Screwed Yet Again

So I tried to stay up late last night (6/5/17) so I could play a little bit of the Morrowind DLC. I just couldn't keep my eyes open so I set my clock for 2 hours early so I could play before going to work. I get up and sign on to Xbox One. I find that I still have to download the add-on. That ends up taking more than an hour. So it finally loads and I sign in to find that all of my Champion points have been erased. I spend the next 40 minutes trying to re-assign all of my points but run out of time and have to go to work. All day long I'm thinking about rushing home to play the game. So here I am. I got home more than an hour ago and I've been blocked from entering the game. "Sorry ... Please try again later." Why do I get the feeling that I've been crapped on. I spent all of that money and can't even play the game. I'm so gaw-dammed angry I can't see straight.

It's bad enough that my game locks up at least once a day and kicks me out but now I can't even play at all.

Signed ... Screwed.
  • eso_lags
  • austinwalter87ub17_ESO
    Microsoft and down time? I'm shocked.
    PC and PS4 (bring back character transfers please?)
    Templar Extraordinaire
  • Malic
    If you lowered your expectations you'd be happy as clam right now.

    Get a good nights sleep comeback tomorrow and you'll get in the game and find plenty of other things to get upset about. ZOS is pretty good at annoyances.
  • Ackwalan
    Gina did say that CP's were going to be reset, so that one is on you for not knowing. As for the rest, that is normal day one problems, but that is on ZOS.
  • FixedBlade123
    Okay. Thanks for the input. I finally got in and played for about 4 hours on Thursday, 6/7/17. I played for about 4 hours on Friday 6/8/17. I played for most of the day on Saturday 6/9/17. And I was finished with the entire DLC (Morrowind) on Sunday before noon. Awesome graphics and story line (as usual) but totally depressed that I was done with it in about 2 days. I'm already back to doing the dailies in Deshan, Wrothgar, the Gold Coast, etc. I wonder if Morrowind will have any dailies.

    Good news: I generally determine the quality of an Elder Scrolls DLC based on how many times I get kicked out of the game on a daily basis. Hew's Bane totally sucks because I get kicked off-line almost every time I go there (usually near the crafting tables). I am happy to report that I average about two "knock outs" per day when in Morrowind. That's an improvement. Still super frustrating but an improvement.

    Not sure why there are so many un-tagged locations in Morrowind. Hard to find and return to places already visited when they aren't marked on the map. I do like my new mounts (especially the Dwarven mechanical "spider"). Not a huge fan of the Morrowind "personality" I won but I do like the tattoos. I'm also going to try out the Warrior Poet armor as soon as I can upgrade to Legendary.
  • starkerealm
    I wonder if Morrowind will have any dailies.

    Clearly you didn't, "finish," Morrowind if you're asking that question. There's four dailies, by the way. Two in Vivec, two in Ald'Ruhn. The Vivec ones have six possible quests each, the Ald'Ruhn ones have seven each.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Don't feel too bad , I had to do a fresh install of my PC after losing a critical file . Lost all game data and will take a couple days to reinstall everything .
  • FixedBlade123
    Don't feel too bad , I had to do a fresh install of my PC after losing a critical file . Lost all game data and will take a couple days to reinstall everything .

    Yikes!! That'd drive me insane. Sorry to hear it!
  • Tandor
    If you are "finished with the entire DLC" (apart from the dailies), then how did you get on in the Trial and what did you make of the Battlegrounds? What about the warden? Did you get the Morrowind Master Angler achievement? Or were you only interested in the main quest and a few side quests in which case the time spent finishing with it doesn't seem unreasonable - for one character.
    Edited by Tandor on June 12, 2017 8:47PM
  • starkerealm
    Don't feel too bad , I had to do a fresh install of my PC after losing a critical file . Lost all game data and will take a couple days to reinstall everything .

