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First time playing ESO Tameriel

Soul Shriven
I am level 24 Dragonknight working on a stam tank/DPS build. What is the fastest way to level up besides doing quest? Also should I start doing the writs? I haven't done them a lot but I plan on getting my crafting skills up. Because I like to craft all my own gear. I ve done this in past single player ES games. Also any tips on gaining more gold? So far I ve subscibe to ESO plus but I rather just by the ingame bag upgrades instead at some point.
  • Didz
    If you plan to do crafting at some point, I would recommend getting into the habit of doing the daily crafting writs. Not only does it boost your inspiration and provide free mats, it also provides extra gold and XP.

    I would also urge that you start doing trait research asap, as it takes a long time to work your way up to a 9 Trait Crafter, and until you do some of the sets your may want to craft will be locked to you.

    As far as ESO+ is concerned the main benefit it provides is the bottomless crafting bag, which is pretty indispensable once you've got used to having it.
    Edited by Didz on July 5, 2017 2:36PM
  • Tevalaur
    Regarding the gold issue, I share an excerpt from Sunshine Daydream's Guide to Starting Out in ESO:

    "When all your characters are low level, the best stream of income comes from stealing items and selling them to a fence. It also has a side benefit of raising Legerdemain skill level which influences the quality of items your character finds (source: One Tamriel Patch Notes). The only skill that it makes sense to invest in Legerdemain at this early time is the first point in "Trafficker" which unlocks at Legerdemain 3, nearly doubling how many items you can sell/launder per day will vastly help you progress the skill line faster and make more gold. I find this the most effective method:
    1. Find an area without many guards patrolling nearby and learn the route to the nearest Outlaw Refuge for when you need to flee there in a hurry.
    2. Empty your inventory as much as possible (bank and sell stuff). Also bank most of your gold.
    3. Choose 5-6 types of food/drink ingredients you use (these stack in inventory) and steal/launder only these ingredients with the main goal of progressing Legerdemain and side benefit of being able to make some food/drink; ignore other food/drink ingredients or your inventory will fill before you make any money.
    4. Enter stealth mode by pressing the [CTRL] key.
    5. Search all cabinets, dressers, desks, boxes, barrels, sacks, etc. Steal lockpicks and any and all "Treasure" items (these items sell to a fence for 40 gold, 100 gold, 250 gold, 1500 gold).
    6. You can pickpocket if you like, but you risk bounties and being caught quickly when you're unskilled; I recommend letting this wait until later.
    7. Use (learn) any stolen green/blue recipes & furniture plans you gathered and destroy items with a value of 0 gold. (later, when getting more green/blue items, you also should destroy items worth less than 100 gold).
    8. Head to a Fence in an Outlaw Refuge to launder stolen ingredients and sell Treasures.
    9. Launder any purple furniture plans and recipes then sell in zone chat or at your guild's trader.

    Eventually other wealth-building activities will provide greater returns, but when all the gear you pick up is designed for low levels, the above method which yields treasure items valued independently of your character level is recommended."

    The daily writs do help with rewarding intricate items (that deconstruct for extra inspiration bonus) and some inspiration for completing the task as well as a chance at other valuable rewards. However generally the most crafting inspiration (way to level crafting) comes from deconstruction (far more than creation) but the most important tidbit is that researching traits is a very lengthy process that you'll not want to wait to start!

    You may want to read some other sections of that webpage guide as well :)
    Is Uncle John's band calling you? Do you daydream about Sugar Magnolias? Is your favorite sunflower a China Cat? Tired of Truckin' alone to Terrapin Station? If so, share some Space with other hippies & deadheads in the guild Sunshine Daydream! Send a message in game (PC-NA) to Kaibeth for your invitation.
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