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Who is Cadwell really?

  • TescoBiscuits
    @SydneyGrey He is Imperial. Apparently, though would not be a surprise.
    Everything accomplished has been done on a integrated graphics card, thus far.
  • RavenSworn
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    My theory is that Cadwell is the being that small piece of Molag Bal's power has come to reside in, much like Haskill or Barbas. This would explain why he knows everything about every inch of Coldharbor, and why he can teleport around it at will.

    As said earlier though, Cadwell can't be Pelinal because Pelinal appears to the Divine Crusader/Champion of Cyrodiil 750 years after eso. At this time he is entirely sane, quite convinced that he is in possession of his soul, and speaking from Aetherius. It would have been interesting but, unfortunately, Cadwell is not Pelinal Whitestrike. (Not to mention that by the sound of it, Pelinal's head was ceremoniously severed from his body)

    Could it be, that... Caldwell is pelinal, before we know pelinal as pelinal? We did release him from coldharbor(this choice is available for him when you almost end the story). He might be imperial before he came to coldharbour but since we have freed him and he is free to wander Tamriel.. Then wouldn't that be a possibility of him being pelinal.

    So when he says all those pish posh... He actually was looking into the future, his future. Not his past.

    And as I wrote that I realise Its too far fetched. Not to say wrong timeline. Hah. Tok lazy to delete it all.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
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  • Enodoc
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    An interesting question is what RACE is Cadwell. All the British accents in the game belong to elves, but you can't tell if Sir Cadwell is supposed to be elven, or a human race. You can't see his ears under the pot-hat. What do other people think?
    He's been confirmed to be a Breton.
    @elias.stormneb18_ESO Source?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Enslaved
    Cadwell is Sheogorat.
  • LMar
    He's an Imperial from Chorrol per the Ask Us Anything thread.
    Cadwell, or as he prefers to be addressed, "Sir Cadwell" (though he is not, nor has he ever been, a knight) was once an Imperial citizen from the town of Chorrol in Cyrodiil. Like the player, he was executed by agents of Molag Bal and became a Soul Shriven slave in Coldharbour, but this happened untold ages ago. Exactly how this happened may never be known because Cadwell was cheerfully, endearingly mad long before his execution. He is almost certainly the oldest of the non-feral Soul Shriven, and he has attained almost legendary status among them. Over the years he's discovered all nooks, crannys, hidden paths, and secret ways through the access tunnels that honeycomb the cliffs of Molag Bal's realm. The Daedra gave up trying to keep him in chains long ago. His madness makes him essentially useless, his cheerful disposition makes him annoying, and his knowledge of Coldharbour makes him impossible to hold captive.

    Not sure how people keep missing this. It comes straight from the devs.

    An Imperial from Chorrol. A new character created for ESO
    "If a stick of fish is a fish stick, it will stick like other fish sticks stick"
    "Taller races now sit in chairs correctly"
  • elias.stormneb18_ESO
    Enodoc wrote: »
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    An interesting question is what RACE is Cadwell. All the British accents in the game belong to elves, but you can't tell if Sir Cadwell is supposed to be elven, or a human race. You can't see his ears under the pot-hat. What do other people think?
    He's been confirmed to be a Breton.
    @elias.stormneb18_ESO Source?

    Sorry, I was sure thad I read that he was a Breton in an official source; but a search turned up nothing. According to an AUA, he was an Imperial citizen from Chorrol; although it doesn't actually state his race. The name "Cadwell" fits the naming pattern of some Bretons, but that means little in itself, as it may not be his original name.
  • starkerealm
    Enodoc wrote: »
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    An interesting question is what RACE is Cadwell. All the British accents in the game belong to elves, but you can't tell if Sir Cadwell is supposed to be elven, or a human race. You can't see his ears under the pot-hat. What do other people think?
    He's been confirmed to be a Breton.
    @elias.stormneb18_ESO Source?

