With Vivec being pop locked during prime time and all the lag that goes with that. Plus the desire to have a small group campaign. I have this suggestion.
A cp enabled weekly campaign with some very specific rule sets.
1. NO emperor.
This would dissuade the emperor farming of large guild that plagued Haderus. As well as the imbalance that an emperor brings even if in a small group when fighting small groups.
2. The size of the “Large Group” would be reduced to 12.
This then brings it in line with the standard raid group size of the game. It also helps promote a small group set up.
3. A Lion’s Share of Alliance Points
This is to rewarded the group of players/solos who did the most damage+most healing+took most damage in a Player vrs Player aspect of as fight. This does not affect the ap rewards for taking a keep or resource. Everyone would get 6000 or 1500 respectively.
The change is for the bonus for players killed at a resources and keeps both offensive and defensive. It would also affect open world pvp.
Now this is a suggestion but brings back the spirit that Haderus once held I believe.
As for any comments about Battlegrounds doing this. Well we all know how well BGS are performing don't we. This set up is also not in competition with BGs those are very different in goals and rewards.
This is an idea that was tossed around in my small group pvp crew, and I am open to suggestions that would improve this goal.
If folks know how to link this to the Powers that Be to get there attention would do so I would appreciate it, as I do not know how to do that.
This of course will only have a Snowflakes chance in Hell of maybe happening if it gathers a LOT of support from the eso community. And a civil discussion on the Pro’s and possible Con’s is welcomed. It may also help with the lag on Vivec as us small timers would go back to the game they enjoyed playing before we all got mashed together in a campaign we didn't want.
Edited for clarity and grammar.
Edited by Llyw on July 5, 2017 8:02PM