Ping is now a flat value of 999. If you had ping > 999, it's a buff. If your ping was < 999, it's a nerf.
Brazilionaire wrote: »This was changed when Morrowind dropped. You probably missed it in the patch notes:Ping is now a flat value of 999. If you had ping > 999, it's a buff. If your ping was < 999, it's a nerf.
Brazilionaire wrote: »This was changed when Morrowind dropped. You probably missed it in the patch notes:Ping is now a flat value of 999. If you had ping > 999, it's a buff. If your ping was < 999, it's a nerf.
Brazilionaire wrote: »This was changed when Morrowind dropped. You probably missed it in the patch notes:Ping is now a flat value of 999. If you had ping > 999, it's a buff. If your ping was < 999, it's a nerf.
Curragraigue wrote: »Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight
Brazilionaire wrote: »This was changed when Morrowind dropped. You probably missed it in the patch notes:Ping is now a flat value of 999. If you had ping > 999, it's a buff. If your ping was < 999, it's a nerf.
Sandman929 wrote: »I don't get many hate whispers, because I'm lovable and I don't really get into roleplaying a ***, but when I do I just tell them that their feedback is appreciated and that I'll look into whatever issue they've brought to my attention.
I don't, of course, but I learned from ZOS that it's important to make players feel listened to.
Drummerx04 wrote: »Brazilionaire wrote: »This was changed when Morrowind dropped. You probably missed it in the patch notes:Ping is now a flat value of 999. If you had ping > 999, it's a buff. If your ping was < 999, it's a nerf.
This is possibly the most savage ZOS employee burn I have caught since... uh. Yesterday I guess.Sandman929 wrote: »I don't get many hate whispers, because I'm lovable and I don't really get into roleplaying a ***, but when I do I just tell them that their feedback is appreciated and that I'll look into whatever issue they've brought to my attention.
I don't, of course, but I learned from ZOS that it's important to make players feel listened to.
Might actually be funnier.