199 to 149 to 129 to 99 and now 89. If someone else is not following the decline, then so be it. I do try to not be the one tilting the slope though.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

    Answer ✓
  • randomkeyhits
    For the most part I never charge very much for items I put on the trader, just keeping a churn going so for that stuff I just have set prices by type and it usually goes within a day or two. I look at it as people paying me to clear my inven slots :)

    When I decide to sell something of higher value I do look at other traders and their prices but I also look at how long the item has been sitting there. If its been over five days then I'd consider the item to be a bit over priced and the longer its there the worse it gets and the more likely I'm to drop my own price when I post.

    But generally do whatever you are comfortable with. Your item, your price, your decision. No one elses.
    EU PS4
    Answer ✓
  • mrdiamond666
    Yes I'd like to know also as I'm starting to sell as well
  • LadyDestiny
    Narvuntien wrote: »
    If anything my guild encourages it. All that matters is the sales.
    Typically for mats people just buy the cheapest then the next cheapest then the next cheapest and so on. Eventually you make a sale on them.

    The only thing that bugs the hell out of my is glass motifs being sold for less than 10K, I literially can't make any gold on the things if I sell them less than 10K. So right now I just have a listings filled with glass motifs I refuse to price lower.

    Oh this for sure^^^^^ Can't even make your money back on the glass pages anymore. I quit making them and just storing the fragments to sell in a lump sum.
  • Reivax

    I give fragments away for free, and guess what... nobody wants them, because if I give you 10 fragments you still have to pay 10K and even then might not never, ever, ever get the motif you want.

    I fixed your post for you :)

  • ChronoChristophe
    Is it worth selling food items seeing as how provisioning is so easy to master?
  • Nestor
    Is it worth selling food items seeing as how provisioning is so easy to master?


    CP160 Purple and certain Blues are good to make and sell. Witchmothers Brew which scales is good to make and sell.

    However, your not going to get much over ingredient replacement costs, which is OK if your band of hirelings are showering you with Purple ingredients each day so they don't cost you anything. Mid Level Foods and Drinks will sell, eventually, if priced at ingredient cost.

    Now, a great way to convert "off" ingredients is to make the highest level Green Recipe you can with those ingredients and vendor the results. Warning, this can take a long time to make 200 stacks of several recipes. Before the crafting bag, I would just list the ingredients in the guild stores. Probably still can, as I imagine most people don't list ingredients anymore, due to the crafting bag.

    Edited by Nestor on August 8, 2017 4:54PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • ChronoChristophe
    Nestor wrote: »
    Is it worth selling food items seeing as how provisioning is so easy to master?


    CP160 Purple and certain Blues are good to make and sell. Witchmothers Brew which scales is good to make and sell.

    However, your not going to get much over ingredient replacement costs, which is OK if your band of hirelings are showering you with Purple ingredients each day so they don't cost you anything. Mid Level Foods and Drinks will sell, eventually, if priced at ingredient cost.

    Now, a great way to convert "off" ingredients is to make the highest level Green Recipe you can with those ingredients and vendor the results. Warning, this can take a long time to make 200 stacks of several recipes. Before the crafting bag, I would just list the ingredients in the guild stores. Probably still can, as I imagine most people don't list ingredients anymore, due to the crafting bag.

    Thanks for the feedback. As for cost of ingredients, I have my hirelings and I pick up everything else in game. I don't pass a crate, bag, or barrel without opening it. Usually in about three days, I have enough provisions just from questing that I can make a lot of stuff.
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