    Ouch. I thought the file corruption I had was bad.
  • FixedBlade123

    Clearly you didn't, "finish," Morrowind if you're asking that question. There's four dailies, by the way. Two in Vivec, two in Ald'Ruhn. The Vivec ones have six possible quests each, the Ald'Ruhn ones have seven each.

    Well ... you never "finish" when there are dailies but I've combed the entire territory looking for any more "black arrows" and/or delves/bosses and have found nothing. Also, I had one quest that pointed me towards visiting all of the Ashlander camps to "help" them but only got two quests from a single camp. I got a small achievement for helping them but none of the other camps prompted me to help them. Perplexing!
  • FixedBlade123
    Tandor wrote: »
    If you are "finished with the entire DLC" (apart from the dailies), then how did you get on in the Trial and what did you make of the Battlegrounds? What about the warden? Did you get the Morrowind Master Angler achievement? Or were you only interested in the main quest and a few side quests in which case the time spent finishing with it doesn't seem unreasonable - for one character.

    Tried to get into the "battleground" but the door wouldn't open to me. Tried several times. Waited outside the trial for any other players to show but lost patience after about 40 minutes. Fishing sucks! I never catch anything but the usual, low-level fish. Done trying that no matter where I am.
  • PlagueSD
    4 days and you're done with Morrowind? I think not. Did you collect all the shadow stones, do all the dailies (2 rotate in Vivic City - 6 quests, 2 in Ald'Ruhn - 8 quests)? Grab all the rubbings from the stones scattered around the isle and complete the display in Vivec Library? Leveled a warden to cp160?

    If you answer "No" to any of the above, you are NOT done with Morrowind.
  • starkerealm

    Well ... you never "finish" when there are dailies but I've combed the entire territory looking for any more "black arrows" and/or delves/bosses and have found nothing. Also, I had one quest that pointed me towards visiting all of the Ashlander camps to "help" them but only got two quests from a single camp. I got a small achievement for helping them but none of the other camps prompted me to help them. Perplexing!

    Well, here's the quick question. Did you earn all of the achievement related quests? That's the bulk of the content. After that, there's mop up.

    The Vivec dailies require you to look for a black marker on the Temple Canton before they'll start. It's a bulletin board right outside the Archcanon's office.

    The Ald'Ruhn quests are unlocked by traveling to an Ashlander camp south west of Balmora. That will send you back to Ald'Ruhn, where you have access to the dailies.

    Beyond that, there are a few quests scattered around the island that aren't easily found. Including a naked Nord who was paralyzed by a witch. I found this after finishing Librarian, so, clearly, there's more stuff squirreled away, than anyone realized.
  • starkerealm
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    4 days and you're done with Morrowind? I think not. Did you collect all the shadow stones, do all the dailies (2 rotate in Vivic City - 6 quests, 2 in Ald'Ruhn - 8 quests)? Grab all the rubbings from the stones scattered around the isle and complete the display in Vivec Library? Leveled a warden to cp160?

    If you answer "No" to any of the above, you are NOT done with Morrowind.

    I mean, I'm done (on my Warden), but it took a bit longer than 10 hours. The only thing I haven't finished are the Ald'Ruhn quests. And... obviously, quests I never found.
  • FixedBlade123

    Well, here's the quick question. Did you earn all of the achievement related quests? That's the bulk of the content. After that, there's mop up.

    The Vivec dailies require you to look for a black marker on the Temple Canton before they'll start. It's a bulletin board right outside the Archcanon's office.

    The Ald'Ruhn quests are unlocked by traveling to an Ashlander camp south west of Balmora. That will send you back to Ald'Ruhn, where you have access to the dailies.

    Beyond that, there are a few quests scattered around the island that aren't easily found. Including a naked Nord who was paralyzed by a witch. I found this after finishing Librarian, so, clearly, there's more stuff squirreled away, than anyone realized.

