Recently I got bored by questing (got to 220cp by questing only, missing 2 zones for Cadwell's Gold, so yeah, it WAS slow), so I went to Craglorn/Spellscar to grind a little. Imagine my surprise, when I've seen this:
At first it starts with some lightning lines (that are usually on the ground) going crazy and shooting all over the screen, then randomly some texture/geometry artifacts pop in. Then, after 15 minutes or so, it starts to do the above.
I would normally call it hardware failure, looks kinda like a way too much overclocked gpu ^^, but it happens ONLY in ESO and ONLY in this area. Even other areas of Spellscar are fine (over one hour in fire area and nothing). The problem only occurs when I get too close to the thunder area (enough to see the sky color changing - then the issues start to occur.
Is any one else getting any issues there? I've seen one or two reports of similar issues on the net, but these people might also have faulty hardware.
Found a dozen of other people that are getting all kind of glitches there since Morrowind. Rarely that drastic, but they might've not been there long enough.
Edited by tommalmm on June 16, 2017 1:35PM