    Sorry, I was sure thad I read that he was a Breton in an official source; but a search turned up nothing. According to an AUA, he was an Imperial citizen from Chorrol; although it doesn't actually state his race. The name "Cadwell" fits the naming pattern of some Bretons, but that means little in itself, as it may not be his original name.

    Yeah, the nose always said Imperial to me.
  • Tucker3711
    I think he is a spawn of Sheogorath...

    He is crazy
    He is the most immune to coldharbor
    He seems to know a lot about daedra and molog bal...
    @Tucker311- PC
    Nord Beth Rose (EP)
    Imperial Freya Var (DC)
    High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
    Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
    Hotstuff Queen
    I bet that Bethesda based Sir Cadwell off of the Mad Hatter.
  • maboleth
    I'd like to buy some cheese. Certainly this is the cheese shop?
  • Iccotak
    Cadwell the Betrayer
  • woufff
    When you ask Cadwell about how he got into cold harbour, he says "It's the same old pish-posh. Gallant knight, epic quests rescued maidens. I came to this land when my head was quite unceremoniously separated from my body. Bad luck that, but you make the best of things.".

    Why do I feel the irresistible need to create a new char to hear this voice again? :D

    BTT: no idea B)
    PC/EU&NA - Redguard Nightblade - Grand Master Crafter - Explorer of Tamriel & Skyrim - Playing Starfield (and awaiting TES VI ^^)
  • SpaceElf
    One can be an Imperial citizen and be ethnically Breton, I would think. I had thought he was Breton, myself.
    Edited by SpaceElf on February 11, 2020 8:06PM
  • TelvanniWizard
    I bet that Bethesda based Sir Cadwell off of the Mad Hatter.

    More probably he is based on the Quixote.
  • Destyran
    It’s Caldwell the betrayer who betrayed the khajit after defeating the dragons
  • Vevvev
    Nice to see a thread made in 2017 finally getting an answer. Wonder if the OP knows now...
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • dazee
    Cadwell's identity is revealed somewhat in the Elsweyr storyline. He was involved there years ago, as some kind of villain.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • spartaxoxo
    The AUA and the Elsweyr quest don't match up that well at all. LOL Then again Sai Sahan is simply alive for no reason so just roll with it I guess.
  • storm105
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    The AUA and the Elsweyr quest don't match up that well at all. LOL Then again Sai Sahan is simply alive for no reason so just roll with it I guess.

    He's alive because Varen was such an obvious choice that Zos assumed most people picked him anyway. And Sai was to cool a character to leave out forever
  • Sjestenka
    So how did the Betrayer end up in Coldharbour, then? If it's been covered i totally missed it. Don't suppose khajiiti Moon-Singers sacrificed the man to Molag Bal?
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Sjestenka wrote: »
    So how did the Betrayer end up in Coldharbour, then? If it's been covered i totally missed it. Don't suppose khajiiti Moon-Singers sacrificed the man to Molag Bal?

    I haven't seen anything written down, but I assume it was because Cadwell the Dark Knight had already sold his soul to Molag Bal in exchange for immortality or some such thing. Similar to the deal Mistress Dratha makes with the Dremora Xykenaz.

    Maybe next time Cadwell shows up in some new content we'll find out.
    PC EU
  • Sjestenka
    Sjestenka wrote: »
    So how did the Betrayer end up in Coldharbour, then? If it's been covered i totally missed it. Don't suppose khajiiti Moon-Singers sacrificed the man to Molag Bal?

    I haven't seen anything written down, but I assume it was because Cadwell the Dark Knight had already sold his soul to Molag Bal in exchange for immortality or some such thing. Similar to the deal Mistress Dratha makes with the Dremora Xykenaz.

    Maybe next time Cadwell shows up in some new content we'll find out.

    ^Yeah, that's probably the case. Tamrielians with Napoleon complex seem to get all cozy with Molag Bal, Lord of Brutality and Domination. See also: Mannimarco, King of Worms
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