GrumpyDuckling wrote: »So tired of multiple magblades running immovable pots + lotus fan + destro ultimate.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »Why only aoe?
stealthyevil wrote: »
Then don't stand in a zerg and you won't get destro ult'd, unless someone has you on their KOS notebook.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »
Not sure how single targeted attacks, which lock onto enemy, would work hitting allies.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
If you want friendly fire why can't i just turn around and attack someone viciously at South High Rock with all attacks? Why only AOE?
Some of the more vocal zone chat folks would be always ganked. Poor Telel.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »
Stacking up destro ultimates and spamming gap closers works against small groups too, ya know.
Not sure how familiar you are with Cyrodiil, but my group (usually 3 of us, total) likes to spend most of our time around Cropsford, Bruma, and Vlastarus. They used to be fun for small scale PVP but ever since flags were put in, towns have become destination points for zergs hoping to gain a tactical respawn area.
So no, most of the time we aren't standing in allied zergs, instead the enemy zergs come to us. We can defend the town against the first wave, but once multiple destro ultimates start stacking on one another, it's game over.
stealthyevil wrote: »
I assure you that I am very familiar with Cyrodiil. Sounds like a l2p issue to me. If you know a zerg is going to show up somewhere, why go ?
I would accidentally wipe EP all the time with destros on keep flags.
Whats the point of this terrible plan?
Friendly fire is awesome for competitive play on private servers.
Friendly fire is usually insanely stupid on public servers.
ESO only has pubs.
The problems that would be created would be 1000x worse than any issues that exist with AEs at present.
Further, I don't think there's a problem with EOTS. Improve your mobility.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »
How does one counter the Nightblade combination of immovable + Lotus Fan + Destro Ultimate combination? No one goes into detail about how.
If it's one guy on you? If his eots is to be respected, he's probably squishy. If he's not squishy, you can probably heal through it. But away from that, sprint, mist, streak, defensive ult, etc..
If it's a group focusing you down with eots, how is that different than being focused down with any other ults?
If you're in a group being bombed by an eots group, spread out. They can't chase all of you and stick together.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »
Not sure how familiar you are with Cyrodiil, but my group (usually 3 of us, total)
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »How does one counter the Nightblade combination of immovable + Lotus Fan + Destro Ultimate combination? No one goes into detail about how.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Stacking up destro ultimates and spamming gap closers works against small groups too, ya know.
Not sure how familiar you are with Cyrodiil, but my group (usually 3 of us, total) likes to spend most of our time around Cropsford, Bruma, and Vlastarus. They used to be fun for small scale PVP but ever since flags were put in, towns have become destination points for zergs hoping to gain a tactical respawn area.
So no, most of the time we aren't standing in allied zergs, instead the enemy zergs come to us. We can defend the town against the first wave, but once multiple destro ultimates start stacking on one another, it's game over.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »
Here's the thing I don't get about comments like "Improve your mobility," or "L2P."
How does one counter the Nightblade combination of immovable + Lotus Fan + Destro Ultimate combination? No one goes into detail about how.
Some of the more vocal zone chat folks would be always ganked. Poor Telel.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »
Here's the thing I don't get about comments like "Improve your mobility," or "L2P."
How does one counter the Nightblade combination of immovable + Lotus Fan + Destro Ultimate combination? No one goes into detail about how.