For an invite or questions, contact either GT: PrydaTV live or GT: Livyy19 through Xbox Live or post your GT below.
Hi everyone,
Zombie Teddy Bears is an active PVE focused guild looking for more players to join our ranks. We mainly focus on running dungeons to farm gear, daily pledges, and with a goal to push the harder content such as vDSA and Veteran trials regularly. We are looking for active, experienced players for every role, and want to start having several groups available to run all the content. This guild values productivity, and we strive to complete content at an incredible pace.
We have multiple experienced members with vast knowledge of the game, some of which being previous top PC[NA] guild members, and we have no problem sharing and helping players to be able to push the top ranks by fine tuning their builds and gear. Everyone is extremely helpful and nice in this guild, and we intend to stay small so everyone can get to know each other. We also encourage people to join solely for personal gain to get the gear or run the content you need, but would love for more social members looking for an active guild to run the content frequently.
What we ask is that you:
-Have a good understanding of your build and the content mechanics
-Are driven to do PVE content frequently with skilled players
-Have a working mic and be social. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get to know people in the guild.
Edited by Livyy19 on January 10, 2017 6:07AM