    I took care of the "naked Nord." Thanks for the other information. Since today is Monday and I finished all the normal quests yesterday I'll return to Morrowind after I get home from work and follow your instructions. Thanks.
  • starkerealm

    I took care of the "naked Nord." Thanks for the other information. Since today is Monday and I finished all the normal quests yesterday I'll return to Morrowind after I get home from work and follow your instructions. Thanks.

    Remember, if a quest's arrow is blue before you pick it up, that's a daily. It's possible you unlocked them, and simply didn't realize it.
  • FixedBlade123
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    4 days and you're done with Morrowind? I think not. Did you collect all the shadow stones, do all the dailies (2 rotate in Vivic City - 6 quests, 2 in Ald'Ruhn - 8 quests)? Grab all the rubbings from the stones scattered around the isle and complete the display in Vivec Library? Leveled a warden to cp160?

    If you answer "No" to any of the above, you are NOT done with Morrowind.

    I'm done with the shadow stones and the main, Vivec quest. I've done all the delves and bosses. I've traveled around the entire outskirt of the island and also the base of the volcano. I've crisscrossed across the entire landscape and found zero black arrows. The only things I haven't done (outside of fishing, the trial, and the PvP stuff) is the "rubbings" that are found at ancestor tombs. I took all the "rubbings" I could find but don't know what to do with them.
  • FixedBlade123
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    4 days and you're done with Morrowind? I think not. Did you collect all the shadow stones, do all the dailies (2 rotate in Vivic City - 6 quests, 2 in Ald'Ruhn - 8 quests)? Grab all the rubbings from the stones scattered around the isle and complete the display in Vivec Library? Leveled a warden to cp160?

    If you answer "No" to any of the above, you are NOT done with Morrowind.

    Oh ... I already have a character so don't intend on starting a new on. So the warden thing is out.
  • SirDopey

    I took care of the "naked Nord." Thanks for the other information. Since today is Monday and I finished all the normal quests yesterday I'll return to Morrowind after I get home from work and follow your instructions. Thanks.

    Hahah the Naked Nord!!! That was definitely the funniest quest....
    NA PC | AD
    xx Doc Holliday xx
  • starkerealm

    I'm done with the shadow stones and the main, Vivec quest. I've done all the delves and bosses. I've traveled around the entire outskirt of the island and also the base of the volcano. I've crisscrossed across the entire landscape and found zero black arrows. The only things I haven't done (outside of fishing, the trial, and the PvP stuff) is the "rubbings" that are found at ancestor tombs. I took all the "rubbings" I could find but don't know what to do with them.

    It's a quest pickup under the Archcanon's office. Once you've done that you can turn in your rubbings. There's 30 total.
  • FixedBlade123

    Remember, if a quest's arrow is blue before you pick it up, that's a daily. It's possible you unlocked them, and simply didn't realize it.

    I've done only two blue arrow quests that were given to me by an Ashlander camp. From what I hear, there will be more when I return to the game after work.
  • PlagueSD
    I took all the "rubbings" I could find but don't know what to do with them.

    Go to the Vivec Library (downstairs by the southern portal in Vivec City). and talk to the NPC on the top floor.
  • FixedBlade123

    It's a quest pickup under the Archcanon's office. Once you've done that you can turn in your rubbings. There's 30 total.

    Thanks. That's good information. I'll have to see how many I have when I get home. Not sure where to find that information but I'll figure it out.
  • FixedBlade123
    SirDopey wrote: »

    Hahah the Naked Nord!!! That was definitely the funniest quest....

    That it was!

    Overall, I'm a huge fan of Elder Scrolls online and have probably been playing for way too long. I took a break to play Skyrim again and the newest Dishonored but outside of that I've probably been playing pretty non-stop since it first hit the market.
  • starkerealm

    Thanks. That's good information. I'll have to see how many I have when I get home. Not sure where to find that information but I'll figure it out.

    Well, there's going to be a map, telling you which parts of the island to scour... or more accurately, showing you which parts of the island you don't have to scour.
  • Megabear
    Whenever there's a middle person, there are always that much more problems.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
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